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after a defuse

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Ok I dont understand why knifing your teammate after he defused the bomb should require you getting slayed by an admin considering I KNOW ADMINS DO THIS TOO. In addition, the admin, lazareus(not sure if thats how he spells it) says there's no intentional attacking teammates. I hate to say this but if he was a regular on this scopeless server he would know there would be no intentional tking or attacking by me. Now why should I be slayed for this when even GC ADMINS do this very act. Its after the bomb was defused and my knife wouldnt force him to buy any armor for he had 54% health and a Knife doesn't affect someones's armor. Besides I did 5 damage with the quick knife twice.

Edited by Demoner
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Ok I dont understand why knifing your teammate after he defused the bomb should require you getting slayed by an admin considering I KNOW ADMINS DO THIS TOO. In addition, the admin, lazareus(not sure if thats how he spells it) says there's no intentional attacking teammates. I hate to say this but if he was a regular on this scopeless server he would know there would be no intentional tking or attacking by me. Now why should I be slayed for this when even GC ADMINS do this very act. Its after the bomb was defused and my knife wouldnt force him to buy any armor for he had 54% health and a Knife doesn't affect someones's armor. Besides I did 5 damage with the quick knife twice.

I've never seen an admin do any such thing and I've been in many games with several admins on. I tend to ignore this kind of childishness unless the player complains. When that happens, I kick, not slay. Your best bet is to not do it.

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Yeah I remember.


Demoner: " Hey...you stole my defuse!" ( teamate went for defuse while demoner shot last T)


Demoner: Slash/Slash



Laz: slay. ma_say "Dont attack teammates on purpose. Thanks."


Not sure what the goal of your post was really. If you are asking for confirmation that it happened, yes it did. If your asking if it would happen again, no, after 1 slay warning I would now kick.

If it is a complaint, plz remember that intentionally attacking a teammate is cause for instant ban. You were slayed 1 round, not even kicked.

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i didnt kill the guy and i dont recall the name and it wasnt laz

it happened just before i made my first post

Sometimes admin's do this to their friends just haveing some fun.

The highlighted part there signifies you did not know this guy I'm

assuming? Are you sure this guy did not complain to admin?

I usually ignore stuff like this until someone complains or the

culprit does this continuously. Either way, when I do act it's, like

Pavid says, a kick not a slay.

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I think you're making a really big deal out of something small. You were slain because you intentionally attacked a teammate, which is against the rules. The admin made a decision and took action, according to the standards of the server. So, don't intentionally attack teammates and you'll be fine.


Your claim that "admins do this all the time," has no basis. As some of the other posters said, they will occassionally do this to a friend of theirs. I don't see anywhere that you knew this person.


Personally, I don't like being intentionally attacked by teammates ever, even if the round is over or they are my buds.


I don't understand the purpose of your posting this...you obviously went against server rules (in a minor way) and received punishment (also minor- you weren't banned).

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The only Friendly Fire that i've seen allowed in gc is throwing a smoke grenade at someone. M2 did it to me once, i was very displeased. i tried to hit him back, but i missed :(


One time, i threw a frag grenade and killed 5 teammates and injured 1 more.. the next round my entire team peppered me with smoke grenades. :(


*goes back into hiding*

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ok first of all


If you are not an admin or moderator and have nothing pertinent to the post please refrain from posting

Quite simply, we don't need people throwing gas on the flame. He posted here seeking clarification from the admins.



The purpose of admins is to keep the gameplay fun and enjoyable for everyone. If someone is doing something that others don't appreciate or care for then it is the admins place to step in and take action.


From your description of the events, you knifed a a teammate after the round was over. A single incident like this I do not generally have a problem with. HOWEVER, repeated hits or doing this every round isn't a friendly poke and it's the admin's resonsibility to take action.


I'm not saying you're in the wrong, nor am I saying the admin was wrong. We don't want you to feel like you were picked on, you weren't.


It is difficult for me to say whether the admin's actions were right or wrong in this case. I didn't withnes what happened. Certainly the admin's intentions were to promote good clean gameplay and he felt that your attack wasn't appropriate. I would ask that you keep this in mind. I would also say that from your perspective you were just having a little innocent fun with the player.



Whoa, that turned into a bit of an explanation there :o

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ok first of all


If you are not an admin or moderator and have nothing pertinent to the post please refrain from posting

Quite simply, we don't need people throwing gas on the flame. He posted here seeking clarification from the admins.



The purpose of admins is to keep the gameplay fun and enjoyable for everyone. If someone is doing something that others don't appreciate or care for then it is the admins place to step in and take action.


From your description of the events, you knifed a a teammate after the round was over. A single incident like this I do not generally have a problem with. HOWEVER, repeated hits or doing this every round isn't a friendly poke and it's the admin's resonsibility to take action.


I'm not saying you're in the wrong, nor am I saying the admin was wrong. We don't want you to feel like you were picked on, you weren't.


It is difficult for me to say whether the admin's actions were right or wrong in this case. I didn't withnes what happened. Certainly the admin's intentions were to promote good clean gameplay and he felt that your attack wasn't appropriate. I would ask that you keep this in mind. I would also say that from your perspective you were just having a little innocent fun with the player.



Whoa, that turned into a bit of an explanation there :o


thank you thats what i wanted to hear

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