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I just got back from the theatre. It was an interesting movie. The plot is really indepth and you have to watch the whole thing to understand, you can't just pickup bit by bit. But yeah the movie surprised me. I was looking forward to it but it didn't impress me as much as i thought it would.


my rating (if i'm allowed to rate) 83/100

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i liked it back when i saw it when it was released in japan on dvd. to me it was like crouching tiger hidden dragon. actually i think it was done by the same people. anyway im going to see it tomorrow to see if they chnaged anything.

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Honestly, I found this movie AMAZING(I enjoyed Crouching tiger but this I just enjoyed). Saw it yesterday with a couple of friends.


The scene when flying snow and moon fight in the leaves is by far one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen with the leavs falling.


The settings and cinematography were amazing and breath taking. Glad the movie was subtitled instead of dubbed. Loved the color of the outfits changing as each part of the story was told.

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Tek there are many movies in japan that are like Hero and Crouching Tiger, if interested i can get some names of movies if you like. or for all i know you may already know them. hehe i love asian films especially japanese.

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*clap clap*


A VERY well done movie.


I love the swath of destruction Broken Sword and Snow cut on their way to the palace.


The move was just visually AMAZING. Every scene seemed to be color coordinated and all the details worked out.


But the SOUND is what really impressed me. It was so hard and vibrant. you heard EVERYTHING.



My only problem. Every scene seemed to drag about 1 minute longer than it should have. The movie felt like 2 and a half hours. When it was just a short one and a half!


90/100 for me

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  • 2 weeks later...

im at work right now but ill put a list together...... goot one movie you might wanna look for (you will have to order it) is natural city very very beautiful movioe as far as visualizations go and a good movie all around.

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yes "presented" the only thing he had to do with the movie was bringing it into the US. the movie is already out in asia on DVD. alot of people have thought this but he only brought it to the US so we could see it on the big screen.

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yes "presented" the only thing he had to do with the movie was bringing it into the US. the movie is already out in asia on DVD. alot of people have thought this but he only brought it to the US so we could see it on the big screen.

yeah I saw him on Leno and he said he had nothing to do with it except loving it at a film festival and bringing it here. and of course getting bank off it :D

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I too got a "Crouching-Tiger" aura when watching this movie. I dont' buy into the supernatural approach to the martial arts too often but it can pass on this movie because the action was coreogrphed(sp) in the mind durring the telling of a story to an emperor.


And I also liked the emphasis on truth as the entire movie was devoted to finding the hidden truth in each story and motive...including the emperor's.


This was definetly not an action movie, it was more a balad (sp) and as such I enjoyed in greatly. 9/10

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