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Need Report on Server Play


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Removed a mod from the server. I want some honest reports on how things are running for folks. Shot registration and so forth. And only report on how things are from today going forward. Thanks.

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Removed a mod from the server. I want some honest reports on how things are running for folks. Shot registration and so forth. And only report on how things are from today going forward. Thanks.


And I'd suggest giving it a couple days into the the week, since sundays are generally light for Internet traffic in general. So an evaluation on monday & tues would be less likely confounded with that.



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Removed a mod from the server. I want some honest reports on how things are running for folks. Shot registration and so forth. And only report on how things are from today going forward. Thanks.


And I'd suggest giving it a couple days into the the week, since sundays are generally light for Internet traffic in general. So an evaluation on monday & tues would be less likely confounded with that.



Bothrops, we will be running it like this for the rest of the week. Want everyone to have a chance to play and post up.

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I have noticed that my bullet reg is way worse now than while CSP is on. Could just be me adjusting to a new interp... dunno.



I've found my registration to be much better with CSP turned off.

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Mookie......setting cl_cmdbackup to 5 does the following.


1 Packet of information

1-backup pack

1-backup pack

1-backup pack

1-backup pack

1-backup pack


you're overloading your upspeed bandwidth with backup packets and I think that the server is ignoring anything after the 2nd backup until your next new packet comes in.


You'd be better off setting you cmdrate a bit higher cause the packets will likely contain a few copies actions in each packet







See the overlap effect?


<waits for someone to say "You're wrong noob!">

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That's probably Lunk's answer. CSP is made to defeat his tweakin ways.


Maybe you just got used to the custom settings you had, Lunk?


Can you tell what it's changing?



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My understanding is that with each outbound update you'll send the current update + the previous X updates in a single shot. So setting cmdbackup to 5 means that each update should also contain the previous 5 updates, and if one was lost along the way there's more chance that the update will end up going through. That's just my understanding of it though, I don't know all that much about it.

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I do know that because csp sets cl_interp to 0.01 and my ping varies between 50-100 ms that I had to lead my target in order to get a shot to hit when shooting a moving target. Because Source uses a ray calculation when it comes to bullets (no travel time for projectiles) you shouldn't have to lead.


Also for some reason at short to medium distance my first shot pulled down and to the left slightly from the center of my crosshair on just about every weapon but its real noticeable with the deagle. Once again, this might not have anything to do with CSP, I just noticed its not there anymore.

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I have noticed that my bullet reg is way worse now than while CSP is on. Could just be me adjusting to a new interp... dunno.



I've found my registration to be much better with CSP turned off.

Well it could be a number of things for me. 1) I got used to the CSP rates and it will take a bit for me to get back used to my custom rates. 2) I got used to other players having CSP rates and need to get used to them not having them. 3) I may have noticed bad reg because I was looking for it. 4) I may just be in the midst of a bad streak or something.


I guess I really had no problem before CSP was added to the server so no big deal... I had just noticed a few times lately that I would have a deagle pointed right at someones chest from 4 ft... squeeze off 4 rounds and have one hit. Didn't notice that sort of thing before. Suppose it doesn't really matter much, I have always stunk at this game.

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yes your shots may register a little better with your custom rates, the reason why csp was created is because you can use the rates to your advantage.


Example: Person A has cl_interpolate 1 while Person B has cl_interpolate 0......for lots of things person B will see person A a split second before Person A see's him.


Example 2: Person A jumps across Double Doors as a CT and Person B awps him through them easily.


While if the positions where switched and person A is awping person B can jump across more easily do to it being much harder to awp mid DD.




Again CSP is not meant to make your shots register perfectly, its meant to even the playing field, with people having the same rates and such it makes it more even.


CSP does not lock the magical rates to make everything perfect, it locks them to make it even

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That's probably Lunk's answer. CSP is made to defeat his tweakin ways.


Maybe you just got used to the custom settings you had, Lunk?


Can you tell what it's changing?



I'm not exactly sure what it's changing. But here's my config. Someone tell me.


muzzleflash_light "0"

cl_autowepswitch "1"

cl_autohelp "1"

cl_radartype "1"

cl_radaralpha "200"

cl_crosshaircolor "0"

cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"

cl_scalecrosshair "1"

cl_crosshairscale "1200"

cl_crosshairalpha "999"

cl_crosshairusealpha "1"

spec_scoreboard "0"

cl_spec_mode "3"

cl_righthand "1"

cl_team "default"

cl_class "default"

closecaption "0"

cc_linger_time "1.0"

cc_predisplay_time "0.25"

cc_subtitles "0"

cc_lang ""

crosshair "1"

cl_observercrosshair "1"

cam_command "0"

cam_snapto "0"

cam_idealyaw "90"

cam_idealpitch "0"

cam_idealdist "64"

c_maxpitch "90"

c_minpitch "0"

c_maxyaw "135"

c_minyaw "-135"

c_maxdistance "200"

c_mindistance "30"

c_orthowidth "100"

c_orthoheight "100"

joy_name "joystick"

joy_forwardthreshold "0.15"

joy_sidethreshold "0.15"

joy_pitchthreshold "0.15"

joy_yawthreshold "0.15"

joy_forwardsensitivity "-1"

joy_sidesensitivity "-1"

joy_pitchsensitivity "1"

joy_yawsensitivity "-1"

joy_wingmanwarrier_centerhack "0"

joy_wingmanwarrier_turnhack "0"

