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Let's discuss the rules


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The rules for [Mmmm] servers and forums can be summed up rather simply - act maturely and you'll have absolutely no problems - be a bonehead, admit it, and you'll be forgiven - be a jerk and we'd rather not have you around. Everyone seems to argue over where the line is drawn between the above. The 'got banned rules' is a good indication, but several people just do not follow them.


Most say "it's just a game, lighten up" which for the most part is true. But the game is only what the players make it. It's the focal point of this community, but still people ARE the community. In that respect, it's more of a hobby than a game.


Mmmm tries to make this hobby enjoyable by all, without the cursing, whining, and other garbage that goes on elsewhere. But still we get "what's your problem" and "you're on a power trip" arguments all the time when someone tries to enforce the rules. Mostly leading to the conclusion that the person probably doesn't envision the community the same way.


Be polite, be respectful of each other, and you'll get that in return. I promise. If you know what you did, say "yep, I did it, no excuse". If you're baffled as to why you've been kicked/banned/slapped, etc., say that. Don't assume you've been oppressed either way.


Any questions? :D

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Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb

QUOTE: (Orbital @ Aug 19 2002, 09:06 PM)

Rule #1)

We are NOT wrong in any of our judgment calls or punishments. We are not stupid, you got banned for a reason, and you better claim the reason you got banned. Do not blame anyone; take claim in your own problems and your own actions.


Whenever there's a discussion like this, I go back and summon up the great Sig of Barto. :D

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Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
QUOTE: (Orbital @ Aug 19 2002, 09:06 PM)

Rule #1)

We are NOT wrong in any of our judgment calls or punishments. We are not stupid, you got banned for a reason, and you better claim the reason you got banned. Do not blame anyone; take claim in your own problems and your own actions.


Whenever there's a discussion like this, I go back and summon up the great Sig of Barto.  :D


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lol not the first time to be banned here.... havent been on M server in a long time cause of admin abuse, however most M admin-players are best once to play with,


when you have volume you should not care about quality, so whats the quality for you? just define the quality in ur business and there ya go you got urself a profit regardless if you have quantity or not.


this really makes me smile seeing ppl arguing about being banned and stating their reasons Whats Up and etc... blah


yeah im that bored to leave posts here in banned section even thou im uunbanned from some period of time, i was being promised to be banned forever from here but i guess im not.. wow i found the right place to spare my free time


and yeah i dont like private messages in anyforums, its like talking to "alternative people" since i dont know any of you personally

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  • 2 months later...
Guest DChi.Hoffman
Guest DChi.Hoffman
Guest DChi.Hoffman

Ya...uh I just read the so-called "Admin Mission Statement" I think that is prettry ironic since the exact opposite goes on...maybe you guys should go read that again....or have you ever....the above posts and replies only further prove my point


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Ok, now I have 2 questions about the swear filter. I am not trying to start beef, just learn and question, which I believe should be acceptable as long as I don't start calling people names and crying and whining.


1. roostery - I know, it has a dirty word in it, but is there a way to remove that word from the banned regular expression list in the filter. I can think of other words that have that dirty word inside them (roostered, as in a gun for instance) and I was slapped for saying it...and it took me a sec to figure out why. Not complaining, not being a tool, simply asking.


2. Faked - This one I didn't get. I let my mind go to complete perversion, and could come up with no single reason why this word would be banned by the filter (I also got slapped 3 or 4 times trying to figure out which word in my sentance was the banned word, but thats besides the point). Why is this word banned? (not complainin, starting trouble, just askin)


Thanks yall.

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GC Alumni

Some words just become a casualty of having to have a filter on in the first place. Like having to carry keys b/c otherwise thieves would run wild. I certainly wish I didn't have to have keys, miss when I was growing up not even having to worry about locking the doors, shutting the car off at the grocery, etc. Same thing here, would be nice not to even have to worry about it, but it's on there to try to keep some semblance of order. Hope it doesn't slap too many innocent people.


1: a casualty

2: this came up somewhere else and the slap list got posted somewhere around here. I think the offending letters are 'fak', as in a variation of the F-bomb.


Hope this clears it up.

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Thanks for your input Mr. X. I kinda guessed that was what happened to roostery (i typed that word, it wasn't changed by the system I'll have you know). As for the 'faked' dirty word...you wouldn't believe how much getting slapped for saying it confused me.

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