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Everything posted by MasterTalpa

  1. a person on gw2 said they like league better than doter, and that person played both
  2. anything will make her scream in there. which makes it that much more enjoyable
  3. people who dont own a copy of dota can only spectate
  4. i play the other zombie killing game, riptide.
  5. if you play with yuri and i, you can have fun by hearing her screams
  6. looks like i have a new bind for someone special
  7. the real question is, what are the things you wouldnt do as admin?
  8. If I join and see this happening I would still play normally even though I'm a non-member
  9. You dont want to play with her, her scream swill deafen you
  10. I think if you're hopped up on adrenaline you won't even be able to eject the mag, let alone reload the gun and rooster it.
  11. God i hate riki feeders. Had two of them today, thinking that invisibility is the same as invincibility In the beginning, it was riki that was giving me problems. But now, I know how to counter him.
  12. i can try to teach some peeples. show them the art of feeding and whatnot
  13. i play from time to time. Haven't done a public match for quite some time now and that was on my alternate account.
  14. with a bottle of jailor serry or something similar
  15. I was on the survivor team when this happened, and no one told the infected this was going to happen. The survivors were losing so they all wanted it to end quick and said nothing about it. I don't know why she slayed the infected twice. People on the infected were saying it was abuse and it does sound like it. But as she said in the screenshot, she tried to balance it by giving the infected points. But at this point I got kicked for my ping and didnt witness the dodgeball part. On a side note, I really need to make a habit of demoing whenever I play.
  16. i play mostly at night and if you see me on during the day, its because of the internationals going on. but soon i might not be on at all for a while. in process of moving so ill be without net for a while
  17. i voted for the ones that aren't played as much.
  18. so i cant complain about my people in there?
  19. Me and another person are waiting for this to go on sale then we going to get it. But for now we've been replaying the first one
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