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Everything posted by Flitterkill

  1. With so many servers now (8 actually) figured I'd kill the rotating server monitors and just stick them up full time. (The 8th is a legacy UT2K4 server which will probably become a UT4 alpha server)

  2. So much Simpsons...

    1. onyxdragoon


      I love it or at least part of what I can watch.

    2. Flitterkill


      Still over ten years to go as I write this. Crazy. If only FFX didn't botch it up with the cropping.

  3. 50, and yes to the rest. Someone will something something sometime...
  4. Invoked on 08-25-14 18:31 Banlength 2 d Expires on 08-27-14 18:31 Reason Inappropriate Language and Arguing Banned by Admin Pump Two day ban. Be better. You are cleared to play Tuesday evening unless Pump comes in and lifts it sooner.
  5. How feasible would it be to roll with seasons? Not in the seasons of the year sense but rather a new world a year? The old world could go read-only for exploring/viewing only; the new world lets everyone have the rush of newness. Rinse, repeat. Just a thought.
  6. Grief Prevention (which has the old wonderful claims) is soon to get current. I think they were targeting June but alas that's passed of course. Just good to see there is light at the end of that tunnel. Claims made everything so easy.
  7. I think we are probably past the time, even with it whitelisted, to throw a greif mod or two on. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/blockown/ as one possibility. Oh how I wish the old Claims mod was updated... EDIT: Soon? http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/grief-prevention/
  8. Confirmed. Email sent to @hotmail account.
  9. Well nothing just disappears. What was the name before? Also are you talking about GC and Steam accounts?
  10. I'd say the last two in on deuce should move over to Uno. 12 big league? Ugh.
  11. L4D2 stats is operational again

  12. Let's make the draft late like last year. Like the week before the season starts late. Indifferent to any other changes.
  13. http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/63210 Works for me. Spray and pray was also backed by keen research on up and comers who might start mid-season (read: Keenan Allen). Would have loved some help with tight end last year. Gronk was supposed to be back sooner (and last longer...). Rolled with that Giants TE who was fantastic for the first game of the season. Only problem is that every other team saw how bad the Giants O-Line was during that game and that TE became the 6th offensive lineman.
  14. Note that text I posted also includes a link to the *FREE* Prophecy Secret Missions stuff. All standalone and newer than III.
  15. gamerscoaltion.com - splash screen, does not flip to gamrs.co www.gamerscoalition.com - gamrs.co splash screen gamerscoalition.com/gcforums/ - redirects fine www.gamerscoaltion.com/gcforums/ redirects fine Stutters is still all usability this and useless that about that splash screen. Basically if your links include gcforums on downward your fine. If your link to the forums is just the bare domain, you get the splash logo. It is working as intended as the root dir is going to be a thing again but I'll drop another redirect in to push people on through for now. Also need to see why plain gamerscoalition doesn't redirect to gamrs.co out of the box like the www version does.
  16. Although the redirects are fine now, but yeah, still best to change the bookmarks.
  17. Like most things computer, it's annoyingly irritating until you fix it and then it was easy.
  18. Redirects for gamerscoalition.com bookmarks should be fine now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flitterkill


      What link you using?


    3. Flitterkill


      Alright, I'm seeing a few specific use cases. Mainly with www. versions and not plain gamerscoaltion.com versions


    4. Flitterkill


      Actually working as intended mostly. The true root homepage is destined for things but I can push through a redirect for now I guess.

  19. Dizzam that was annoying. Redirects should now be functional. If it wasn't 2am I'd get me a beer. Still, please change old bookmarks. redirects is fine but get with the newness. Also I went over 1000 topics sometime today I think. 5000 posts not far behind. Never catch Fatty though.
  20. Feel free to change your bookmarks to gamrs.co/forums I'm still playing with the gamerscoalition.com redirects

  21. Yeah, we're still trying to get teh redirects to play nice. You could change your bookmark to gamrs.co/forums....
  22. I actually never played 3 but I recall, tenuously, that Prophecy, the one (and last) that followed, was some weird released in episodes kinda thing (might have been free). I liked that one. EDIT: I was close, but mostly right:
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