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So I'm in game right and having a bit of a conversation with some other players and we get into a bit of a disagreement over what constitutes and exploit. So I'm bringing it right back to the community. What makes something exploitative. What are some exploits we can agree are meritorious of punishment etc.?


The floor for discussion is now open.



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i'm sure our pro players have an official statement, but here's one from me:


- things that give an unfair advantage, like the spec exploit to get extra cash or ghosting to give locations.

- defusing the bomb while unable to see it (eg, bomb planted on top of train, defusing from underneath)

- abusing admin with ma_beacon :D

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GC Alumni
- defusing the bomb while unable to see it


Saw a GC member attempting this today. Peklz had it under control.


And for one other specific one which was being discussed... bunny hopping. I don't think it's an exploit, it doesn't speed you up at all, and as long as it's not a script it's not illegal in leagues.

Edited by SaN
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- defusing the bomb while unable to see it


Saw a GC member attempting this today. Peklz had it under control.


And for one other specific one which was being discussed... bunny hopping. I don't think it's an exploit, it doesn't speed you up at all, and as long as it's not a script it's not illegal in leagues.


it definitely does speed you up; from CT spawn, vovik can get to the area above the pit in dust2 before T's can look through double doors and see who crosses, so watch out for that area from now on


i think exploits are on a case by case basis, such as planting in the fountain of goldfish on inferno in hopes that the goldfish will block the defuse

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its interesting to read the exploits from the cal forums. Like, quick crouching is an exploit, and they have a video of it being used on dust2 bombsite b. AWPer sits crouched behind box, covering tunnel. If you release your crouch button and immediately press it again you'll crouch much faster than if you wait to press it until you've already stood up. Doing so apparently makes it impossible to see the person behind the box.

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********** DISCLAIMER : I realize this isn't CAL, but here's a list of their exploits. **********



Exploit Handbook for Counter-Strike: Source Season 11


By: Ian George




The goal of this guide is to be used as a reference for concerns about legal and illegal actions in competitive play for Counter-Strike: Source. I will try to make this guide as complete as possible so people can find the answer they are looking for instead of having to ask and wait for a reply. If you have a question or have found a command/exploit of concern that is not covered here, please pm me on the forums and I will add it into the guide if necessary. Also note, this thread is not for discussing why something is or isn't legal. Special thanks goes to TheUnknownFactor, clutch, phoon, delgado, nerve, iNfusioN3, and norV.





BASIC GAME PLAY EXPLOITS(Exploits concerning general game play and a basic description of what is legal and illegal.)




  • Bomb Planting
    1. Attempting to make the bomb undefusable by covering it with objects is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 ]
    2. As long as the bomb is able to be heard and can be defused without interference from the environment, the bomb plant is LEGAL

    [*]Bomb Defusing

    1. Beginning to defuse the bomb without being able to see it is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 , 2 ]
    2. When beginning a bomb defuse, if you can see any part of the physical bomb(LED is not physical), the defuse is LEGAL [ Examples: 1 , 2 ]


  • Throwing projectiles off of invisible walls/ceilings is LEGAL
  • Projectile boosting(covered below) is ILLEGAL


  • Super Boost (requires two players) [ LEGAL ]
    1. Player A jumps over player B
    2. Player B jumps while player A is in the air above him
    3. Player A jumps again
    4. **NOTE** This can be performed in two ways: standing(where player A starts off already on top of player B) and running(player A runs towards player B and jumps over him)

    [*]Run Boost (requires two players) [ LEGAL ]

    1. Player A stands on top of player B
    2. Player A and B begin to run simultaneously in the same direction
    3. Player A jumps

    [*]Projectile Boost (requires two players) [ ILLEGAL ]

    1. Player A jumps over player B
    2. Player B throws a projectile(flashbang, smoke grenade, or HE grenade) into player A's feet

    [*]Ladder Boost [ LEGAL ]

    1. "Hook" onto a ladder and look down or up
    2. Move backward(if looking down) or forward(if looking up) and strafe into the ladder at the same time

    [*]Air Strafing [ LEGAL ]

    1. Jump into the air with forward velocity
    2. Choose a direction to strafe and move your crosshairs in the same direction
    3. **NOTE** Air strafing increases your speed dramatically and is what allows longjumping and bunnyhopping to work

    [*]Quick Crouching [ ILLEGAL ]

    1. Begin by crouching(usually behind a box)
    2. Release your crouch key and immediately press it again

Here is a video demonstrating what these various glitches are. [ Video: Mirror 1 , Mirror 2 ]




  • Any spot that allows you to see through the map in a way that is unintended is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 ]
  • If an object goes through a significant portion of your player model (also known as clipping), the spot is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 , 2 ]
  • Being in a spot that does not have a visible ledge for standing on is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 ]
  • Intentionally placing or shooting objects in front of a swinging door is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 ]

INDIVIDUAL MAP EXPLOITS(Listing of illegal and common legal concerns pertaining to each map.)



