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Everything posted by Tirtul

  1. I think I have it straightened out, there was a couple of red stone machines running rampant causing the CPU usage to go haywire, after so much the server was shut down. its up and running again and should hopefully be working again. I will keep my eye out in case there is any other causes for additional load on the server.
  2. That's no a lot TbT that's called no life ;p
  3. Bukkit already has there experimental build for 1.7.8 which supports uuids so as they continue forward I will try to integrate it and all the uuids stuffs, I think there will be a little trouble if we are unable to get uuids before 1.8 hits but aside from that it's looking like most plugins and bukkit will allow for a fairly easy switch I will also start a new versions thread come 1.8 and possibly a uuids thread if need be
  4. keeping the server at 1.7.2 until a stable 1.7.8 Bukkit is released and most of the addons... don't want to break what I don't have to. Also the Creative world has received a makeover, it is now the pre 1.6 GC world so feel free to head there using /warp Creative and check out all those old memories from the past. If you would like something moved into the creative world let me know, as of now I will not be moving anything out of the creative world.
  5. Multiverse is now up and running, there is now a Creative and a Survival world, use /warp Creative and /warp Survival for each respective world. Please keep respective game modes to there worlds. I would like for all creative construction to stay in the creative world. all currently built structures will be left as I really don't want to have to move them heh.
  6. You can't separate them really you just use the book on an item and the correct enchants will stay and the others will vanish. So with that resp 1 feather fall 4 if you put it on boots you get the feather fall but the resp vanishes and for helmet it's the opposite
  7. it also appears the bed are not working correctly so the warp and the /home command will be there best bet for if they die. just a heads up
  8. rail line mostly fixed, there are a few spots that I could not fully cover so there is a small chance a pig-man could spawn, after a few trips back and forth I didn't get one to spawn so seems low. I also made a path to run along the glass at the top so you can make it without issue its just a lot slower. Finally I setup a warp point at there base so all that they would need to do to get to there base camp is to type in chat "/warp wis" (minus the quotes) and make sure its all lowercase.
  9. The only problem there is if you don't have a cart you can't run the path, I will look into a method Mayes half slabs to prevent the spawns but also make it walkable. PS pigment should only attack if attacked first so just running the track while slow will get you there Also I wanted to put in the track in case a pluging allowing ports gets broken, I can also try setting up a warp.... Will do when I get home
  10. I am still working on the general statement should have it finished by tonight. as for finding there little claim, I have made a rail line in the nether that will get them all to there claim in the over world. I put signs directing them in the correct direction, so they should be able to follow those and be good
  11. server is on hard, there are about 4-5 mods and only 1 is really game affecting, /home Also Added Oldspeak and BeezleGC to the whitelist
  12. if the server is constantly filling up there is the possibility of increasing the player cap but that is something that you would have to talk to the boardabout. Though that really wont be an issue unless we are hitting the server capacity
  13. our current server has a capacity of 20 people on at a time and it is endless in that there is no world boundries the server was last wiped in version 1.7.2 if additional of there friends want to join they just need to add there names to the whitelist thread stating that they have read the rules and they will get patched in
  14. looking for any particular skins? primary, secondary ect.
  15. Tirtul

    Rust updates

    A post by Gary in regards to the Feb 23, 34mb patch We added a new branch (called staging). We were in the situation where if we went a week without releasing an update, and then found a big problem that needs urgently fixing.. we'd have to put that big patch out to fix it. We're now in a situation where we can patch the live/staging branch at any time.. and when we're ready to release a bigger patch we can just merge everything from the dev branch into it. Today's patch was just a re-alignment to that system. A few smaller fixes went in (like a freeze bug). You'll probably notice a bunch of anti-cheat files in the root folder too. They're not being used yet.
  16. Tirtul

    Rust updates

    17th Feb Update Posted on February 17, 2014 by Garry Newman A small Monday morning update for you guys, getting it out of the way in the hope of bigger things later on this week. fixed unicode not working in name tooltips fixed people using colours in name tooltips removed ‘hatchet to gather’ tooltips added whitelist servers fixed broken explosives fixed being killed by harvesting resources The whitelist system is as simple as we could make it. If a server assigns itself to a Steam Group you need to be in that group to join it. Whitelist servers that you can join will show up in the whitelist tab on the server browser. We won’t ever show servers you can’t join (in both the normal tabs and the whitelist tabs). Server owners can make their server a whitelist by doing something like this in their config file: server.steamgroup 103582791429523489Servers will need to be restarted before you can join them. If you can’t find your favourite server on the server list it’s because it hasn’t updated yet.
  17. good to know, I may hold off on the sound card and if the sound is not as good as you say I can always pick it up later. As for the ram, I prolly could get more ram but would I truly need 32GB I think the 16 would be more than enough and that could be an up-gradable part down the road if I really need more.
  18. welp was looking and I think I found myself a setup that I like though still gonna post it so you can give me your thoughts http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2XPja the keyboard and sound card are only for my comp as chick doesn't need or want either and I have a nice headset that could greatly benefit from the sound card, thus the expense there hehe Wasn't sure about the OS so just picked windows 8.1 pro (64 bit) but that one is easily changed only worries atm are the ram note from the partpicker (though I dont think it will be a problem) and the GPU cooling
  19. I am finally going to get a decent computer and Chick will also be getting a new one as well. Though if anyone has any great build or part ideas I would love all the help I can get. I have a budget between $2000-$4000. I am looking for the best bang for the buck so doesn't have to max out that budget and that is per computer so up to $8000 for the pair. Both myself and chick have such awful comps that is isnt worth trying to upgrade so just needing to build from the ground up. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
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