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Alien vs Predator


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I'm def looking forward to this movie. I feel it will be a flop but since both sci-fi's are sooo good (alien 1) (pred 1) I will waste my time and money and invest my time.


I'm hoping it will be a great movie. I do think they should give the humans some cool weapons like in the game. Or Cyborgs made for combat. I don't know what to expect but to see a terminator like guy and a alien and a predator duke it out could make a great movie.



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dude AvP2 was way worse than the first game.

both games are a bit scary if you turn out the lights and turn it up.


troubs you gotta go see it...what fun is it if you just let life go without seeing these movies.


Ok I admit it...I saw steel magnolias...

kinda like that commercial. 5 guys playing poker and they all endorse their favorite action movie when TOM comes out of the closet with "ohhh man did you see term of endearment..gawd i was balling" and the narrarator of the commercial says..."KUDOS to you tom the world needs more straight shooters like you". HAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAH AH AHAHAHHAHAH AHA HA HAH A H GAWD THATS FUNNY


This topic deserves its own thread....



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ok I was looking at the pics for this and I have to still re-inforce me opinion that Alien is a much classier creature than predator.


While predator was a good movie no doubt the 2 creatures are not equals.


Alien just flat out looks awsome and UGLY.


looking at predator he looks like a ragae boba fett looking cylon.

I cant say hes all that but his gear is coo.


Again I say Alien rocks (alien 1 - who cares is playaa hated the all time sci fi horror of all time).




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Friday man Friday, i have a feeling this movie is going to do real well, and since it isnt rated R like the rest of them you know more people will get to see it too. To me this is the biggest showdown on the big screen (even better then frddy vs jason). oh yea i have to say that the alien is much cooler in the way it looks but to me the predator just seems so more bad donkey with all of his weapons. and holy poop stick batman the claw weapon they have is freaking huge!

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ok ive got 7:50 showing (pacific) I've got a feeling its going to be cheeesy since the same director did resident evil which I thought was a 5 outta 10 movie. Res could have been sooo much better but it wasnt the stupidest movie i've ever seen either.


I've got a feeling this is going to be just ok.



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man not sure what u saw auggy but i liked it as did my friends. you should read the books too cuz they took part of the books and put it into the movie which i liked.









I liked how they had her join the predators at the end, cuz that is what happend in the books. And i have to say the preds got their butts kicked bad too. I liked the face off with the alien and the predator early on. that was pretty sick. if they do another one ill def go see it.

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Meh, I liked it...but only because I am a HUGE geek and REALLY dig sci-fi, etc. This movie did not hold a candle to the original two Alien(s) movies. However, I thought it was about as cool as the original Preditor (of course it was missing the sweet Schwartzenegger effect).


Rating: 73/100 Worth the time in the theatre ONLY if you are a geek and have an AMAZING ability to suspend disbelief.






















Really, dont read below unless you want some spoilers!















I thought the co-op with the predator was a little cheezy and over-played, but maybe thats just because I think predators are very badass and should have nothing to do with beautiful girls unless maybe to cut their heads off or something :zombie:



Also, what was up with the last shot?! A combo-freak? That doesnt even make sense if you apply crazy "alien" logic to what was happening?


I predict the next movie to be a failure.




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if you havent seen it read no further...






Please don't misunderstand me.

When I say the directors a loser I mean 40 minutes of BS (getting to the good stuff) sucked!


Once they got in the temple it was pretty good but still could have been soooo much more.


After 10 minutes of half-a$$ character building I was thinking kill these people and let king kong and Godzilla get it on.


But heres what I did and didnt like


what I did was I liked it that in spite of the technology and fearlessness of the pred. the Alien was still able to sneak up and whoop some A$$. When the first predator got stuck it was shocking cause a feeling of (OH CRAP- if they can die that easy the humans are DUST!) hopelessness came upon me.


I liked watching the alien and predator go toe to toe also. FUN! seeing the predator continue to attack was awsome. you get this sci-fi sort of respect for two characters that have no fear. At one point when the pred starts getting the better end you kinda expect the alien to split in fear to get help from other aliens...but no. Much like alien (original) ashleys explanation to ripley is that he admires their purity for hostility. This alien shows that after getting worked hes willing to continue to keep bringing all hes got....COOL!


I liked the girls hooking up with pred TO A POINT. It should have been more indirect instead of a love story. I agree with gooters the predator should have cut off her head and kept it as a trophy...hahahah

but I did like the fact that the last predator was vulnerable w/o the shoulder canon and she was willing to arm the predator.


I didn't like it being on earth in our time. I thought sending a archeologist, linguist, mountain climber, billionaire, and drilling team was lame.....

The story should have deviated from the books and set it up in the furutre (ripleys) time and sent in marines with weapons. I hated that part. Also in the Sierra game AVP2 the cyborgs are AWSOME. They need that in the movie...preadator vs. alien vs terminator. would have been better. This point I am making was only bad through cause of bad directing. This director is flat out horrible. I truly believe that a good director would have made this movie a sci-fi sensation.


I didn't like the end with the girl and the predators. this "lets be friends" stuff sucks i dont care if she showed heart or not. I want to see the predator of old. Alien is purer cause it has no feelings. Thats what predator 1 was more like...heartless. something to fear.

now if your a good fighter your ok with them...so why didnt the predator let arnie go if arnies such a great warrior...he wanted arnie dead and started laughing at the end.


so I did like it once it really got going but who can honestly say they enjoyed the first 40 minutes of bs.





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