NOTE: Using any exploit noted here as ILLEGAL will result in a MINIMUM 3 rounds overturned for your match.



CONSOLE AND SCRIPTING(Concerns about the legality of console commands, console variables, and scripts.)




  • Using any console command that gets rid of radio calls is ILLEGAL
  • Using any console command blocked by sv_cheats 0, sv_pure 2, the cal config, or the latest version of zblock is ILLEGAL
  • Using any command that allows you to see through solid objects or modifies ambient sounds is ILLEGAL
  • Here is a list of currently known ILLEGAL console commands:


  • Using any console variable blocked by sv_cheats 0, sv_pure 2, the cal config, or the latest version of zblock is ILLEGAL
  • Using any variable setting that allows you to see through solid objects or modifies ambient sounds is ILLEGAL
  • Changing ANY graphic console variable after taking your first SS in a match is ILLEGAL
    (NOTE: variables that change crosshairs are exempt from this rule)
  • Here is a list of console variables and their LEGAL values (Changing the values of these variables to anything other than what is listed is ILLEGAL):
    "cl_showanimstate" = "-1"
    "cl_showanimstate_log" = "0"
    "g_debug_ragdoll_visualize" = "0"
    "r_drawothermodels" = "1"
    "cl_extrapolate" = "1"
    "cl_interp_ratio" = "1"
    "cl_interpolate" = "1"
    "r_drawrenderboxes" = "0"
    "fish_debug" = "0"
    "r_drawropes" = "1"
    "soundscape_fadetime" = "3.0"
    "r_drawsprites" = "1"
    "r_JeepViewBlendTo" = "1"
    "r_JeepViewBlendToScale" = "0.03"
    "r_JeepViewBlendToTime" = "1.5"
    "r_JeepFOV" = "90"
    "cl_predict" = "1"
    "mat_stub" = "0"
    "cl_drawleaf" = "-1"
    "r_PortalTestEnts" = "1"
    "cl_drawhud" = "1"
    "r_newflashlight" = "1"
    "r_flashlightlockposition" = "0"
    "r_flashlightfov" = "45.0"
    "r_flashlightoffsetx" = "10.0"
    "r_flashlightoffsety" = "-20.0"
    "r_flashlightoffsetz" = "24.0"
    "r_flashlightnear" = "1.0"
    "r_flashlightfar" = "750.0"
    "r_flashlightconstant" = "0.0"
    "r_flashlightlinear" = "100.0"
    "r_flashlightquadratic" = "0.0"
    "r_flashlightvisualizetrace" = "0"
    "cl_sun_decay_rate" = "0.05"
    "hidehud" = "0"
    "cam_command" = "0"
    "cl_pitchdown" = "89"
    "cl_pitchup" = "89"
    "cl_sidespeed" = "400"
    "cl_upspeed" = "320"
    "cl_forwardspeed" = "400"
    "cl_backspeed" = "400"
    "cl_extrapolate_amount" = "0.25"
    "r_drawparticles" = "1"
    "particle_simulateoverflow" = "0"
    "particle_simulateoverflow" = "0"
    "cl_particleeffect_aabb_buffer" = "2"
    "cl_particles_show_bbox" = "0"
    "cl_phys_timescale" = "1.0"
    "r_propsmaxdist" = "1200"
    "cl_wpn_sway_scale" = "1.0"
    "cl_showerror" = "0"
    "cl_predictionlist" = "0"
    "cl_pdump" = "-1"
    "cl_pclass" = ""
    "pwatchent" = "-1"
    "pwatchvar" = ""
    "viewmodel_fov" = "54"
    "mat_viewportscale" = "1.0"
    "cl_leveloverview" = "0"
    "r_mapextents" = "16384"
    "r_farz" = "-1"
    "r_DrawBeams" = "1"
    "cl_overdraw_test" = "0"
    "r_eyewaterepsilon" = "7.0f"
    "cl_maxrenderable_dist" = "3000"
    "r_drawopaqueworld" = "1"
    "r_skybox" = "1"
    "r_drawviewmodel" = "1"
    "r_drawtranslucentrenderables" = "1"
    "r_drawopaquerenderables" = "1"
