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Unclean and ZesteR


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Well, lately I havent been eating well...


Any ideas of what I should eat?!

Yea i know what is good and bad, but I liked the idea of glutamine with my shakes, vitamins daily... and i believe I will just try to eat more.


I'm not going to post up my food, bc it's not at all consistantly good food... like u said, junk food :|

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LOL I just have to laugh cause "Unclean" took his pics in the bathroom next to the shower where you get "clean"...

LOL! Never really thought of that. And incidentally, that's just after I took a shower too. Ah, gotta love the irony.


Anyway, ZesteR -- here's the idea. We need carbs, protein, fruits and veggies. Minimize the fatty foods (pizza, burgers, chips, etc).


Let me know if you're having trouble controlling your snacking. I have ideas that'll help.

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It's tough when I'm at work... all they have is pizza and burgers....

local places to buy food or like Sheetz and fast food which i dont buy that...


I know I can eat eggs and toast and better cereal for breakfast... but my killer is lunch really...

dinner is okay b/c im home and my family usually helps cook and we make something really good


like tonight i have 2 pork chops and brown rice all covered in Cream of Mushroom soup.

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Not keeping true to your morals, Unclean :nono:  :nono:  :nono:

I don't have any morals! So it's a paradox. By not keeping to them, I've actually kept to my lack of morals.


Now will you stop filling up this thread, JC? :P Either get in on the challenge or continue to save my butt in the zombie server.

I've saved your butt enough that you should be building shrines in my honor. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been awhile since I last posted -- I'm thinking a "once a week" post might be more realistic. Maybe something that lists the workouts, weight, and any notable achievements.


Also, since it's the start of a new month, I took pictures and measurements.


arm R:13", 15" flexing L: 13", 14" flexing

chest 41"

stomach 35"

legs R:23.75", L: 23.5"

calves R:15" L:15"


New goal set: within the next 2 months, I'd like to see the calves at 16", arms at 14", chest at 42", and stomach at 34.5".


Pictures to follow shortly.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Well... i could name off all the excuses of what took me so long to post... so here it is :P

Brother's day, Dad's Bday, Superbowl, lost camera, wall ball (I had about 4 tennis-sized welps on my back), laziness, and of course school.


I too did take a break from lifting around the Christmas time... but when school was back in session, I hit the weights again.




I dont look any bigger imho.


I did gain some strength though.

Here are my stats:


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120lbs => +3lbs from Dec.


Bench: 135lbs 6 reps, 160 max => +15lbs from Dec.

Squat: I had an "injury" a funny burning feeling on my right groin muscle towards end of Dec. So I have not done squats for fear of hurting myself.

Leg Press: 325lbs 8 reps => +100lbs from Dec.

Preacher curls: I found out the bar weighs 25lbs. 75lbs => +10lbs from Dec.


Chest: 35" => +1/2" from Dec.

Upper Arm:

~Right 12 1/4" => +1/4" from Dec.

~Left 12" => +1" from Dec.

Upper Leg:

~Right 18 1/2"

~Left 18"

=> Minimal difference on legs... I better step it up since I do not squat anymore.



10 more pounds on my bench in a month.

Work out my abs even more.

Keep up with the shakes 2-3 a day.

Keep up with no soda (New Year's resolution)

Preacher curl 90lbs.

With all that. I better gain about 5lbs in weight.


Here are the pics:






I just threw this one in here, b/c It's pretty cool I can see a lot more back muscles :boing:






I'm happy that I picked up where I left off after my break. I have the mentality to push myself and take lifting serious when I'm the gym. I do not actually SEE myself bigger or anymore defined.. but I could just be harsh on myself. I notice me putting on more weight in the gym, but no results yet.. other than a few pounds, which is good!


On the good note, I feel a lot better. I take my vitamins everyday, I eat more, and consume more in my sittings. I have two small breakfast's b/c I have early classes.


Also, I have to wear different shorts.. I didnt know those ones were see-thru :o


I tried to keep intouch with Unclean via PMs/Email, but sometimes with school I do not keep him motivated. Hopefully he has done that himself!



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These last two weeks have been REALLY rough for me. I'm behind about a week at work, so I've been putting in 50-55 hour workweeks. It hasn't given me the time to keep up with this thread as I would have liked, but I'm almost over the roughest part.


I can do a quick runthrough right now of what's been going on, though.


Height: 6'1"

Weight: 178lbs => +4lbs from Dec.


Bench: 235lbs 6 reps, not sure of the max. => +35lbs from Dec.

Squat: no squat machine available, so I do lunges with 55lb weights.

Leg Press: 345lbs 6 reps => not sure of the gain.

curls: 45lb dumbells 6 reps => not sure of the gain.


Measurements coming this weekend.




1. Work out abs and legs more. I've been really slacking in those areas (in search of a bigger upper body)

2. Keep it up with the MINIMAL snacks and soda. Cutting them out entirely isn't realistic, but I only have one snack per day (low/no fat) and 1 can of soda maybe once every 3 or 4 days.

3. Bump up the weekly workouts from 2-3 to 3-4, since I'm going on creatine.


Here are the pics:

I sold my old computer to my little brother, and I think I lost the January pictures. Gotta search a little more, and Feb pictures will be coming up this weekend.





