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Whats the oldest machine you played games on?


While most you youngsters are raging about your playstations or snes, I'm gonna pull stuff outta the bag that you've never even heard of.


Commodore 64 :)


Atari ST :)


were not talking game consoles here folks were talking PRE PC.


anyone ever play a text game on apple or atari called ZORK?

or how bout old software co.'s like


Sierra reaches back with a 10 (5.25 disk) floppy game called time zone

avalon hill


broderbund (i think theyre still around) with lode runner

all kinds of old crap


I still have my atari st but no more commodores :(


this machine is great 8 bit 4 megs of ram 100 mb hard drive (external scsi)

720k 3.5 floppy man what a rage!


You got any old pc's or apples or anything? hahahahah how bout Texas instruments They had an old computer....or even Radio Shack hahahahaha



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im 22 and know all about that stuff. Played Atari in my day also, fun times. The thing you gotta remember is my generation is about the first to grow up with all this stuff, i grew up with atari, then nes then the rest of console games. Also grew up when PC's were making it to homes for the first times and have had one in my home for almost as long as i can remember now.


When i was in elementary school we had old apple pc's with 5.25 diskettes and the whole pc/monitor was all one solid piece built together.


Oldest piece of hardware that i still have in my possesion is a measly Intel chip, and I486.

Edited by All Kill3r
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i had an atari. would play with my older cousin who was into videogames when I was rather young.




:lol: man, 2500 for 15 mbs. i wonder if anybody bought that?


my first computer was an apple. trying to think of the name of it...

anyway, i dont think it was that old (im only 17, the first gen. of home computers was probably a bit before my time) but I remember playing beamwars on it. that game was awesome. i always tried to find a free shareware PC version of that game, never could find one.

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I had them all...


Timex Sinclear 1000 (with the 16k ram upgrade)

Commodore VIC-20

Commodore C=64

Commodore C=128

Then the IBM clones...


Im 32 got the P.E.T. when i was 4 my dad was a school teacher and got the P.E.T. from work.. I believe it was made by Commodore..


At the time with my Commodore 64 i had a cool BBS called The Fortress, i had 5 SFD-1001 1 meg floppy drives and 3 1581 1 meg drives i was the shiznit..

From age 10 to 17 i had a BBS, i lived in my room only to come out for food and school.. The bbs went down like 1988 awsome childhood..


In third grade me and a friend wrote a program called 'Dino the Dinasaur' and sent it to Compute magazine.. 2 months later we got a check for $100 dollars and had our program printed, Very cool for a 3rd grader..

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Killer ROFL 3000 bucks for 15 mb hard drive....hahaha haahaha

I remember those days man. A 1 gig hard drive was like 500.00 bucks.



Batman, AWSOME!!!! Compute---hahahhah dude those were the good ol days. Compute had commadore and atari stuff like it was going outta style.


My first computer was a Atari 400 which was WAY above the 2600 but lower than the 800. It had a FLAT KEYBOARD ROFL!!!! You had to push the buttons which were printed on the soft button mat. I always played games like "empire of the overmind" - avalon hill

3d games like (gawd cant even remember the name) it was a polygon game but nothing like CS.


Eventually I went to a Atari ST which was a 16bit (not 8 as posted above) but it was 8 mhz hahaha hahahahaha. I had 1 mb upgraded to 4 and 16 color graphics which rocked for it's time. Although it was a poor mans amiga. Amiga OWNED in those days. If it wasnt for their LAME marketing team they would be the major player agains pc instead of apple. Both apple and IBM had nothing on com.


Gawd 3000 for a 15mb hard drive thats still killing me. how great is that.


I'm gonna get some shots of my ST powerhouse cranking it (if it will still light up :)


I'll post em yahooooo




ps. sinclair 1000 hahah ahahhaha aha haahah aha ha aha a

man if I had one of those I'd try to figure it out again.



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Batman, yeah, the P.E.T. was Commodore.


We had a Timex-Sinclair also, I believe we had the memory upgrade, but there really wasn't much of a gaming opportunity on that...Fun though! Don't think we still have it around.