    "fog_override" = "0"
    "fog_start" = "-1"
    "fog_end" = "-1"
    "fog_color" = "-1 -1 -1"
    "fog_enable" = "1"
    "fog_startskybox" = "-1"
    "fog_endskybox" = "-1"
    "fog_colorskybox" = "-1 -1 -1"
    "fog_enableskybox" = "1"
    "r_debugcheapwater" = "0"
    "mat_drawwater" = "1"
    "cl_drawmaterial" = ""
    "cl_drawshadowtexture" = "0"
    "mat_showwatertextures" = "0"
    "mat_showframebuffertexture" = "0"
    "mat_showcamerarendertarget" = "0"
    "mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize" = "128"
    "mat_hsv" = "0"
    "mat_yuv" = "0"
    "r_TransitionSensitivity" = "6"
    "mat_bloomamount_rate" = "0.05f"
    "mat_debug_process_halfscreen" = "0"
    "mat_debug_autoexposure" = "0"
    "mat_force_bloom" = "0"
    "mat_debug_bloom" = "0"
    "mat_exposure_center_region_x" = "0.75"
    "mat_exposure_center_region_y" = "0.80"
    "mat_exposure_center_region_x_flashlight" = "0.33"
    "mat_exposure_center_region_y_flashlight" = "0.33"
    "mat_dxlevel" = "81","90","95"
    "mat_picmip" = "0","1","2"
    "mat_force_bloom" = "0"
    "mat_bloomamount_rate" = "0.05f"
    "mat_hdr_tonemapscale_max" = "16"
    "mat_hdroverbrightrange" = "16"
    "mat_colorcorrection" = "0"
    "mat_leafvis" = "0"
    "mat_surfacemat" = "0"
    "mat_surfaceid" = "0"
    "mat_bumpbasis" = "0"
    "mat_debugdepth" = "0"
    "mat_debugdepthvalmax" = "256"
    "mat_debugdepthval" = "128"
    "mat_debugdepthmode" = "0"
    "mat_debugalttab" = "0"
    "mat_debug_process_halfscreen" = "0"
    "mat_debug_bloom" = "0"
    "mat_debug_autoexposure" = "0"
    "mat_showlightmappage" = "-1"
    "cl_winddir" = "0"
    "cl_windspeed" = "0"
    "net_showevents" = "0"
    "r_RainSplashPercentage" = "20"
    "r_RainHack" = "0"
    "r_RainRadius" = "1500"
    "r_RainSideVel" = "130"
    "r_RainSimulate" = "1"
    "r_DrawRain" = "1"
    "r_RainProfile" = "0"
    "r_SnowEnable" = "1"
    "r_SnowParticles" = "500"
    "r_SnowInsideRadius" = "256"
    "r_SnowOutsideRadius" = "1024"
    "r_SnowSpeedScale" = "1"
    "r_SnowPosScale" = "1"
    "r_SnowFallSpeed" = "1.5"
    "r_SnowWindScale" = "0.0035"
    "r_SnowDebugBox" = "0"
    "r_SnowZoomOffset" = "384.0f"
    "r_SnowZoomRadius" = "512.0f"
    "r_SnowStartAlpha" = "25"
    "r_SnowEndAlpha" = "255"
    "r_SnowColorRed" = "150"
    "r_SnowColorGreen" = "175"
    "r_SnowColorBlue" = "200"
    "r_SnowStartSize" = "1"
    "r_SnowEndSize" = "0"
    "r_SnowRayLength" = "8192.0f"
    "r_SnowRayRadius" = "256"
    "r_SnowRayEnable" = "1"
    "r_raindensity" = "0.001"
    "r_rainwidth" = "0.5"
    "r_rainlength" = "0.1f"
    "r_rainspeed" = "600.0f"
    "r_rainalpha" = "0.4"
    "r_rainalphapow" = "0.8"
    "r_VehicleViewClamp" = "1"
    "cl_sporeclipdistance" = "512"
    "default_fov" = "90"
    "cl_bobcycle" = "0.8"
    "cl_bob" = "0.002"
    "cl_bobup" = "0.5"
    "cl_leveloverviewmarker" = "0"
    "ai_drawbattlelines" = "0"
    "npc_ally_deathmessage" = "1"
    "g_debug_trackpather" = "0"
    "sv_showanimstate" = "-1"
    "sv_showanimstate_log" = "0"
    "sv_netvisdist" = "10000"
    "ai_debug_los" = "0"
    "ent_messages_draw" = "0"
    "ai_debug_shoot_positions" = "0"
    "fish_dormant" = "0"
    "r_vehicleDrawDebug" = "0"
    "r_vehicleBrakeRate" = "1.5"
