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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Sky

    My Gaming Space

    Speaking of blankets... I kind of want to nail one into the wall right now... The sun is in my face! It looks like I may be moving my computer to the wall on my right, soon, though, so I can mount my 37" above the screens
  2. Sky

    My Gaming Space

    Blinds are just too expensive, and my girlfriend would frown on me painting the windows black
  3. I've been looking at getting day z, even though it's in alpha. Participating in alpha greatly assists the developers (and supports them.) However, I've been playing nether here and there, haven't tried rust, and for <insert deity here> sake, please don't talk about infestation (the war Z)
  4. Sky

    My Gaming Space

    I've been renovating my gaming area; painting, installing an ugly A/C unit, and installing a new light fixture in the room. There's still more work to do, such as getting a new chair (or using the one from IKEA and putting it on an elevated platform) but for now, I'm happy with the results and thought I'd share them with everyone!
  5. Generally, the plugin I wrote handles *most* situations well. Each map has a different length to it, so it takes some experimenting with the distance settings in each config file, so it's trial and error, but for the base maps, I've set base distances. The plugin supports translations, which means you can add support for as many languages as you feel like adding. When a player moves a certain distance ahead of the teams average (again, the average is weighted differently based on settings) it will notify them that they're rushing and that they will be punished (or teleported) if they don't return to their team. I've been thinking about adding an auditory notification to compliment the message that is displayed to the player. If you try it and anything doesn't seem to work, let me know and I'll patch it in. I do run a development server that is unlisted where players can try out development versions of mods and plugins that I write, as well. It's helpful with finding out what features people would like to see, and debugging. Also, these are the following messages that display based on criteria, currently. "Phrases" { "Lagging Behind" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "{1}Please {2}stay within an acceptable range {3}of your team." } "Rushing Warning" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1}Please {2}return to your team" } "Rushing Notice" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s},{5:s},{6:i},{7:i}" "en" "{1}Rushing {2}is against the server rules. {3}{6} {4}/ {5}{7}" } "Rushing Violation" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s}" "en" "{1}{4} {2}was punished {3}for rushing." } }
  6. I liked how the guy who stole 900 SIN numbers during heartbleed didn't even do anything with them. I mean, come on...
  7. Murder, the version I wrote doesn't work like that. There is an option to ignore stragglers, or players who decide to straggle, i.e. "sit in the saferoom" here: "ignore stragglers?" "0" // Do we teleport players forward, who fall behind? However, the way it functions is by considering the total distance of all of the players, to prevent the plugin from punishing the team if a single player goes backwards. However, if the majority of the team runs back and a few players remain forward and don't return, they would be teleported if the distance traveled backwards is significant, but it does take into consideration total distance already traveled to acknowledge players who may be further ahead, but aren't ahead of the last known team average. The plugin does take into consideration every point you've made in your post. The better wording you should use is most plugins instead of specifically saying "this" plugin. I myself have seen numerous anti rush plugins that punish players based entirely on distance, but that's why a weighted system that takes into consideration every scenario that I could think of was developed. You shouldn't outright dismiss something just because it performs a similar base functionality as something that you've had poor experiences with. The goal isn't to get them to throw it on the server, but to possibly look into it and see if there's something they can use when perhaps admins are sleeping or unavailable to perform a soft protection on the server. I didn't make a demand for it to be used. Instead, I offered it as a potential solution to the out of control rushing that has been constantly reported since I joined the community. Plugins aren't perfect - but neither are admins.
  8. You'll need to post your steam id ( http://steamidfinder.com ) for them to know who you are. However, you can check bans @ http://www.gamrs.co/l4d/sourcebans/index.php It's always best to check there, first; It'll show the reason you were banned and for how long. Also, consider reading the server rules here: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/43069-gc-l4d2-stuff-that-gets-you-kickedbanned/
  9. Finally, a day off; It's Easter. Happy Easter.