But I did enjoy the gaming opportunities on the Commodore. We got a 128 at one point, don't remember where or how, and it would run in 64 mode if you told it to. Lots of fun. We also used CP/M, the business version of the O/S. Ahh, those were the days.


I like looking back at old parts and seeing what they used to cost. Heck, it wasn't that long ago I was working in a computer store and I sold a PII 400 when they first came out for $1000. What freaked me out more than that was the guy paid cash for it. :freak: But it was all good, and it spends, so I took it.

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My first was the old IBM PC Jr. It had cartridges for different programs and a 5.25" disk drive. I had a joystick to play a Bruce Lee game on it along with a word processing program. It rocked.


Then we had an IBM with the 2 5.25" drives and everything ran off the disks only.


In tallahassee I had a BBS that I loved and thought it was the greatest thing ever. Then in Atlanta I remember selling 4MB sticks of RAM for $150/stick and that was super cheap.

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on my Atari I hooded up with "delphi"


ohhhh man good ol text navigation and online chat....


I cant even remember those people. I was like 14 years old chatting with these other 15 year old kids thinking they were 50.


hahah ahahahahhahahaha


back in the early 80's what 50 year olds were using comps....

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on my atari 400 my first drive for storage was a cassette tape drive.

it was like a modem. You would tell the computer to save and then hit the play and record button. It looked just like a old tape recorder...

remember those flat ones and you pressed down the buttons...

it was the atari 410


hahahahahahahahahah cassette how clutch

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i had mission imposs 2 on my st....yea those snd files were great.

man the action involved in these.


2m dia discs??? WOW how awsome. what were they 1000000000gb



yea nothing like good ol tape drives.


I will say this about old computer adventure games. They were more challenging. I have not played one that really took brains for some time.


Like Enchanter (infocom) that game was killller hard. I wish HL had more complex puzzles. They are way too simple. I like more complex stuff.



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LOL you know there is still several BBS's here in Cincinnati that have been around since the early 80's... And one of them is CoCo Connection, you guys ever use Telenet?? BBS's are still around and so are there cool text games..


Speaking of tape drives, the PET had one built next to the keyboard.. I used my regular tape recorder for my Timex Sinclear 1000, and started the VIC-20 off with the commodore brand tape drive..


At the time with my BBS because i was a minor i had no fear of breaking the law.. I wrote several programs that got phone card numbers, for calling on someone elses tab. Its harder to do now that the numbers are larger than 7 digits.. BUT using my free calling i called the meca of commodore hack games GERMANY all the time.. I made a few friends there and got ALL the free software i wanted, later on when the Simpsons started on TV my German friend paid me $100 american for every episode i sent him.. When i was 14 i got a job at a chineese restauraunt and started taking the credit card carbon papers out of the trash.. I had my friend in Michigan use the cards to buy computer stuff and then send it to me.. The first 10meg hard drive i saw was as big as my desktop is now and SOOOO loud and cost about $1000.. I had an awsome childhood.. But in the BBS world i also met several guys who i know now were sexual preditors and was very very lucky that nothing happened on campouts with BBS clubs.. If i had to do it all again i would, computers have been such a big part of my life my whole life i cant do without them now..

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you would rip people off again :(?


batman your an imposter the real batman would never do that.


I understand I did dumb things too. I used to go into software houses and rip off the magnetic seal and stuff em in my pants...

umong the best catch was "bards tale" on my apple 2c.


but man I'm glad to hear none of those chat dudes had you for their honey. That would suck soooooo bad. sadly its real.



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Well i wouldnt rip people off again.. lol


The first modem i got was for the vic-20 you dialed the phone just like normal and when the beep came you took the phone cord off the phone and plugged it real fast into the cartridge modem.. Then i got the C=64 and a 300 baud modem, soon after the 600 baud came out with the exact same cartridge design.. I bought the 600 buad and took the insides of my old 300 and switched them, took it back and said it didnt work and got my money back.. :) When the 1200 baud came out it had a different design..

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OH NO LOL we made fun of people with Tandy computers!!!! LOL ;)


Ahem, for the record. It wasn't a Tandy. This was Pre-Tandy. And there was a pretty large CoCo following. Thank you very much.


BTW, I wanted the IBM PC (not the Junior) but my mom said we should ge the Radio Shack one. Bah.

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