    "sv_showhitboxes" = "-1"
    "r_VehicleViewDampen" = "1"
    "r_JeepViewDampenFreq" = "7.0"
    "r_JeepViewDampenDamp" = "1.0"
    "r_JeepViewZHeight" = "10.0"
    "r_AirboatViewDampenFreq" = "7.0"
    "r_AirboatViewDampenDamp" = "1.0"
    "r_AirboatViewZHeight" = "0.0"
    "nav_edit" = "0"
    "nav_quicksave" = "0"
    "nav_show_approach_points" = "0"
    "nav_show_danger" = "0"
    "nav_show_player_counts" = "0"
    "g_debug_vehicledriver" = "0"
    "sv_pushaway_player_force" = "200000"
    "sv_pushaway_max_player_force" = "10000"
    "sv_noclipduringpause" = "0"
    "sv_showlagcompensation" = "0"
    "g_debug_angularsensor" = "0"
    "g_debug_ragdoll_removal" = "0"
    "showtriggers" = "0"
    "g_debug_vehiclebase" = "0"
    "g_debug_vehiclesound" = "0"
    "g_debug_vehicleexit" = "0"
    "cs_ShowStateTransitions" = "-2"
    "bot_mimic" = "0"
    "bot_freeze" = "0"
    "bot_crouch" = "0"
    "bot_mimic_yaw_offset" = "180"
    "g_jeepexitspeed" = "100"
    "bot_traceview" = "0"
    "bot_stop" = "0"
    "bot_show_nav" = "0"
    "bot_debug" = "0"
    "bot_debug_target" = "0"
    "bot_zombie" = "0"
    "bot_dont_shoot" = "0"
    "bot_show_occupy_time" = "0"
    "bot_show_battlefront" = "0"
    "bot_loadout" = ""
    "hostage_debug" = "0"
    "sv_pushaway_hostage_force" = "20000"
    "sv_pushaway_max_hostage_force" = "1000"
    "r_modellodscale" = "1.0"
    "cl_detailfade" = "400"
    "cl_detaildist" = "1600"
    "r_drawdetailprops" = "1"
    "r_screenfademaxsize" = "0"
    "r_screenfademinsize" = "0"
    "mat_hdr_tonemapscale" = "1.0"
    "mat_hdroverbrightrange" = "16.0"
    "mat_filtertextures" = "1"
    "mat_mipmaptextures" = "1"
    "mat_showmiplevels" = "0"
    "mat_slopescaledepthbias_decal" = "-0.500000"
    "mat_slopescaledepthbias_normal" = "0"
    "mat_depthbias_decal" = "-262144"
    "mat_diffuse" = "1"
    "mat_showlowresimage" = "0"
    "mat_normalmaps" = "0"
    "mat_measurefillrate" = "0"
    "mat_fillrate" = "0"
    "mat_reversedepth" = "0"
    "mat_drawflat" = "0"
    "mat_softwarelighting" = "0"
    "mat_proxy" = "0"
    "mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate" = "1.0"
    "mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down" = "3"
    "mat_debugdepth" = "0"
    "mat_texture_limit" = "-1"
    "mat_frame_sync_enable" = "1"
    "mat_frame_sync_force_texture" = "0"
    "mem_force_flush" = "0"
    "mod_forcedata" = "1"
    "mod_test_not_available" = "0"
    "mod_test_mesh_not_available" = "0"
    "mod_test_verts_not_available" = "0"
    "mod_load_mesh_async" = "0"
    "mod_load_anims_async" = "0"
    "mod_load_vcollide_async" = "0"
    "mod_trace_load" = "0"
    "mod_lock_mdls_on_load" = "0"
    "snd_obscured_gain_dB" = "-2.70"
    "snd_showstart" = "0"
    "dsp_dist_max" = "1440.0"
    "dsp_dist_min" = "0.0"
    "snd_visualize" = "0"
    "snd_show" = "0"
    "showbudget_texture" = "0"
    "vgui_drawtree" = "0"
    "r_drawvgui" = "1"
    "vcollide_wireframe" = "0"
    "r_colorstaticprops" = "0"
    "r_drawstaticprops" = "1"
    "r_partition_level" = "-1"
    "r_lod" = "-1","0","1","2"
    "r_rootlod" = "0","1","2"
    "t_transitionsensitivity" = "6"
    "t_modellodscale" = "1"
    "r_avglight" = "1"
    "r_ambientfraction" = "0.1"
    "r_entity" = "-1"
