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Gun Techniques and Tactics


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I figured i'd start a thread concearning the weapons of CS, because i see a lot of people have favorites (myself included) and im curious as to know why.. so im inviting everyone to list your favorite And least favorite weapons, and why this is so.. hopefully we can make an encouraging thread that will help some people learn about some of the weapons strengths and weaknesses.. I'll start :)


My favorite weapon, while playing as the CT's is the FAMAS.. Its very accurate and has a nice 3-round burst feature that makes it increadibly useful as a sniper rifle, i find the gun doesnt deal too much damage, but makes up for it with some nice accuracy.. Plus i love the design.


If im playing Terrorist, i tend to take the sg552, i notice a lot of people take this, seems to be a really popular choice.. its powerful, accurate.. and has a scope :) A nice all around gun.


Some of my least favorites include the AK, i can never seem to hit people with it, but people seem to be headshotting with the gun a lot.. theres too much recoil for me though, Another one i can't use well is the Scout, im not the best of snipers, i prefer to stay moving and keep active.. But even when i try sniping with it, its rare that i hit someone, i've seen others do amazingly well with it though.



Anyway, thats it i guess :) hope to see some informative replies.

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It's the same gOOt, everyone who knows what they're doing still uses the ak/colt/awp/scout. But most of the other guns have improved alot since 1.6. Almost every gun you can actually kill someone with. My favorite weapon is the knife, trying to do a silent flank and catching up to 3 and knifing them all. CS just doesnt get any better then that. As far as guns go...i love the ak. And gotta love the colt...silenced. :P

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Colt/Ak/Awp/Scout are all about the same. Ak is still accurate single shot to distance, but short bursts are less accurate a distance (1.6, 2-shot burst from ak hits in almost the same point). Colt silenced/unsilenced is almost identical to 1.6. But I think damage drops off at range for the colt silenced.


Mp5 is a bit weaker. Spray pattern is wider. Bullets do same amount of damage.


All other guns are improved. Pump Shotgun is much more viable weapon now. Back in Beta 7 CS, it was an awesome weapon to counter save rounds. Early on in the game now, it's the same deal.


Bursting is the key to every auto-weapon. If you have to spray, aim slowly towards their feet for rifles and towards their waist for SMGs. This differs from 1.6--1.6 you could just start spraying and aim at their feet and it would slowly walk up. In CS-S, recoil is more "realistic", you have to gradually adjust your aimpoint, or else it's just off.


AWP/Scout... they're snipers. Action is more similar to 1.5 with the no delay zoom. Or rather, you get the crosshair as you're zooming so it's effectively the same thing. Flick shots seem to go better on CS-S too.

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My favorite weapon is the knife, trying to do a silent flank and catching up to 3 and knifing them all.  CS just doesnt get any better then that.  As far as guns go...i love the ak.  And gotta love the colt...silenced.    :P



Ohhh Toka, who are you trying to kid? you cant sneek up on someone if you had sneaky shoes which silenced the sneak of air in your pocket.




wow.. where in the world did I come up with that?

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Mine used to be the MP5. Not anymore, they really nerfed it in Source.


Now my favorite is the Scout(on certain maps) especially since you can get 1 shot kills with it now, then the Sig and Colt. I never really could get a handle on the AK. Not even sure why I buy the thing anymore.

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