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Everything posted by ishmael

  1. i keep hearing that trillian has a thing for author and kinda plays it like she regrets being with zaphod.. hope thats not true. she barely looked at arthor. confirm, deny?
  2. i love the mini series, i have it. i have heard the show keeps that feelings going. first season is done being aired in england. it was super successful over there.
  3. "you save every peice of food with star wars on it, cheezits, potatoe chips, ect" and yes, i know someone who does.
  4. no. i'm not remotely interested in the first 3 star wars. that takes a lot. i have 3 star wars posters hanging around me right now, plus two battery operated light sabers. obi won and luke if your curious. i also am downloading a wookie ringtone for my phone. but the first 3 just dont impress me. crappy directing, crappy character development, and overly kiddy or romantic themes that just take up too much time. some are more than others(usually those who return later). lucas's skill at writing and story telling is wonderful. directing...not so much. a guy on our server already saw it, its in the doh forums if your interested, he wasn't overly impressed with it.
  5. hubba hubba.... i hear the movie has a plot... but thats just hearsay from what i can make out
  6. oh yeh. and for those of you who wondered why i randomly joined this section...its solely because of this movie. not enough people are excited about it on the doh website..so i needed to rant and rave to someone. i live for this show.
  7. bad news guys. its not one movie yeh. thats right. real pity here. when universal signed the deal with joss, they signed a 3 movie contract. mmmmm. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379786/trivia and we finially get to see reavers. i can't wait. it all makes sense so far though, river being an assassin/killer/kung fu robot/whatever... i'm really let down on not seeing shepard in it, he was one of my favorite characters, he just had so many unanswered questions about him from the series... why did he have the alliance ident card, why did he know military grade weapons, why was he a killer shot...so much , so good. i can't even imagine that they are gonna be able to answer all of my questions... after watching the special features, i wanna know all the secrets on that ship.. like, will mal ever get any from her and m2, if you like sci fi at all. jus buy the boxset.
  8. bah. they've got an old picture of my house. atleast 2-3 years old, the mall just to the north is no longer there and has been completely torn down and built into a different way. still there in the pic. <3 google though.
  9. ding ding ding thats right cranky. for your credit rating to really shine you want to show that you can both borrow money and repay the money without missing any payments. that means incur a debt of whatever amount you are comfortable with. pay off some, a little more than the minimum payment is always good in my opinion and let the amount float for a month. the next month you will recieve a bill with the previous amount plus finiance charges on it. depending how much you want to work it you can keep this up for a while. it will cost you a few bucks every month to incur more finiance charges, but when you pay it off your credit record will show that you successfully borrowed, floated, and then finially payed off X amount of money. they will then be more willing to raise your limit and mark up your credit rating. i've heard of people doing this for a while and either taking out a loan and putting it in a cd for 3 months and then repaying it in full, or simply just floating large amounts of excess money about for periods of time. it works very well to get your credit rating up near 800. you can get higher than that, but to be honest, most people never will assuming that make it that far up. so, key rules 1) NEVER EVER MISS A PAYMENT 2) make sure you float money from month to month to show a credit line 3) NEVER EVER MISS A PAYMENT 4) never use the card for more than you plan. know what you are doing and plan. 5) NEVER EVER MISS A PAYMENT those missed payments will kill your CR
  10. no top 50? there goes my shot. we outta get just some doh vs mmmm action going sometime. ps. i like rule 3 *grins*
  11. someone knife fatty for me(both sides are welcome). i'll pay (in my graditude)
  12. HAR HAR HAR. my bullets keep finding their way into your .gc members they make wonderful targets. (i figure if no one else is gonna talk smack, i'll do it enough for everyone- cause hey, lets be honest. talking smack is the best part of the fight.) edit : nevermind. i'll just post what he had on the forum from earlier today Starters -quickfoot -lifted -bat -dj premier -chief -longhair -almighty -zax -nynix -slyfox -daf -graybeard backup - ishmael - wilco - y3rm0th3r - ranger
  13. you guys got lucky, we let you have your dream team and we lost our best player i've been hoping on and off the server recently...you guys make great target practice i can't wait to play you guys.
  14. i like monkeys. the gf is in love with penguins.
  15. i'd have to say i'm a little let down by them only adding one map. seems like a lot of waiting to be stuck playing the same 9 maps for the next few months until they do it again. i miss inferno, train, and nuke
  16. i'd have to say that cbble is a very balanced map. between it, piranesi , and dust2 i'd have to say those are my favorite in source so far. leaning towards the first two. i love T on cbble, it amuses me hiding behind the screen watching the door out to B the ct's always rush in. i usually pick off 2-3 cts before they nail me. either that or i'm able to retreat and hold them off from flanking my fellow T's. great map. tons of fun. it can be fast or slow paced. but i like the big maps, i like the ones where you can really take several ways around.
  17. Your IQ is frighteningly high You are a gamer geek Your strength is you actually have social skills Your weakness is chocolate You think normal people are strange Normal people think that you are deranged oddly.. i'm normal. no one understands that..but i am. really... people dont understand. they're weird. i'm normal...awwww.
  18. well. i will say this, i play with bat and sit with him on ts a ton. he's a good guy and i enjoy gaming with him. you guys lined up bad twice for him. he nailed one hs and barely had to move the mouse at all to pick up the other ones. he's a good player, and he's good with a pistol. but he doesn't care so it doesn't matter. i go on those rounds, i go from spray to the perfect tap. it happens. sometimes you get a heavy finger. sometimes rounds fall right in a line. *shrugs* and like he said, i'm pretty sure a lot of doh people will speak up for him.
  19. yeh. there are a ton of them. speed hacks are big. ditto on vac2. mm.
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