    "snd_gain_min" = "0.01"
    "snd_gain_max" = "1"
    "snd_gain" = "1"
    "snd_foliage_db_loss" = "4"
    "snd_refdb" = "60"
    "snd_refdist" = "36"
    "dsp_off" = "0"
    "r_shadowids" = "0"
    "r_shadowwireframe" = "0"
    "r_shadows_gamecontrol" = "-1"
    "r_drawdecals" = "1"
    "r_dscale_basefov" = "90"
    "r_dscale_fardist" = "2000"
    "r_dscale_farscale" = "4"
    "r_dscale_neardist" = "100"
    "r_dscale_nearscale" = "1"
    "r_portalsopenall" = "0"
    "r_DrawPortals" = "0"
    "r_ClipAreaPortals" = "1"
    "r_occlusionspew" = "0"
    "r_visocclusion" = "0"
    "net_droppackets" = "0"
    "net_fakeloss" = "0"
    "net_fakelag" = "0"
    "net_blockmsg" = "none"
    "mat_loadtextures" = "1"
    "r_lockpvs" = "0"
    "r_novis" = "0"
    "mat_depthbias_normal" = "0"
    "mat_fullbright" = "0"
    "mat_bumpbasis" = "0"
    "mat_normals" = "0"
    "mat_showlightmappage" = "-1"
    "mat_luxels" = "0"
    "mat_wireframe" = "0"
    "mat_norendering" = "0"
    "r_lightstyle" = "-1"
    "r_lightmap" = "-1"
    "mat_debugalttab" = "0"
    "r_lightcachecenter" = "1"
    "r_drawlightcache" = "0"
    "r_avglight" = "0"
    "r_radiosity" = "4"
    "r_ambientlightingonly" = "0"
    "r_lightcache_numambientsamples" = "162" min. 1.000000 max. 162.000000
    "lightcache_maxmiss" = "2"
    "r_ambientfraction" = "0.1"
    "r_modelwireframedecal" = "0"
    "r_skin" = "0"
    "r_drawentities" = "1"
    "r_nosw" = "0"
    "r_nohw" = "0"
    "mat_softwareskin" = "0"
    "r_showenvcubemap" = "0"
    "r_itemblinkrate" = "4.5"
    "r_itemblinkmax" = ".3"
    "r_debugrandomstaticlighting" = "0"
    "r_lightinterp" = "5"
    "r_entity" = "-1"
    "r_DrawModelLightOrigin" = "0"
    "r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance" = "500"
    "r_drawmodelstatsoverlay" = "0"
    "host_sleep" = "0"
    "developer" = "1"
    "next" = "0"
    "singlestep" = "0"
    "r_drawfullskybox" = "1"
    "r_drawskybox" = "1"
    "mat_surfacemat" = "0"
    "mat_surfaceid" = "0"
    "fog_enable_water_fog" = "1"
    "r_drawbrushmodels" = "1"
    "r_drawworld" = "1"
    "r_drawleaf" = "-1"
    "mat_forcedynamic" = "0"
    "r_drawtranslucentworld" = "1"
    "r_aspectratio" = "0"
    "r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace" = "0"
    "r_visualizelighttraces" = "0"
    "r_visualizetraces" = "0"
    "r_avglightmap" = "0"
    "r_drawlightinfo" = "0"
    "r_drawlights" = "0"
    "disp_numiterations" = "1"
    "r_DispBuildable" = "0"
    "r_DispWalkable" = "0"
    "r_DrawDisp" = "1"
    "r_drawclipbrushes" = "0"
    "mat_leafvis" = "0"
    "showbudget_texture" = "0" 
    "cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset" = "90"
    "cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset" = "10"
    "cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount" = "200"
    "cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick" = "999"
    "cl_clock_showdebuginfo" = "0"
    "cl_clockdrift_max_ms" = "150"
    "cl_clock_correction" = "1"
    "mat_show_texture_memory_usage" = "0"
    "cl_showevents" = "0"
    "cl_ignorepackets" = "0"
    "cl_flushentitypacket" = "0"
    "cl_entityreport" = "0"
    "demo_recordcommands" = "1"
    "mat_force_tonemap_scale" = "0.0f"
    "mat_dynamic_tonemapping" = "1"


