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GC Server Admin
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Everything posted by MPG1770

  1. Bring back the original GC to some degree and scrap Sendpoints & Respawn on dead Corpse.
  2. Following a recent surge in rushing, griefing, abuse, pornography etc, I think that 5 or 10 min bans are too lenient. The minimum i think should be set at 3 hours.
  3. Not tried to add it myself, will give it a go.
  4. Quote: I was about 20 meters from the group I doubt if measurements can be made! Qoute: died from a melee attack from the spitter. Never seen infected carry a melee weapon.
  5. Why don't I get the .gc tag, is my name too long? lol
  6. Darkspore Error 73001 Looked for over 2 weeks to resolve this issue, no success, not even from the publishers. Anyone got a solution? Thanks Sorry to Admin if this is not appropriate here.
  7. Foul-mouthed, rushers and griefers becoming more frequent of late, making the experience here somewhat unenjoyable for most and no doubt will contribute to a negative impact on the GC server rating.
  8. Would I have to pay full admin cost or just pay another $15? Thanks
  9. Unlocked now - we can continue to sing your praises Jackie.
  10. I'm all for new players joining this server, BUT, when it's plainly obvious that some have not played this game in regular Vs mode, have no understanding of what to do (e.g. using !buy system), ignore Rules in MOTD, don't listen to experienced players, insult and abuse others..... need I go on...? Why not make it a stipulation that players must have at least 50 hours of game play in regualr Vs mode before they can join, or is that too much to ask?
  11. Finally, sent money today (paypal) How long does it take to process? Thanks
  12. Sent money today ($15) via Paypal Unique Transaction ID #6YT64738XV950373K STEAM_0:1:27388575 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015042879 Forum Name: MaestroPianoGenius EMail: maestropianogenius@hotmail.co.uk How long does it take to process? Thanks
  13. How about 1 free year membership for the No.1 player as a prize? lol
  14. All I can think of was that it got hacked by joining a server & then got banned as it reported that I was spamming.
  15. Absolute F****** B***** C****** etc - when trying to retrieve & verify Steam ID, account has been hijacked - done the support thing, but surely somewhere there should be a steam ID associated with the product?
  16. Money transferred to paypal will take a week to process - quicker to send it by pidgeon with a bag of dimes lol
  17. Slightly confusing sending money via paypal. Got to transfer money from bank - won't have any until tomorrow. How much do you want ($15) & is that for the year or month? Thanks
  18. Just finished watching the complete series 1 - not sure if i'll bother with 2. No better than a sy-fy channel production, with a convoluted script full of plot holes, the producers at AMC should have played L4D/2 to get a better idea of character development. Zombie make-up not bad for a TV production.
  19. Don't have a T.V. I suppose i'll have to look for it online
  20. Add a defib penalty (at least) for respawn survivor on dead corpse.
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