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Everything posted by Leonebluen

  1. You still haven't given a reason why holding spitters is fundamentally different from rushing. Please address the fact that rushing is bad because it hurts the team, and holding spitters is bad because it hurts the team. Therefore, why can't they both be rules? We're not talking about kicking people for holding spitters, just automatically stopping them from doing so. Whether or not you can compensate is irrelevant to whether or not something should be a rule. For that matter, you can compensate for a rusher by rushing with them, it just doesn't work too tell. The rule of the game as infected is that if you don't work together, you will lose. What's the difference?
  2. Actually, I think rushing is the best possible example. You say: My question for you, though, is why is rushing deemed unacceptable? I agree that it's unacceptable, but I believe it's unacceptable because it undermines teamwork and ultimately hurts your chances of success.. People holding spitters is bad for the same, exact, reasons.
  3. The point is protection for the buyer Fenix, not to stop spamming. If it's longer than it needs to be for protection, then that's all the reason needed to change it. You have the points, then spam as you wish.
  4. Oh, didn't even notice that. Yes, yes he could, but he'd need a perfect sweep with me losing all my games. I find this unlikely at best
  5. Live sounds like fun! Maybe even blitz. I'd be good with blitz.
  6. After my victory on time tonight, I officially win.
  7. I'd say 4 points for fireworks makes more sense. Mollies are obviously superior, so if you make them the same point cost you'll just render fireworks irrelevant. That's assuming you want to change them, of course. I think you're all approaching the issue wrong if you're just considering whether or not fireworks are super strong. Obviously, they are; however, I'd say the server is fairly well balanced between the infected and survivor TEAMS, which is really all that matters. You gimp the survivors #2 buyable, and suddenly the infected could have a very large advantage.
  8. Anyone need a QB or TE with RBs or WRs to spare? Since Roddy White & Montee Ball aren't up to par yet, I'm looking to pick up some more options.
  9. You are not Biggs. -_- dont worry san, cat is just a bully. you can be who you want! Except Biggs. He's right. Only I can be Biggs.
  10. Not really such a problem. Just turn "buy molly" into "computer buy molly" or "command buy molly" and it'd never be something he'd say otherwise.
  11. No it's okay, I'm already in the other league. Unless you actually want to get out, then I'd gladly take your spot.
  12. In retrospect I probably should've picked up another RB and forgotten about Gresham or Hernandez.
  13. Psh, hard to call favorites when there's three undefeateds and two who haven't finished any games. (And I think I've got crash beat )
  14. I wish there was a way to take moves back if your opponent hasn't played yet. Just moved moved my knight to the wrong space on accident. That folks, is why you don't play chess late at night.
  15. How would you know if he "made" them do it? You weren't on their team. Maybe no one was upset because they wanted the talpa challenge? Be a rule stickler all you want, but the rules are only in place to keep the game fun. Likewise, admins are not here to just enforce rules; they're here to make the game fun. Sometimes that means bending the rules too. Perhaps no one else cared about any of the other stuff for a very simple reason: it made the game interesting.
  16. Well, I'm gonna let this run through Sept. 1st, then I'll give prizes. As things stand, not much competition.
  17. Pretty neat and helpful idea. +1.
  18. Does it count as alone if I make an army of iron golems? If not, noooopeee, no way.
  19. Four-wither-fight this saturday night! Be there or be square.

    1. Leonebluen


      More square than you normally are in MC*.

    2. BrohamMC
    3. Biggs


      Gonna be epic.. of course, who's to say 4 is the limit? *goes and farms more skulls*

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