  • Binding a command to multiple keys is LEGAL
    [ Example: Binding both space and mwheeldown to +jump ]
  • Binding a key to multiple commands is ILLEGAL
    [ Example: Binding space to +jump and +duck ]
    **NOTE** There are three exceptions to this rule:
    1. BUY: The buy command can be bound to a key that already has another command bound to it
    2. BIND: The bind command can be bound to a key that already has another command bound to it
    3. ALIAS: The alias command can be bound to a key that already has another command bound to it ONLY if it is used in such a way that it does not mimic the effect of binding two commands to one key.
      • Aliasing any command that starts with "+" or "-" to an alias that does not start with "+" or "-" is ILLEGAL
      • Aliasing any command that does not start with "+" or "-" to an alias that starts with "+" or "-" is ILLEGAL
        • Here is a LEGAL example of using the alias command:
          alias weapswitch "prim"
          alias prim "slot1; alias weapswitch sec"
          alias sec "slot2; alias weapswitch prim"
          bind "q" "weapswitch"

        • Here is an ILLEGAL example of using the alias command:
          alias +switch "lastinv"
          alias -switch "lastinv"
          bind "q" "+switch"

UPDATES(A list of updates to the handbook.)

  • 9/16/07: Changed wording in scripting section. Added a concern to the projectile throwing section. Removed cl_phys_props_max > 50 from the console variable list.
  • 9/17/07: Updated console commands section and added snd_restart to illegal console commands list.
  • 01/10/08: Added map exploits for de_aztec.
  • 01/11/08: Updated aliasing section under scripting.
  • 05/10/08: Updated aliasing section under scripting.
  • 05/11/08: Updated an illegal spot on de_inferno and added de_rush_v2 to the map exploits list

PREVIOUSLY ASKED QUESTIONS(Questions that have been already been asked.)




If you can connect to a server using sv_cheats 0, sv_pure 2, the latest cal config, and the latest version of zblock, then it is legal provided it does not allow you to see through solid objects or modifies ambient sounds.




It's legal, bunnyhopping falls under the use of airstrafing.




buy binds ARE legal to use




Yes it's legal.

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AFAIK, an exploit is something you can do that the developers never intended you to be able to do. It's honestly pretty simple to figure out what was intended and what was not. Until they are fixed, it's on your conscience whether you take advantage of them or not. I usually choose to take the higher road. Usually, exploits are either fixed quickly or blocked on the majority of servers.

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That list of commands and all of the above mentioned exploits is the reason I don't play CSS. I don't have a problem with a tweak or two with your graphics card and what not but I mean really. If you feel the need to run all that crap then I personally feel you have lost the excitement of the game itself.


My theory is this with any game: If you don't enjoy the game by playing it straight out of the box, then don't bother playing it.

I know its easy for me to say something like this as I am not a very good player, but I think it holds true to even the best players out there. I know some people feel that exploits are not our fault, its not my problem if the producers left a glitch in the game. But why use it. Because using it gives you an unfair advantage, hence the reason a lot of servers try to filter stuff like that out. The GC kicks or bans people for some of those very exploits, just as you would kick or ban for obvious hacks.


Maybe I'm the minority here by choosing to play straight out of the box but thats just me. I enjoy the game more that way.


Thanks for letting me vent my opinion.

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That list of commands and all of the above mentioned exploits is the reason I don't play CSS. I don't have a problem with a tweak or two with your graphics card and what not but I mean really. If you feel the need to run all that crap then I personally feel you have lost the excitement of the game itself.


My theory is this with any game: If you don't enjoy the game by playing it straight out of the box, then don't bother playing it.

