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Everything posted by nut

  1. hmm this looks interesting.. I will probably end up seeing this.
  2. that's why we get a good duo or trio going ... or FGroup and be the "buttheads" that cause all the mayhem... or we can duo and pick off that annoying group.
  3. Wow! didn't think anyone would read this... yeah... I am going to start really low... work my strength back little by little... and get the tone going. My goal is I am going to do work out plans for every two weeks... and this thread will be how I help myself (and others) obtain goals. If you guys are interested in doing the same i highly encourage it! =) AND... some people think that if they are big in size they shouldnt or have no reason to be working out. Weight lifting can change you! you will loose weight... you will gain muscle.. you will feel sooooo much better. My immediate goal is actually to loose a good 10lbs.
  4. nut

    Winter sucks

    Supposedly where I'm at (Portland, Oregon) there is the biggest arctic storm in the past 30+ years. Wensday it is supposed to snow in some places 2FT.... the interstate is supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow. The roads are so icy i haven't been out of my house in 4 days... my brother and me went around drifting for fun in his car but other then that NADDA. I realize how big of an inconvenience this can be now... It's winter break i want to see my friends and I'm trapped at home. I can't take my car out unless i really feel the need to get stuck... and the thing about this... is because it's so cold the snow is staying on the ground but most actually ends up turning to ice... but this Wensday when it snows like crazy it will be down back in the teens temperature wise then next 3 to 4 days after this! C R A Z Y ! ! ! ! ! !
  5. Never played it. Played a shard for Daoc... was a whole lot of fun... tons of PVP. I'm down.. always love a good MMO.
  6. nut

    Winter sucks

    you guys have some pretty harsh conditions. Yesterday I-5 shut down.. and pretty much nobody could go anywhere.
  7. psh i only stick with uppers that gets my game going
  8. actually to my surprise i installed a different video driver and it fixed the problem... i play CS with no REboots... and everything runs fine now.. =x. My computer is acting so weird lately. but i have decided to upgrade it with the ghetto parts... other then the single 512 chip and two 256 sticks of ram... i am going to get 2 1 gig sticks for 22 bucks. a new power supply and case. This has truly inspired me!
  9. actually i have the same problem... i play for 1 round... then my comp reboots... ima try reinstalling CS
  10. nut

    Winter sucks

    Woke up this morning to my Dad saying that it started snowing an hour before... this is 4 hours later and wow.. the snow has really came down. my back yard.. sea level 4 hrs. The crazy thing is when we have snow here it never sticks or we never have that much... its sticking and theres a pretty good amount. Also tonight is supposed to snow... tuesday is supposed to snow... and the temps could be getting down to the single degrees! wow Supposed to be worse then the 2004 storm... that we had here..
  11. haha good find! will try next time!
  12. I feel it's lost it's charm. ditto. haha
  13. nut


    lol gotta love it
  14. nut

    Winter sucks

    Yeah supposed to get down to 19 degrees a couple nights this weekend. gotta break out the anti freeze
  15. dear lord it is a woot off.. my bad. Just saw the good deal and got excited
  16. Woot.com has some: SteelSeries Professional 4H Gaming Headset Woot.com they look ok... hey a side pair of headphones... 17.99!
  17. lol thats wierd! I have heard from relatives that people in down town New York are so mean though... she said hi good morning! as she was walking out the first morning there and the guy said F*** off. cmon...
  18. I defenantly like those better then Metallica i went the same route. Nirvana, Pearl jam, Soundgarden etc. Really... it dosent sound good at all.
  19. This is one dope beat... I love techno and shtuff of this nature. I got many a gig invested in that genre. niceeee
  20. I don't like Metallica any more... St.Anger killed the experience... and this just putting the last nails in the much over due coffin.
  21. nut

    Four Years

    I remember MCC.. i put my clan in the tournament... but i remember my dad got mad because my grades where bad and i didn't get internet... so i missed a lot of stuff. I remember i was in CSLS, and created BK| and a whole mess load of others when i was really into CS. Fun times... It makes me laugh to know I joined this when I was 12 years old... that's just weird.
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