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GC Server Admin
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Everything posted by MPG1770

  1. I just don't know what to do with it at the moment - my thoughts are to keep the lower section of the building and just sell the rest as a piece of land?
  2. Bought on auction - £23K 4yrs ago - would have loved this to be fully restored, but monetary stresses indicate it's going to be turned into a singles storey bungalow
  3. Not wanting to make excuses, but as you can see I am a bit busy with my new home
  4. I been fighting the builders, bank manager and insurance company the past few months - I suppose it's my own fault for investing in a derelict property

  5. Hi and welcome to the forums Can't find your ban..... where you playing under a different name? What is your Steam ID? Thanks
  6. I checked and double-checked 'sm_who' in console and it stated that Francis was 'none', i.e. Not a Member, nor did it show your real identity. A few people were discussing who Francis was and some even suggested it was Dryfire and they wouldn't believe me when I told them that Francis was not a member at all. This continued for a few minutes until the 2nd map of Crash Course, where you were purposefully griefed by jumping into the fire and incapacitated yourself and stated that you could do anything you wanted as you bought 2 tanks the previous round. I told your team that it would be OK to votekick you, but that I would veto it if the immunity message didn't appear (for some reason I thought you were a member); but anyhow, the vote was passed before the veto could come into effect. My apologies.
  7. Thanks for coming here and welcome to the forums. You were banned for having an extremely poor attitude and your swearing I recall was both unwarranted and excessive. Now that you have come here to apologise in forums I have unlifted the ban. Please remember to be respectful in future as we may not ne so lenient if it happens again. Thanks
  8. Patience is a virtue. This server fills up pretty quickly, but takes a few extra minutes than normal to do so after a crash. I was the one who banned you for 30mins for 'Ignoring admins' and 'rushing Please listen to the concensus of team and not take it into your hands to decide the course of action. Your post smacks of contempt and your justifications regarding the ban are laughable; if other admins agree, I will gladly make this a permanent one - look at the positive side, you will have much more time to spend developing your own server
  9. Thanks for coming here and welcome to the forums - you were banned by Radical, but as he's not here, I'll go ahead and unban you. You are now unbanned, but please be respectful to all in future as we probably won't be so lenient. Thanks
  10. Hi, thanks for coming here and welcome to the forums. Just checked Sourcebans : you were banned for 30mins for rushing.
  11. To everyone who has built this server over the years - this community has put a substantial 'faith' back into the world, that has to be commended. There can be no favouritism, only a deep respect and fondess to all that have made this server the best place to be in cyber-space.
  12. I'm keeping out of this one - great to see you still around LB
  13. Thanks for the post and welcome. Just remember which L4D game you playing in future lol
  14. Start of 2nd Map No Mercy I said to teammates (mic and chat - several times, including /hsay) Not to start the round as I was going to do a votescramble (one was definitely needed as my team were totally demolishing the losing team) and for people to wait. I clearly warned people that ignoring this, there would be consequences. You then rush out of saferoom before scramble was done. You came back after the 15min ban and explained that you don't have sound and that you didn't see any message. If you are going to play without sound (I don't see how anyone can play this game effectively without sound, but that's another matter), I would suggest you try to be a little more diligent in future in reading messages. If people are waiting longer than necessary to start a round, there must be a reason, you should ask to confirm what is going on. Thanks
  15. I thought I'd logged out early this morning, fogot to press the yes button to quit lol
  16. .......with General and Maestro we present to you a re-mastering of an orchestral piece 'The General'. Enjoy https://soundcloud.com/peter-magic-fingers/take-2-the-general
  17. Excellent work JC No one going to get out of the Vent in the Tunnel of Spit (Dark Carnibal)
  18. Much publicity in USA about recent attacks on Java - not so sure if this is just a publicity scare or not, especially when the Homeland Security officials become involved? Is it wise to uninstall when I haven't had a problem with this and if doing so, would it compromise the computer's performance?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vpuh6q2O_c
  20. Hmm, I'm sorry that your apology sounds quite disingenuous to me and you haven't given your solemn word that you won't use any more foul language; but as you have come here, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but be warned, your ban may not be uplifted if it happens again.
  21. Thanks for coming here. It wasn't just st-fu you used, now was it? You actually used the 'f' bomb towards your teammates. This is a no swearing server. There is an MOTD that you should read and messages are posted frequently about this during game. If you can come back here and apologise for your language and promise that you will keep it clean in future, your ban will probably be lifted. Thanks.
  22. MPG1770


    Looking forward to it Jackie - many thanks
  23. It is not just the ocassion today, it's been a constant issue with you many times. Just don't be so negative or condescending in game, it brings the whole game down.
  24. There is no list of 'bad comments' Codrut. You will find in the MOTD that you basically should have some respect for all players. You constantly demoralise both teams with your inane petty comments which are continuous throughout the game. This is the reason why I gagged you, not once, but twice as you failed to comprehend. If you do not have anything constructive to say, then don't say it. Thanks
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