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GC Server Admin
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Everything posted by MPG1770

  1. Need a pint myself after all the recent drama.
  2. What's funny in all this, is that after 5mins of playing Dead Island I gave up, total waste of money and time - why anyone would bother playing that stupid game idk.
  3. I would suggest man112112, if you don't want to have the shortest membership i.e. banned before you become officially a member, then please read the MOTD for guidance and stop with the sexual references in game. Thanks
  4. We'll have to start a Fluffy thread soon
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum Colin
  6. I'll finish this off myself......... Who's there? Bal Bal who? Bal who...... Shhhh...... pretend we're all out, he may go away only joking Balwhoshhh
  7. When I first downloaded a mod/custom campaign, it was a disaster - maps unfinished in design, detail etc, violent sick porn sprays everywhere and my steam account was hijacked - never again - you ain't going to find anything as good as this server.
  8. It's a horse - if it were a camel it would have a hump or 2
  9. Depends on the acid you drop and on what - I prefer acetic acid on my chips GC Blues Take 2 Amazing I wasn't slapped by someone for computer not rendering properly - windows can't compete with a Mac to do the job properly.
  10. This is what I get up to during my tea break - I call this piece 'GC Blues' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLDFWih3zUA
  11. Hope you are going to be feeling better soon. Here's a little medicine for you
  12. I refer you to the post by Biggs who put it so succinctly : Failing to comply with this simple request may result in a warn/kick and repeat offenders should realise that their actions will have consequences. It is not the Admins or Servers fault for applying rules, they are here for a purpose and that is to help you behave with dignity and have respect to ALL concerned; finally and above all else, this is what makes the GC Community stand above the rest of the servers out there and I think that I speak on behalf of everyone who contribute to this server by saying, we wish this to remain the case.
  13. There are always going to be people who like to try and make complications, mountains and molehills spring to mind. Bit of a paradox here. You totally agree, but fail to understand the representation of those letters. These acronyms etc have been in use in the English language for some years and therefore have become a terminology of phrase, resulting in the pedantic pedagogy in their own right, hence, they are in fact internationally accepted as words and have found their place in the annuls of modern day lexicons. Talk about JOTBW and going off on several conjuctive idioms simultaneously here - no let's not. I could continue to analyse the pedantics etc., going on in this thread, but rather than being seen as insulting to people, I will conclude with this: the dumbing down of language is in part due to a political regimen whose control of the mass media is to keep the underclasses ill-educated. The sad fact is that society has been so manipulated by mass media under the auspices and approval by governments that this so-called 'Freedom of Speech' is actually not worth the 'expletive' paper it's written on. One further quick point I may add, you all contractually agree to abide by a code of conduct whether purchasing membership or not. If you do not possess the maturity to express yourself without the use of an expletive, abbreviated, acronym, misspelling or some other derivation of form, then either DO NOT say anything or you are free to go somewhere else. I am but a poor lowly admin doing my duty looking after your welfare. I don't really want to kick or ban anyone from having a good time, but what some of you fail to comprehend is that with so many new people coming here they learn by experience and this has a bigger effect upon the GC Server and Community than you care to realise.
  14. My pet mouse Elvis has just died, he was caught in a trap!

  15. No dinner tonight - chef is stressed, forgot to turn oven on & the kettle blew up, so no more tea! Hyped up on espresso.

  16. Have been asked to do it again - raised just over £7,000 for the charity (HIV/Aids hospice) agent has pics, told him they cannot be released - I can get you copies for a price lol
  17. Oni Owned - like that 1 - maybe, as an added bonus, the hunter is disabled for him.
  18. Was once asked to perform a charity concert - did it naked (except wore a bow tie & shoes - pedals very uncomfortable for bare feet).
  19. This is the PM I had from Talent : Pure Talent: you guys banned my little cousin for no reason wth? MaestroPG.gc: who? Pure Talent: rain man, local boy, top flight MaestroPG.gc: Told Lookback that you said he was not you, but he said that you admitted it to Oni Pure Talent: thats not evidence at all and its not true.
  20. Have had many dreams about l4d2. They always involve tanks. I prefer having nightmares, they're spookier than any horror film I've seen lately.
  21. Been a long time since I played Cold Stream, played it twice, it's all coming back to be now - so much water though, i get sea sick
  22. Jolly good show - 3 cheers to Jackie - CST, DST, PST........ what time is that in GMT? LOL BTW, will friendly fire be on or will survivors get to wear their invisible bullet-proof body shileds?
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