  10. True, but the general precipice of a rush guard plugin is to simply teleport players back if they push too far ahead of their team; configurable to a number of players who must be human (and alive) for it to be active. The idea is it's really only there so players don't have to interrupt their play and hope they can find an admin to take care of the problem. I'm still going to produce a stand-alone version of my plugin that does it, but until then, if Jackie or Crasx wants to play around with the existing version, I've modified the config files so that the main plugin (readyup) does nothing other than fire its natives and forwards when a module (like rush guard) calls them. It's there in case they want a temporary solution, or to fiddle with it and find a solution that they like. Req: https://github.com/ConfoglTeam/l4d2_direct Ex: "infraction limit?" "3" // Punishment will occur when a player has accrued this many infractions "survivors required?" "4" // How many survivors must be alive for infractions and teleportation to be allowed. "ignore incapacitated?" "0" // Do we ignore players who are incapacitated? "ignore stragglers?" "0" // Do we teleport players forward, who fall behind? "ignore, kill, or kick?" "1" // Do we ignore (0), kill (1), or kick (2) players who have reached the infraction limit? "c1m1_streets" { "distance_notice" "0.1" "distance_warning" "0.15" "distance_ignore" "0.16" } RushGuard.zip
  11. I am going to release a dependency-free version of the rushing guard plugin that I wrote. It simply teleports (based on config) players who are too far from their team and fully configurable. If used on the server, it should greatly help with the rushing issues.
  12. Yeah. I take pics every month. Really excited to see how I look after a year. I have an appointment with my endo at the end of april to up my dosage, and since most of the extreme changes occur from 6 - 12 months, i'm super excited. And I'll totally post more pics after a year
  13. Like stutters mentioned, she's likely using wifi. Cell signal can be finicky inside of some buildings, too. You could require users to log in with a specific username and password and track it over the network that way. Or, you could simply block all unregistered MAC addresses from using the wifi. Computers on ethernet wouldn't be affected, and you can always add exceptions for people like your boss, so their phones wireless can access the network. This would, at the least, force people to use their cell phones data. I imagine the signal inside the bathroom isn't amazing. You can also block cell signals from within the bathroom - and there are devices with that kind of range, so you can block it only in the bathroom. If you terminate them, remember... "Your services are no longer necessary."
  14. Hey everyone. As a few people over in the L4D2 section know, I started hormone therapy (HRT) back in October, after coming out to Crasx and a few others about being Transgendered. While I've been on hiatus from gaming in general (and miss everyone greatly) I wanted to throw an update at everyone, and show all of you what a crazy journey it's been so far. I'm only 5 months into my transition, and most of the changes won't occur until the 6 - 12 month period, but I'm really proud of where I am versus where I was. So check out the photos and let me know what you think I love Gamerscoalition because it has amazing diversity and acceptance. Me right before starting HRT: About two months on HRT: 4 months of HRT: 5 months of HRT: What I looked like this morning:
  15. I'm not sure if you can download from the server. However, you can download while you play, or while you're sitting at the main menu. Simply post a link for players to the l4d2 campaign on workshop, have them subscribe, and the next time they launch l4d2, the vpk will automatically download and install; they'll also have a nifty progress bar to let them know the progress. If you're able to download it directly from the server, it could take ages. Some of these campaigns span several GB in size. Unlike other games like CS:GO where it's a single map, most campaigns are comprised of many maps, with many unique and custom assets.
  16. Sky


    In that case buy me a plane ticket to Canada and back. And a rental car from Canada to Ohio. I will drive you. Fly in to the Toronto or London (Ontario) area, and I'll drive you there (it's just an excuse to go, really)
  17. The cool thing, since steam pipe was introduced to l4d2, custom maps are easier than ever to download, opening the door for accessibility to custom campaigns.
  18. Yeah, when that expansion launches, I just hope that it's enough to salvage the playerbase. A lot of people have quit because as long as the auction house exists, it's a pay to win game. I get why blizzard included an auction house; they wanted to make money, because it's hard to justify having free online servers for a subscription-free game. I wouldn't have minded the auction house, had they not set up loot drops to effectively require players to use the auction house in the first place; loot system was designed around it. It would be nice to see open-world pvp and trading make a come back like it was in the early days of diablo 2... I think I'm going to go read up on the expansion now.
  19. I'm just glad they're removing the whole "Pay 2 Win" factor of the current version of Diablo III in the next few months... and going back to the way diablo was supposed to be.
  20. If you can, you should definitely roll on the Excalibur server. It's home to a few of the world's top static groups; Statics in final fantasy are essentially static raid groups, not always from the same faction of players. It's a solid game, not without its problems, of course. I've streamed the game in eyefinity over skype to a few people in the past to show them some of the higher-end content, since the lower end content can often be... well, boring, like lower end content usually is. Square Enix has also announced that FFXIV will be coming to Steam later this year (I'm assuming March) sometime around the launch of the PS4 version.
  21. Nightling, if you go the radeon route... I would stick with either an XFX card or a Sapphire card. I've used both of these brands; the XFX for the HD 6950 2GB and the Sapphire for the HD 6970 2GB. MSI has solid performance but sloppy design (you'll feel like it's falling apart in your hand) and the ASUS cards are extremely bulky. Gigabyte, I hear is also solid, though I have no experience with their cards. if you grab yourself the Sapphire HD 7970 384-bit 3GB card, you should be set. Whatever you do, shy away from the 6GB version unless you absolutely feel you need it. Here's a link for users in the states: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202001 I have been looking at reviews around the web for the 7970 and the 6970 and I'm a bit confused. I play Battlefield 4 in eyefinity, because it supports stereo rendering, and I get > 60 fps while doing so, maxed out. My frames don't dip, even when colossal destruction occurs, but these review sites don't show the same data. Are the charts on those sites fixed or completely bogus? However, if you're looking for a cheaper card that is still excellent Try the Sapphire HD 6970 2GB dual-fan Before upgrading to the 7970 and 7990, I utilized a single 6970 that was able to run all current games with the eyefinity set up and sustain smooth frames, and as always, even better if on one screen. the 6970 should run you under 200$ (I believe it was on Newegg for 169 last i checked)
  22. Oh, man... Do you remember shoutcast radio stations? People crowding IRC channels to make requests? The good ol' days.
  23. Bad reception in the basement. I was down there for 15 minutes. Came back upstairs, g/f sent 114 texts. ugh.

