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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. I honestly would rather have smokers get buffed up with their points if we HAVE to give the SI more points. Chargers do a ton of damage already. You might as well buff up the "weakest" SI class (points-wise) instead of one of the stronger SI classes if there is going to be a new update for the infected.
  2. No thanks. Charger points are fine as they are already.
  3. Sounds good to me. It would be incredibly useful in situations where someone is about to get chain charged to a death charge zone, and they can't do anything to defend themselves since they're stuck in that 2-3 second animation trying to get up.
  4. sez the first place loser Me ending up in 2nd place in that Peanut challenge happened last October though. I thought you forgot about that
  5. Yea, you guys are alright in my book
  6. I'm using the OBS software. I have it connected to Twitch on its settings. You'll have to download it first if you want to use it. Plus, you'd want to make a Twitch account too
  7. It's not all bad though. Typing doesn't really bother me that much. I'm usually pretty quick when I type out the !buy commands while I'm in the middle of playing a round. I've been doing this in the servers for nearly 3 years, so I'm naturally used to typing everything out. Typos are inevitable from time-to-time, but hey, it happens
  8. Hey, GC peeps. I didn't know whether to make a new thread, or update this to Johnny's Highlights thread; but I'll just leave this clip I caught from my stream here on this link. Someone gets incapacitated multiple times the exact same way. I won't spoil it for anyone. That's up to you guys to figure out who it was! This clip is just for entertainment purposes, and it's nothing personal btw: VIEWER's DISCRETION IS ADVISED: There may be some naughty language used (but was neither on game chat or in voice chat ) in this clip. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/141234141 Hope you maniacs enjoyed watching it :3 Edit: When I said "rookie," I didn't mean it literally as an insult. Just using it as a fun phrase that gets used a lot here.
  9. Those pics/videos were about a year ago though. I haven't used naughty language in the game since what happened last week.
  10. Hey, I know I didn't curse or use harsh profanity; but if this is because of the way I overreacted before I left, then I apologize for being rude to you along with the others and for overreacting like that. I'm my own worst enemy. The only time I seem bitter is whenever something frustrating occurs in the GC server and since I play competitively. I'm in a pretty positive mood in general though, which is a shame since there's this assumption that I'm legitimately a bitter person In this case, watching the other team survive for 15+ minutes but then being part of a weak team die within 5 minutes to a non-lit early scripted tank + having 2 weaker/newer players rush to the front and causing the team to die (despite being told to go back for cover) + dying less than 25% of the way of the chapter made me snap. I'm sorry for being rude to you, and for sounding so harsh. I wasn't comfortable with how I felt after saying those words, and I'm not proud of what I did. What I did back there was wrong. It was a terrible mistake on my part. It's incredibly underwhelming for a team that has experienced players/members to just go down like that when I KNOW deep down that their overall ability is better than that. I wish the other team also took a bad beating like we did to compensate for our poor round, but that's not always going to happen (and it didn't). I also wish I can take back the mean comments I said; but I can't now since it's too late. I really am sorry for being harsh to you, and for using that inappropriate language. I just wish there was a way for me to play GC and enjoy it without getting frustrated. I also wish there was a way for some to know when to stop pushing me when I really don't feel like being abused (whether it's being targeted on only in-game or being laughed at because of a mistake I've made). I really do enjoy playing on GC, especially on a fun night with multiple good/fun rounds. I actually did have one of those nice nights 2 nights ago. I just wish the game went a little differently for both sides than the way it did before I left. I didn't even know that I was even ostracized until just recently. I was kinda hoping that others would know that my words were just blind frustration, and that they were never intended to be personal nor demeaning to yourselves as human beings. I don't hate any person that plays GC. That would be ridiculous of me. I'm sure that every single one of you guys that do play on here are cool and good people. My competitive edge though just dislikes the bad shenanigans that may be caused by them whether they occur directly or indirectly. I just hope that someway, somehow everyone on here will understand that I really do appreciate you guys for being able to keep the server running even when it's been on the empty side lately, and that my negativity is just blind temporary frustration caused by shenanigans in the game. I may get negative at times, but I'll get over it eventually. It just takes some time. It's only temporary. I do want to enjoy playing the GC server as much as you all do. I really am sorry that it came to this. What I said before I left was unneccesary and harsh. The right decision for me would've been to leave the game right away once the round ended, and pretend that none of those unfortunate shenanigans occurred during our round. Hopefully, I repay my debt that I owe to you guys by helping get a Cold Stream or Swamp Fever game started since we rarely play those campaigns on GC. I think those maps can be good for everyone. We can get this going this weekend so you guys can enjoy a new map for a change, and BELIEVE me, almost everyone on GC love the excitement of playing something different. I might be there to help in case admins are unable to set these maps up. We can keep doing this Swamp Fever/Cold Stream game each weekend that I suggested for the benefit of everyone that'll play those maps. It'd be nice to continue experiencing the fun with you guys, especially if the games/rounds are good and enjoyable. After what happened yesterday, I think it'd be better for all parties if I was muted in-game chat for good. I would only be able to type the normal commands from the !buy menu in-game, but I'd be unable to type anything else in-game chat because of the guilt I have over what happened yesterday. Overall, I apologize for being a jerk. What I said in there before I left the game perfectly describes my negative attitude and blind frustration. I dislike it too. It led to my downfall. Anyways, enjoy your day/night.
  11. Ah, so the 2v2 tournament is basically going to be how the GC servers usually are between 2 AM EST - 10 AM EST. (especially on the weekdays). Maybe those hours would be the perfect schedule for it
  12. Jackie made an update where killing infected bots won't grant you as much points compared to killing infected human players. However, I don't think it's supposed to give you no points, so we'll see if that gets fixed.
