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Everything posted by dwEEziL

  1. Cool, initially I thought you were able to just "upgrade" to 64bit from 32bit. My initial reaction to that was "Wait? You can do that?". My second reaction was "Wait? Why would you even want to do that?" If an upgrade from XP to Vista is crappy (trust me, that's what I did on this computer to "save time") then I can only imagine the problems you'll get from a 32- to 64-bit upgrade.
  2. anonymo, you did an upgrade to 64bit or a reformat and install to 64bit?
  3. MrDuke, have you set up remote access to your home computer (via RDP, RAdmin, VNC, etc)? If so, you can just remote into it and browse from there.
  4. Nah, at my work, we have an open network.
  5. Lol, no, this thread is composed of OT comments made in a thread in the Political Asylum.
  6. dwEEziL


    Learning your first oo language is the tough part. After that, it's all syntax.
  7. I think he's referring to how many fingers she has on her right hand.
  8. anytime you see a link like that with the word woot in it, it's usually from woot.com and is only good for that day.
  9. So know you have a feeling of what it's like to have a satellite dish in a rainstorm.
  10. well, in the XP Display Properties, the highest I can go is 1920x1080. I'll double check the nVidia Control Panel. Are you running yours at 60Hz refresh rate too? I'd prefer 70Hz but, for this price, I can't be to whiny
  11. Hehe. Well the medicine is Allopurinol cuz for some stinkin' reason I've developed gout and the poker chips are there for me to practice chip tricks while watching movies/shows on the computer. See...simple explanation.
  12. Well, I received my monitor yesterday and I see a refund from PayPal for $50 listed in my PayPal account so...WOOT!! Also, although it didn't say it in the specs on NewEgg, it has a sticker on it that says "Full HD | 1080P" and the nVidia control panel has an HD settings section. WOOTx2!! One problem I have is that, even though the nVidia Control Panel recognized the monitor model automatically, the regular XP Display Properties only sees it as a Plug And Play Monitor. I wonder if/when I install Vista if the driver from Hanns-G site will give me more settings options in the XP Display Properties. Picture of my current desk setup:
  13. Wait! You mean Morris Day and the mutha ****ing Time are voting for twincy? Also, is R.T. Rybak any relations to Casey Rybak (from Under Seige and Under Seige 2: Dark Territory)?
  14. I would think routing all outgoing traffic from all the IBM facilities around the world through NY would be inefficient. But hey, maybe that's what they do.
  15. Famous people Look-A-Likes
  16. Hehe, it needed to be done. I feel ashamed that I helped participate it (and basically, it was my fault it went from one off topic comment into an avalanche of spam).
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