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Everything posted by Clueless

  1. HLSW shows it has been timed out for 14 minutes from the time of this post.
  2. Ive been watching the best I can, even when i'm not playing, I usually have my HLSW up. I watched till about 2 am last night. Lotso' bans!! Question, if I ban someone in Mayhem, does it also ban in Recrude? if not, should I switch over to Recrude in HLSW and ban there as well?
  3. nice ice, you made me look like chump tonight too. Nice playin!
  4. Its a Will Farrell movie, did you expect intellectual humor? I thought it was hilarious. I love stupid comedy. I also loved Dodgeball, which I watched the same night, laughed my bootocks off.
  5. I'm at over 21 hours already, anybody even gonna try to challenge? C'mon, put the scope down and walk away, it will still be there, i promise. Theres alot of good players that don't even need it, lets get down and dirty fellas, wars arent won up on crates, hiding in dark corners, well okay maybe they are, but it's not nearly as fun as looking right into those well rendered eyeballs just before you spray 1/2 your ammo into some poor sucka in a fine display of noisy carnage!! Plus the blood looks cooler up close. Cmon Ladies!!!!
  6. Personally, i don't have a problem with that gun, its not really a scope, and its hardly ever even a 2 shot kill, but if that one comes in then the bullpup has to come in to. I really want to see it fair, so if a zoom comes in for one, it should come in for both. And your right, its really not a camping gun, actually it comes in handy like on Aztec playing CT, when they rush the doubledoors and head to the bombsite and your still over by the bridge, even seeing them is hard, let alone getting a good aim with an M4. I just really don't want to see the scout, autosniper, or AWP in there. I'm seeing proof that good teams can prevail without scopes, on a totally level field, on any map. Last night on Aztec we got SPANKED hard by the T's which we outnumbered 10 - 8. I'm really enjoying the theme there, and were starting to get regulars, big fun. I dont think that allowing these 2 guns in will alter the atmosphere much at all, but lets see what the fat man says.
  7. aaaahhh, roger that, thank you for that, I was freakin out a little there, I did'nt think that he would ever do that. Thanks. Note to self : Read Slower.
  8. I dunno, Barbara Walters plays here a TON, and he knows the deal. I hope your sure about that, i'd hate to see a good player get banned. I've never had anything but a good time playin with him and have never seen or heard mention of porn sprays from or about him. Did you actually SEE him spray it?
  9. I'm pretty sure it was the Duh Fatty part, wasnt me though, im sure the big man will see this and get back to you if i'm right.
  10. Thats good stuff, you missed your calling
  11. Roger that. (still would like to work in chataeu and havanna) sorry, I don't know when to quit
  12. You might also try a program like RegCleaner, its free and you can get it on Downloads.com i think, but it shows alot of stuff in the uninstall section that does not show up in windows. Although you may have a problem now if you have partially deleted stuff. I agree on the Mozilla thing, I have'nt had a single issue with spyware since i started using Firefox. Also, with the spyware tools, I use a program cocktail, SpyBot S&D, AVG Antivirus, and a newer version of Adaware. Running all three has always gotten rid of everything when i used to have that problem. AVG will run in the background and pick stuff up as it tries to install. Hope this helps.
  13. Whats the deal with the in game stats? When you hit rank it spits out a number that is usually no where close to what our stat pages show. And do they reset after a certain amount of time?
  14. You should maybe think about weight training Mav, my keys are as easy as pie on my n52. I love thing, your hand sits more natural, instead of trying to stretch and press multiple keys,like to walk and croutch and stuff. You gotta give it a couple of days to get used to it, you probably will not like it the first time you use it because it's different.
  15. A lot of people also like Havanna, I know the big man hates it, but maybe we could throw it in here and see how it does, maybe even draw some Recrude crowd occasionally for those who miss it. I like M2's list there, looks good, maybe just add Havanna, even if it's temporary. (when your playing Fatty, we can skip it, we have the technology )
  16. Happy Bday to a new GC rookie!!!
  17. Sounds like a good idea to just get it established, get the people in for the no scopes deal, which the players i've talked to love it, and then start workin in the maps. Baby steps.
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