I too haven't noticed any gains looks-wise, but the scale doesn't lie. Also, I only see my girlfriend on weekends and she says I'm looking bigger. Could be just something she's saying, but she swears it. I'm not expecting to see big differences until I compare Dec to June/July.

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Yea... I'm not expecting huge gains in looks til definitly a few more months go by.


I forgot to add that I started creatine also, we tried to do this at the sametime, but I believe I have a jump on him.

I'm already thru the loading week and have been taking pills rather than powder.

I might go to powder when the bottle is done, b/c I read a few articles it's not absorbed as much as powder.

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I just wanted to post up that today, I Leg Pressed 370lbs 6 times.

By the muscle chart at my gym.. that means I should be able to max 435lbs!!


I'm surpasing one of my goals already this month!


I'm not going to stop though.

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Just a little update:


I keep progressing pretty well in strength. I'm not sure how, but I think it's all mental, but with a great help of diet.


I posted 3 days ago that I leg pressed 370lbs 6 reps. Well, I leg pressed 380lbs 8 reps today! Now that I think about it, i'm sure I could have done it a few days ago, but I didnt.. and I did today!. I told myself 400lbs at end of Feb. I'm doing pretty good so far! :freak:


Also, I found the secret passage in my gym that takes you to 3 backrooms that I've never seen b4. in one of the rooms, there is a scale that is pretty accurate and also PRINTS out a good amount of stats and body fat. So I did it.

Here are my stats:


Gender - Male

Age - 20

Height - 5ft 5in

Weight - 121.6lb

BMI - 20.2

FAT% - 11.7%

BMR - 6351 kJ


Inpedance - 672 Ohms

Fat Mass - 14.2lb

FFM - 107.4lb

TBW - 78.6lb


hehe, im up on my weight too.

I'm not sure what a few of them are. such as BMI, BMR, TBW.

Any Ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...





This month has been a learning expirence. I learned that I can't gain weight and stay tone at the sametime. I still believe I can do it with slow progress. I'm not looking to get huge, I just want to be stronger, look good, and feel great. With all that, Ill feel more confident and be happier with myself. This month is also half way to Summer time. The next three months are going to be less of a learning expirence and more of a concentrate on workouts and eating.


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 121 lb => and that's being sick and not eating anything all day.


Bench: 135 lb 6 reps, Max 160 lb

Leg Press: 380 lb 6 reps => on a normal basis

Preacher Curls: Still at 75 lb 4 reps


Chest: 35 1/4"

Upper Arm:

~Right 12 1/4"

~Left 12"

Upper Leg:

~Right 18 1/2"

~Left 18 1/2"



I fell short of my goals this month, but I have been sick, which doesnt help progress.

I would still like to put on 10 more pounds on my bench and do 145 6 reps by end of March.

Definitly keep up with my eating habits. No soda or a lot of junk food.

I was told by TheCurse, that I have to make a choice. I either work my abs and get them back, or work on gaining weight. So, I'm going to try and gain as much weight this month, but really try to keep with my ab workouts so I dont get out of hand.

I am going back to work this weekend, so I will be challenged with when I can eat and what Im eating.


Here are the Pics! : :boing:

Also, my bro is horrible at taking pictures & I used a different program to resize and load the pics.







I know there isnt a lot of ppl watching this, or all this amazing posting.. but I still enjoy the little bit of motivation I get from this. I dont want to let myself or anyone down by slacking! :wavey:

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I'm still watching :boing:


I have some advice. Last night I had this steak pie to myself, and my girlfriend started reading the box out telling me that this one pie had 2500 calories in it, which is what men are supposedly ment to have in one day.

It wasn't particulary hard to eat either! So if you try and find some steak pies then you may put on weight without having to force yourself to eat food.


Well, your looking good, theres an obvious improvement from the start of the topic. KEEEEEPPP ITT UPPPPP!

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BMI is body mass index, its used to determine obesity. Unlike ideal body weight, body mass index takes into account your height and weight. A reading of 18.5-25.0 is normal. I fall into the overwieght category, and I am not overweight. BMI doesnt account for muscle mass.


Not sure what the other 2 are.

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Haha Thanks M2 :hug:


BB, could u possibly find me a brand name?!

If they are tastey, I'll eat 2 every day :D

Especially since I have to start bringing my dinner's to work now.


Thanks for the intel LoftOften! My BMI is 20.2. That means I'm in pretty good shape for a fat country like the US. :lol2:



I still feel pretty sick today, and prob. wont be lifting til tomorrow.

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What kind of "sick" do you feel? Do you feel a little bloated and queasy? I've noticed the same feeling -- I think that's just a side effect of the creatine. Just keep drinking that water!


A coworker of mine introduced me to these protein packets that are practically gourmet... they've got 42g of protein per serving (plus other nutrients) and taste DELICIOUS! They're called EAS Myoplex Deluxe protein packets, and they're sold at places like GNC. I was surprised at the flavors they have... not just chocolate/vanilla/strawberry. They have ones like banana cream pie, orange creamsicle, etc.


And most importantly: after having one of these, I feel FULL! Dang, son.


Pics and measurements to come up this weekend. I still need to install the digital camera software installed on my new computer.

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