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Status Updates posted by MPG1770

  1. Weather forecast predicted for Britain - 3 months of non-stop snow

    1. walkingCat


      what a surprise. :)

    2. Lookback


      lol, u don't know snow...

  2. Another free weekend of L4D starts with a 75% discount - expect chaos

  3. I need a rant

  4. Finally, new computer - again - will be back to normal soon

    1. LadyYuri


      question is can u finally catch me now without ur admin powers ??? ;P

    2. MPG1770


      That's another thread, too easy, got you, you're mine I tell you, all mine, BWHAHAHA

  5. Going away for a few days on Thursday to rest and recupperate at a Buddhist retreat

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Allanon


      Sounds wonderful, I love Buddhism. It's a religion, without all the judgement, dogma, and patriarchy. Build up some good energy while you're out there!

    3. LadyYuri


      have fun sweetie. <3 u

      take mad pix and send them to me por favor and most of all enjoy it and relax you deserve it .

    4. MPG1770


      sry, not allowed to take any electrical device, phone etc.

  6. I got my new computer today - details in tech forum

    1. MPG1770


      13GB of L4D2 updates to install, going to be a few hours before I can play

    2. MPG1770


      only 40mins left to go

    3. MPG1770


      Router went down, got to start again

  7. The apocalypse is coming, I dreamt about it

    1. Peckles


      I dreamt I had a box of waffle seeds. I don't have them yet.

  8. Got my new headset - everything sounds different and loud

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MPG1770


      Tritton AX180

    3. LadyYuri


      i guess im goin to have to return soon so we can test those out, mae. i don't think you can handle me now ;D

    4. MPG1770


      ooooh, get to hear your dulcet tones and screeching, can't wait


  9. I been fighting the builders, bank manager and insurance company the past few months - I suppose it's my own fault for investing in a derelict property

  10. Taking the day off work to buy some food with my £10 lottery win

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheDude


      That's bacon

    3. MattKemp


      He won ten BACONS?!?! What kind of lottery is this?! ...Considering moving to England now.....haha :)

    4. MattKemp


      He won ten BACONS?!?! What kind of lottery is this?! ...Considering moving to England now.....haha :)

  11. Math problems? Call 1-800-[(10x)(ln(13e))]-[sin(xy)/2.362x]

    1. TheDude


      I did. They told me to divide by zero.

  12. Got my new mouse - not the 1 I wanted, but seems to be behaving - got some buttons - don't know what they do yet

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MasterTalpa


      have you tried pressing them, see what they do?

    3. MPG1770


      Steelseries SenseiRAW - got programmable features - still working on it


    4. Kuma


      What kind of cheese did you offer to mouse? Maybe the mouse can be very, very picky

  13. The Hordes of Babylon are visiting today - staying for a week

    1. TheDude


      What are you doing here then? Time to go barricade those doors!

    2. Madvillain


      Looks like you bought the wrong horde on respawn.

  14. 5am - I just got home from a gig

    1. Biggs


      Did it go well?

    2. MPG1770


      Can't complain would like fewer encores, greedy audience and the after party wouldn't go on for so long

  15. Looking for an easy get rich scheme - save up your pennies and sell them as scrap metal.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Madvillain


      Save all pennies post-1983, make a time machine and sell the zinc to people in the late 80's early 90's to put on their nose for protection from the sun

    3. TheDude


      you should probably expand on the 'build a time machine' step some more

    4. Lookback


      Can you build a time machine out of pennies?

  16. Thanks to all involved - got my Wedding Crasher achievement

    1. Kuma


      Probably hardest achievement in L4D2

  17. People are zombies too

  18. I'm in a 'can't be bothered with anything' mood today

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheDude


      I love dogs!

    3. Lookback


      Beethoven is for the slow-fingered. Bach is where it's at!

    4. Madvillain


      Rachmoninoff if you feel like rocking out. Bach and Beethoven are cool too.

  19. My pet mouse Elvis has just died, he was caught in a trap!

  20. No dinner tonight - chef is stressed, forgot to turn oven on & the kettle blew up, so no more tea! Hyped up on espresso.

  21. Next time you go on a roller coastertake some spare nuts & bolts with you & tell the person in front of you, "Dude these came out of your seat!"

  22. Need some time out - cya in a few days

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LadyYuri


      WHAT?!?!?!! noo i took a break too... pewpie... crasx take ur spot? NEGATIVE!!!! theehehehe

    3. lousiest


      have fun mpg :D

    4. Biggs


      Whoa we have shifts now?

  23. Got to be an idiot for doing this, but performing the Goldberg Variations this weekend coming - forgive if i sound insane, that's Bach for you

    1. TheDude


      Good luck anyway you insane pianoman!

    2. lousiest


      all the best!

  24. I got me some !talpachallenge applesauce

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MPG1770


      I don't eat baby food.

    3. MattKemp


      Where is it sold at? I want some!

    4. Lookback


      You need to play to win

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