    1. Kuma


      Ding, ding, ding, ding, it's a trap >:)

    2. looneypumpkin
    3. Madvillain


      114 texts?! Run, run fast and far!!!

  24. Sky

    Just Cause 2

    Multiplayer is officially out. The dedicated servers support thousands of simultaneous players. Goodbye weekend fun, Hello every day. http://store.steampowered.com/app/259080/
  25. Yeah; the air fresheners are there because I like the smell ) I have like 20 in my room. I'm obsessed with them. I have found that when you're playing, you're generally focusing on the central monitor (since that's where your targeting reticle, etc. generally is) and when you start playing, your mind blocks out the non-moving pieces; i.e. the borders. You forget they're there and only really see the moving parts. That's my experience with it, at least. This is especially true, I've found, when playing in the dark. Everything just blends together, and it's why I didn't opt in for a single "widescreen" I will be continually adding new eyefinity shots. All of the screenshots listed above are running on maximum settings, with only 1 graphics card installed @ 5760x1080 Edit: There are a few games that I have not had a chance to post eyefinity shots of, yet. However, in the future, I will post screens of 5760x2160 (2x3 (the set up in the photo is 1x3)) I have not done so yet, because I'm waiting for the wall mounts to arrive; however, playing at a resolution that large requires a multi-gpu solution if you want to sustain 60 fps for most modern games, whether it's a dual-gpu card, or dual graphics cards. Most users who only have one card installed will have to use an MST hub in order to achieve 6 screens. However, to my knowledge, ASUS has created a triple slot card that supports 6 screens natively (2 DVI, 4 MDP) as well as AMD with the 5870 6 Edition, which comes slotted with, and only with, 6 MDP. However, you still can't achieve 60 FPS on any games (to my knowledge) with a single gpu solution on 6 screens (with the graphics maxed out). With my time playing these different games, I've found Borderlands 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 are the best with the Eyefinity technology, because they allow enthusiasts to modify the FOV, which lets us cut down on the fishbowl effect. As you can see in the Borderlands 2 photo above, the effect is almost absent; the enemy on the far right (if you didn't notice it before, you will now) isn't stretched. However, the Left 4 Dead 2 screen above isn't representative, because it was taken in a corridor at the standard FOV. If you use WSF (Wide-screen Fixer) you can force different FOVs in order to adjust the fishbowl effect to your liking, but it's clear that it still hasn't been on the minds of developers. Multi-monitor gaming solutions are seen as cheating by many people in the MOBA world. In Dota, LoL, Starcraft 2, and other popular MOBA's, they feel being able to see more of the arena than the other players should not be allowed. However, I would then argue that players with less powerful computers who can't play at a smooth 60 FPS would be able to argue that players who can are at an advantage, and that shouldn't be allowed, either. There is a mod that allows players to play DoTA 2 without the insanely (and unplayable) HUD stretch that occurs when playing (natively) at 5760x1080. Should players be punished for spending the extra money on multi-monitor gaming solutions? Does it really give them an overwhelming advantage? If anyone is in the London, Ontario area, and would like to try out Multi Monitor gaming, just hollar.
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