I know its easy for me to say something like this as I am not a very good player, but I think it holds true to even the best players out there. I know some people feel that exploits are not our fault, its not my problem if the producers left a glitch in the game. But why use it. Because using it gives you an unfair advantage, hence the reason a lot of servers try to filter stuff like that out. The GC kicks or bans people for some of those very exploits, just as you would kick or ban for obvious hacks.


Maybe I'm the minority here by choosing to play straight out of the box but thats just me. I enjoy the game more that way.


Thanks for letting me vent my opinion.


Yes nice list. While I don't believe that we're going to care that much about weather people have their graphic variables exactly right it is nice to know what official CAL rules are. In moments where problems arise it is good to have some sort of idea off of which to base your own decision. I'm not advocating for adoption of CAL rules here, I'm just saying that it's a nice sort of springboard for our own regulations on the matter. Also as far as I know the all that crap you mentioned are the out of the box specs, that's not a list of stuff you have to change your card to it's a list of stuff that you shouldn't change your card away from. For all I know I'm wrong but that's my perspective on it.



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Graphic card settings wasn't really the point. I was merely stating the there are an immense number of ways in CSS to enhance your game to give a person the edge over others. I realize the commands are coming straight from the game, however the countless number of undetectable hacks are not. The exploits of the game are undeniable, its that way with every game. There will always be glitches. I'm not stating that everyone uses them or even wants to, I'm merely stating that there are a lot of them out there that are being used and to me it just seems as though to some of those people the game must have gotten boring.


I'm not saying the game is not fun, I enjoy the game when I play, but there is always more than one person that seems the need to exaggerate it. Perhaps you should try setting the server to official CAL rules and police it as so, just to see how things unfold.

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Graphic card settings wasn't really the point. I was merely stating the there are an immense number of ways in CSS to enhance your game to give a person the edge over others. I realize the commands are coming straight from the game, however the countless number of undetectable hacks are not. The exploits of the game are undeniable, its that way with every game. There will always be glitches. I'm not stating that everyone uses them or even wants to, I'm merely stating that there are a lot of them out there that are being used and to me it just seems as though to some of those people the game must have gotten boring.


I'm not saying the game is not fun, I enjoy the game when I play, but there is always more than one person that seems the need to exaggerate it. Perhaps you should try setting the server to official CAL rules and police it as so, just to see how things unfold.

primus - that's a hard argument to sell around here - how many of us have custom built computers? aren't those computers built for an optimal gaming setup? why not just buy a gateway and use it as is?


i can't think of an activity i do where i don't tweak something. my snowboard has custom skybacks and boneout straps. my hockey skates have a custom rocker. my underwear has special cutouts. (pause4lol)


we've got a really great advertisement running on retro:

"stop worrying about others and worry about yourself."


gameplay is a lot more enjoyable that way. a lot more.



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stop worrying about others and worry about yourself


I don't worry about others dude, it doesn't matter to me. All I did was voice my opinion and now it seems I get crucified for it. Its all good, no problem.

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And for one other specific one which was being discussed... bunny hopping. I don't think it's an exploit, it doesn't speed you up at all, and as long as it's not a script it's not illegal in leagues.

If executed correctly, it gives you a significant speed boost. If I'm lucky, I can get to the back of B in cbble before Ts are half way through B tuns.

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"Bunny Hops" DO increase your speed in game. Its not a ton, but if you can hit a ramp just right, you can go about 15 feet in 1 jump at about 2-3x the speed. I have a friend who can get from CT spawn on Mill INTO SA-2 before the T's can get there. (I think I'm right on this rule).. In CAL, doing this is LEGAL. In CEVO this is LEGAL for ONLY 2 or 3 JUMPS. (That's last I heard on the matter, which was long ago, and I could be wrong). Either way, you can claim it an exploit or not. Personally I could go either way. It IS giving a player an advantage, however, it is NOT a glitch in the game. (unless you are scripting, and I know very FEW people who can actually pull it off without using a script).


As for other exploits, its really on a case by case basis. As for the biggies, bomb defusal through wall or object, boosting through a map, (I don't know of any ATM), Spec glitch.. not so much in my book, however annoying, ghosting is a big issue to me, but I could care less these days.


Most of the big stuff is common knowledge to anyone who is a regular or plays in a league and abides by the rules, as for the small stuff, like I said, case by case.

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