  13. Nobody here on GC retains many friends online anymore
  14. Great reminder, Shaafe! It's fitting that you wrote this because you're the one who inspired me a couple of years by telling me that I'll get stronger in-game by playing with more players in order to improve. Now here you are sharing the wealth again with the REST of the community here with your helpful tips. The generosity is real here with you! It's L4D2 GC. Nothing makes sense Lol damn, Devil. You're like my one and only viewer when I stream. I just got thrown under the bus by my whole twitch audience there. Now I'm salty
  15. How about an achievement for clearing x-amount of common infected off of a teammate - It's "Clean!" (instead of "clear"; as Max would say)
  16. Ah, crashing. I remember those good old days. You tried changing your resolution size, right? Because I think that fixed my crashing problem somewhat.
  17. Wow, that's a great idea, Elias! A 2nd Showstopper achievement sounds like pure sunshine and rainbows
  18. I got 2 achievement ideas: Unstoppable: Kill 12 SI in mid-air Precise Vision: Get 10 SI Headshots without laser sights
  19. Speaking of Cold Stream, I should probably give this map a chance. I know I've been strongly against it these past couple of years here, but I ended up playing it fully last month for the first time in like forever. Let me tell you: I think this map has the potential to be in my positive list of good maps (even if that game last month was a bad one since it was 1-sided). Cold Stream just MIGHT be up my alley gameplay-wise.
  20. becuz its bad Yep, you're right about Death Toll.
  21. That's strange though. Crash Course is the shortest campaign overall. The campaigns in the rotation are longer overall. Plus, they have more chapters that are longer: No Mercy: The Subway, The Sewers (if teams survive the 1st half) Death Toll: The Church (if there is no early scripted tank before teams cross the fence; which rarely happens), The Town Dead Air: The Crane (if teams are lucky enough to survive the 1st half with the ladder choke point, the rooftop crane event, and any early scripted tanks), the Construction Site (if teams are able to survive the alley chokepoint) Blood Harvest: The Bridge (if there is no early scripted tank with the log outside) The Sacrifice: The Docks, the Barge Dead Center: The Streets, The Mall The Passing: The Riverbank (if teams are able to survive the first half with the narrow hallways and the parking lots with all the cars), the Underground (if teams are able to cross that wooden plank bridge), Dark Carnival: The Motel, The Fairgrounds (only need to survive the dumpsters halfway), the Coaster, the Barns Hard Rain: The Milltown, the Sugar Mill, Mill Escape (if teams are able to survive the elevator exit and any scripted tanks that spawn shortly after) The Parish: the Park, the Cemetery (only need to be lucky enough to survive the sewers), the Quarter They might as well dislike these campaigns then with the long chapters
  22. And we appreciate you for inventing/creating GC, for adding some wicked cool achievements (especially the rock achievement), for trying to improve Swamp Fever a while ago, and for nurfing the hunter's points last year. Since we've managed to survive mostly on one server (while the other one remains empty), I think that we may benefit from attracting more new players into the server. Hopefully, they'll be willing to cooperate with us early on. In order to do that though, I think GC needs a way to get more publicity so more new people will indeed fill out BOTH servers. I think streaming the GC servers live on Twitch might be a good way to get some outside attention of people who might be interested in playing in our servers, and interested in potentially being a GC member/admin in the future. I'm currently streaming now when I play on the servers, and I'm hoping deep down inside that there will be even more good new players joining us because of this outside exposure of GC. That would be a nice long-term goal for this community I'm not the only who's streaming GC though. There is also others that are more deserving to be mentioned (they don't overreact like I do, sorry about that ) for their streams. There are the likes of Elite Gandalf, Meng, Rudolph, Shaafe, Elias (done it a few times), Abusement Park, Vee, and Velocity. Maybe as long as we stream the servers on twitch live, then maybe more new players can join this community and fill out BOTH servers in the future. I think this long-term goal of giving GC more outside exposure so that obedient new players can join will not only be beneficial for this community, but it would also be a great way to repay Jackie for what he's done for the GC servers (along with the admins/members) over the years should this goal succeed. Hopefully, those that haven't watched me on my stream (getting my donkey kicked + my overreactions) AND the other names I mentioned can start giving us a chance by viewing and helping us gain more viewers (if you have the time to watch) so this goal of attracting more people to this community can be achieved. Thank you for your time reading this. Thank you Jackie for being a major reason why this community exists. Finally, thank you fellow admins/members/players for contributing to GC's survival. I might not show it because I get incredibly competitive with my spirits when I play usually, but deep down inside I appreciate what you all do for the servers and what you all bring to the table every day on GC (whether I agree with them or not) Edited: You can view/follow any of these if you're interested: https://www.twitch.tv/dammitcarlos https://www.twitch.tv/highvelocityyt https://www.twitch.tv/eliasperez1 https://www.twitch.tv/elite_gandalf https://www.twitch.tv/solarizes https://www.twitch.tv/dagreenturtle https://www.twitch.tv/schultes https://www.twitch.tv/soxzor
  23. We should probably yank Hard Rain from rotation, then. Welp, that'd be yet another good map getting removed from the rotation then.
  24. With all due respect Jackie do away with smoker friendly maps? Are we just going to play the HUNTER friendly maps now? forgive me but thats not right to stop having it in rotation just because a few dont want to play it cause it hurts their ppm WHAT IS WRONG WITH SWAMP FEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don the new people deserve a chance to play it they might not be hunters and acttually lioke it Swamp Fever is a good map. Liked it a couple of years of ago. Still like it now. Maybe we could do Swamp on the weekends on whatever server it's available in? Like I said: More variety for everyone
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