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Everything posted by Reomet

  1. I agree, the atmosphere looks pretty cool. I'm looking forward to this.
  2. Do you use something other than wsad for movement?
  3. I picked this up today and started to play it. I've never played a Tomb Raider game before and I'm really enjoying this one so far. There's a good balance of exploration and action. I'm able to scour the terrain and enjoy the scenery without feeling compelled to collect every single item in the area (although that doesn't mean I can't try). SPOILERS: boiler and 'Zilla, No kidding. I'm having a little difficulty suspending disbelief sometimes. I mean, how many times can I wince? All within the first 30 minutes of the game Lara sets herself on fire, falls upside down from at least 15 feet, impales her side with some sort of rusty strut, limps away, wades through rushing water, stands next to a giant explosion, has shrapnel blown all around her, has debris falling all around her, slides down a rocky surface for more than 20 feet, scrambles away, quickly scales a rock wall with objects tumbling towards her, stands outside, jumps over large ledges, and just to top it off decides to jump and climb on an obviously unstable wrecked airplane dangling over a waterfall and for her trouble gets flung on the ground another 10 or so feet. When she looked at the plane over the waterfall after getting out of the cave and said "I can do this," all I could do was look on in disbelief. Maybe someone could've survived all that stuff in the cave, but when she got to the plane and decided she was going to climb it I had to stop myself from telling her out loud that she was insane. What do they do in archaeology school? How athletic is this woman? Where did she learn these skills? How is she not hypothermic when she's climbing the mountain without a coat? It's all very overwhelming and I guess that's the point. Anyway, the variety of ways in which Lara can die is impressive. QTEs are frustrating, but they don't feel too unfair. Lara's hair with the graphics maxed out is kind of hilarious to watch. It's a fun game. Props to Beo for pushing me over the edge on buying this one.
  4. I didn't even know I could do this. How does this work?
  5. I definitely appreciate the effort you're putting into keeping the pub running. I'll be dropping in when I can.
  6. I wholeheartedly concur with this post.
  7. I do enjoy Competitive Match Making on CS:GO, but it's a lot different than what drew me to GC. It seemed like a lot more people participated in CSS and it was less intimidating to play for someone consistently scoring near the bottom. There's also a plethora of established custom maps that I really enjoyed every Saturday night. It's harder for me to introduce friends to CS for the first time because of CMM and the lack of activity on the public server. They can't experience the same thing that hooked me on GC. That being said, the only reason I play CS at all is because of this community. I enjoy CMM a lot because it's a lot of fun to work as a small unified team with people you've been playing with for a while. I have really fond memories of the GC CSS public server, particularly custom map night, because that is how I familiarized myself with the game and the people who played it at GC. The bottom line for me is that I don't care what installment of Counter-Strike we're playing. If there are people who are fun to play with and work together with, I'll be there. However, I find that the popularity of CMM and the lack of activity on the public server make CS less appealing to people being introduced to the game and the GC community for the first time.
  8. I use the Koss SportaPro for headphones and a Logitech HD C615 Webcam for a mic.
  9. Good cover on A. This one is from 12/09/2012 on the GC pub.
  10. Count me in. I'm definitely still learning the characters, but I'd love to play with you guys. I'll be on Vent whenever I'm playing.
  11. I think restricting AWPs is a significant deterrent to people like me attempting to learn them. If my team is ahead and I have money to spare, I'll buy an AWP so I can try using it in an actual situation instead of the usual impromptu circumstance. I'm also not a huge fan of playing against a team of proficient AWPers. I'm torn on this, but I'm voting no because I've yet to see the same issues on the CS:GO pub that we had in CSS. I have to learn somehow and I'd rather not do it under high pressure circumstances.
  12. Some friends of mine are trying to get me into it so I'm rolling with it for now. I'm not very used to the game type. Anyway, I'll log onto Vent when I play so feel free to drop in and let me know if you'd be willing to cope with my extreme inexperience. I'm not really familiar with the folks at GC beyond those that I've played CS with over the past 3 years. Bring on the introductions.
  13. I've started to play this a little. I'm not really sure if it's exactly my thing yet, but I think I'd be willing to try. Anyone at GC still playing Dota 2?
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