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i am not saying i always played there, but more than a few times i would go hang around or try to drag people back to west when they were playing in retro.

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Guest Dude-
Guest Dude-
Guest Dude-

We need regular gungame, not deathmatch. I think its too different of a game for most people. I personally dont like it very much and I think its hard for some people to adjust. Just my take.

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Wah? DMGG is the best!! The intensity never dies down (unless there are like... 3 people) and you level up a lot faster. The only thing I didnt like with this GG was the multi-level thing, but Ive gotten used to it.

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I have to admit I miss stock, I can play a good couple maps with GG then I lose interest. I used to play 6-10 in a row.


EDIT: I just went on immut and there was no traffic :(

Edited by aMnesiac
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I'm afraid its looking pretty bleak for Immutable about now. I am as guilty as anyone for this situation. But I just can't get myself interested in Gun Game right now. Sigh.


I dislike situations like this, but its like your favorite mom and pop resturant that you use to go to all the time. You get busy, find other tastes, and you don't go back to that wonderful place for awhile. You just assume that since it has been there for you, then it will always be there for you. Only to come back a few months or years later and find a chain store fast food place has replaced your beloved resturant. You can't help but feel somehow responsible for that poor mom and pop resturant going under. But it wasn't just that you left, it was because lots of people left. Prices for goods went up, profits went down. The poor old owners were just that, poor and old. It's not entirely your fault, but placing blame is a fools game. It was a great place for awhile, wonderful memories of sitting with your friends, drinking, playing and joking with each other. But everything is in transit. Nothing can be forever. We can morn that which is lost, and remember the good times. Then we must move on. The future is truly the promised land. It is there that we will find what we seek, and what we have lost.



Heres to hoping that the fast food chain serves some damn good food.







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For the week before West became gungame.. Alivemetal was taken off the rotation. Assault actually filled the server on more than one occasion though. The rotation was de_dust2, cs_office, de_aztec, cs_italy, and cs_assault. I think i'm missing a de_ map but that was the rotation.


Here's what west has been looking like the past month (February). I posted this in the admin forums during my progress report.


Before i posted this, the average daily traffic on west was 0-1 player. That's the average # of players in the server in one day.


After that post GC started to show some support for the server. Usually after 9PM the server would start up and stay filled for 3 hours or so then quickly die. For the other 21 hours of the day.. Server had 0-1 player in it. This just wasn't going to work. Average # of players in a day was 2-3, regardless.


Now.. The server is getting traffic. We haven't completely filled the server but we are getting more players in and out of the server. The most regulars i have seen on at once was 3, at most (excluding myself). The average # of players is now 4-5 players a day.


aMnesiac Posted Today, 06:29 PM

I have to admit I miss stock, I can play a good couple maps with GG then I lose interest. I used to play 6-10 in a row.


EDIT: I just went on immut and there was no traffic ugh.gif


I miss stock too. Aimlab was my escape from having to deal with team stacking, complaining, bad attitudes, ethugs, you name it. Sure it was empty the majority of the time or had very low traffic, but it was still fun. As for the emptiness. You'll get used to it. I've been playing in an empty server for a long long time.


Anyways, after West becomes more steady and subtle i will focus on making aimlab more stock. Right now it's just 24/7 d2 with a pretty bad config. My goal right now is to bring traffic into west though. Aimlab at most will support 16 people (2 reserved slots). We do not know the exact limitations of the aimlab yet but i'm sure the max number of players will end up dropping.


And.. For future reference. As of right now, i have no intention of changing west back to stock. I prefer having low steady traffic and bringing in new regulars and potential members than having an empty server except for 2-3 hours a day where half the server is made up of current regulars and members. If I see a possibility to get west back to stock and have it operating successfully then i will do so.

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I am getting dissapointed...in regards to West...this is becoming just like Snakeden (loki/Lao/alvin knows what I am talking about).


What's the deal? Immut was the only server I played on...and now it's dead.


I came on the other day just to see it was turned into a gungame server, which of course was an immediate sign of failure, sadly.


My question is this though, is there a history of a latency during the so-called offseason? What I mean, since it's not summertime yet, the majority of CS players (highschoolers) are still "busy" with school. I wonder if this effects server traffic much.


If there is research/data on past years traffic flows this should definately be studied and a conclusion drawn!

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Traffic has dropped dramatically since reverting back to stock settings. Now would be the time to show your support! :peace:


Is Aimlab going to go back to GG or DM? I feel weird when I play in it now...

I'm hoping to make aimlab into a 1.6 server. If the problem with lag is CPU related then i say we push for 1.6.. If it is latency related then.. I still say we expand our horizon to different games.

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I am getting dissapointed...in regards to West...this is becoming just like Snakeden (loki/Lao/alvin knows what I am talking about).


What's the deal? Immut was the only server I played on...and now it's dead.



hi, you're about 2 months late to the conversation, but better late than never. we've found out you can't force people to play on a server. people stopped playing on west as-is (stock, same maps, different rotations). why run an empty server? we tried gungame. traffic went up. people noticed they missed stock. stock is back. traffic, tbd.


if there's one thing anyone and everyone can do, it's play on the server, even if it's empty, for 10-15 minutes.

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everyone is complaining about how they miss stock. don't sit on ur but and complain log onto west and stay their for at least half an hour. having one gc member in there does wonders for the sever. where not going to get west back up and running just logging on to the boards. its going to take alot of boring days in west playing with minimal peeps. so i implore all of u tht want to see west as big as it once was log on and stick around for 30 mins or so. where not going to gain traffic in there if we as members and reg.'s dont do our part to boost sever population.


hugz and kisses,


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Traffic has dropped dramatically since reverting back to stock settings. Now would be the time to show your support! :peace:


I logged on two nights ago (had soccer practice last night and a friend over) and the server was at 20 people. I could see the day traffic being lower, but overall, is night traffic still as low?

Edited by aMnesiac
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Maybe its because of finals or coming spring break. It is school days after all. I haven't seen Asso in so long in the times I play in Immut lol. Glad to see it stock though, Shaf, Desh and I had fun last night in a gaming 3 some.

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Traffic has been pretty low for a few months now.

Gungame brought in more traffic, we just never filled the server.

Stock is bringing in almost no traffic except for maybe 2-3 hours at night where most people in the server are regulars or members.

Overall, GunGame has showed the most promise.

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