joy_diagonalpov "0"

cl_upspeed "320"

cl_forwardspeed "400"

cl_backspeed "400"

lookspring "0"

lookstrafe "0"

joystick "0"

m_pitch "0.022"

m_filter "0"

sensitivity "3"

m_side "0.8"

m_yaw "0.022"

m_forward "1"

m_customaccel "0"

m_customaccel_scale "0.04"

m_customaccel_max "0"

m_customaccel_exponent "1"

m_mouseaccel1 "0"

m_mouseaccel2 "0"

m_mousespeed "1"

cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"

net_graph "0"

net_scale "5"

net_graphpos "1"

net_graphsolid "1"

voice_modenable "1"

hud_fastswitch "0"

bot_traceview_extended "0"

sv_watchentlist "0"

scene_showfaceto "0"

ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"

ai_think_limit_label "0"

npc_height_adjust "1"

scene_showlook "0"

scene_showmoveto "0"

func_break_max_pieces "15"

suitvolume "0.25"

sv_noclipaccelerate "5"

sv_noclipspeed "5"

sv_specaccelerate "5"

sv_specspeed "3"

sv_specnoclip "1"

sv_skyname "de_cobble"

sv_backspeed "0.6"

voice_forcemicrecord "1"

voice_enable "1"

voice_scale "1"

snd_duckerthreshold "0.15"

snd_duckerreleasetime "2.5"

snd_duckerattacktime "0.5"

snd_ducktovolume "0.55"

adsp_debug "0"

dsp_dist_max "1440.0"

dsp_dist_min "0.0"

snd_mixahead "0.1"

snd_musicvolume "1.0"

volume "1.0"

snd_pitchquality "1"

sv_forcepreload "1"

sv_voiceenable "1"

sv_log_onefile "0"

sv_logecho "1"

sv_logfile "1"

sv_logsdir "logs"

dsp_enhance_stereo "1"

dsp_volume "1.0"

dsp_slow_cpu "0"

cl_allowupload "1"

mp_decals "200.000000"

r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax "1.5"

r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin "0.1"

r_eyesize "0"

r_eyeshift_z "0"

r_eyeshift_y "0"

r_eyeshift_x "0"

r_eyemove "1"

r_eyegloss "1"

skill "1"

r_aspectratio "0"

con_enable "1"

cl_allowdownload "1"

cl_forcepreload "1"

cl_soundfile "sound/player/jingle.wav"

cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/spurs.vtf"

cl_timeout "30"

cl_showpluginmessages "1"

password ""

cl_cmdrate "40"

name "[Mmmm]Lunk .Gc"

cl_cmdbackup "2"

cl_updaterate "40"

sv_unlockedchapters "1"

bgmvolume "1"

vprof_unaccounted_limit "0.3"

vprof_verbose "1"

vprof_graphheight "256"

vprof_graphwidth "512"

texture_budget_background_alpha "128"

texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"

texture_budget_panel_height "284"

texture_budget_panel_width "512"

texture_budget_panel_y "450"

texture_budget_panel_x "0"

budget_panel_height "384"

budget_panel_width "512"

budget_panel_y "50"

budget_panel_x "0"

budget_background_alpha "128"

budget_bargraph_range_ms "16.6666666667"

budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"

budget_history_range_ms "66.666666667"

budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100"

budget_show_history "1"

budget_show_averages "0"

budget_show_peaks "1"

budget_averages_window "30"

budget_peaks_window "30"

budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128"

cl_smooth "0"

fps_max "100"

cl_interp "0"

rate "25000"


// _Set audio settings

soundscape_fadetime "9999"


// _Set violence settings

violence_ablood "1"

violence_agibs "1"

violence_hblood "1"

violence_hgibs "1"

cl_show_bloodspray "1"


// _Set processing settings

r_3dnow "1"

r_mmx "1"

r_sse "1"

r_sse2 "1"


// _Other settings

budget_show_history "0"


// _Set netcode settings

cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1"

cl_lagcompensation "1"


// _Set graphics settings

cl_phys_props_enable "0"

cl_phys_props_max "0"

cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0"

mat_bloom "0"

mat_bumpmap "0"

mat_clipz "0"

mat_fastnobump "1"

mat_fastspecular "1"

mat_specular "0"

mat_trilinear "0"

r_lightaverage "0"

r_lightinterp "0"

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Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage

I have noticed that my bullet reg is way worse now than while CSP is on. Could just be me adjusting to a new interp... dunno.



I've found my registration to be much better with CSP turned off.



Same here. I still get the occasional shot not registering but it is 100 times better than before. As noticed by my recent playing.

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If the CSP mod is off, then most of you are probably using interp 0 and interpolate 0, which means much more accurate shots. CSP locks interpolate at 1 which takes away a good amount of "accuracy". So overall you'll probably see better registration, but more "illegal" commands being used that CSP blocks.


Just my 2cents. CSP should be ON the server, if not the CAL one, at least the CEVO one, where you can decide on interpolate 0/1 and you can have "better registeration".

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I always play with interpolat at 1 Its the interp that I dont like... I need to have it set >.05 for good registration.


Saw the craziest thing today.


I was on a box with a TMP, Lunk came around the corner and I shot down at him and emptied the clip. I saw every bullet hit the concrete floor behind me...and I only scored 7 or 8 hits (tmp did't kill him either).


Never seen that before, just shows you how bad netcode can be sometimes.

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