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I has new iphone


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Got a new iphone over the weekend for a couple reasons.

1) I get lost alot, I HATE waiting 2 minutes while driving to have Google Maps try to find me on Edge and then waiting for the maps to load so I can see the streets around me. GPS + 3G fixes this.

2) My girlfriend wanted an iphone so she purchased my old one.


After a single weekend with the new phone I must say, I love it...but I don't love it $15 more a month.

Almost immediately I turned off 3G. St. Louis doesn't have very good coverage in the rural areas (an hour or more southwest) and I would get "No Service" on 3G but 4-5 bars on Edge. After day 1 I saw that the battery life was HORRIBLE so I turned off GPS too, that fixed the problem and now my battery is as good as the old iphone (which still means it needs nightly charges).


So basically, I'm paying $15 ($10 for the data plan, $5 for 200 texts) more a month for the ability to occasionally have GPS and 3G (which will take me 2 minutes while driving anyway) and a curved back (which I will admit feels amazing in the hand compared to the old phone)


So, if you were thinking of upgrading, don't. If you were thinking of buying a new iphone, find a used one instead and get the $20 a month plan.


The End.

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rofl. dude, you SOLD your GIRLFRIEND your USED phone?


i'll sell you my used edge for your new 3g, so long as it's not white. or, i'll sell my edge on ebay for $400, and grab a new one. you call it.


ps - lol @ selling it to your girlfriend.

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Aw...are you guys bitter that the women in your lives aren't worth making happy and instead exist solely because you have no idea what kind of person you'd be without them?


I'm sorry.



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can't wait to upgrade my palm treo for an iphone...


sucks the old ones are more expensive than the new ones..


now ill have to deal with ppl trying to sell me 3g data plans while getting one at the store.

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Worth making happy? Absolutely.


SELLING an old iPhone to them vs. GIVING an old iPhone is the root cause of the lawlrus.


I have given my wife several tech hand-me-downs (most of which prior to our marriage) and if I had tried to sell them to her she would in turn have put a price on my laundry as well as other "free" services.




btw, lol at 3G, although I guess anything is better than Edge.

Edited by boilersax
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Yeah, by "selling" it to her I of course meant that she wouldn't let me give it to her because she feels guilty about such an expensive gift (we've only been dating a few months) and keeps telling me that when she gets the money she'll pay me for it (even though I know that day won't come because she can't afford it and I don't expect it to and even if she did I'd just turn around and spend it on her again).


I equals win intarnets.

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Guest ApoK
Guest ApoK
Guest ApoK

The Apple Iphone made stocks jitter up down up down up down and made my dad really mad because he was into that kind of thing. My friend got the Iphone and I got the Chocolate, and mine works so much better than his. Although the internet is all good and stuff I think the Iphone has horrible service.

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I bet you just can't wait for the stress fractures huh Playaa?




3G while faster, is a horrendous network for actually staying connected. Remember its an upgrade to the CDMA 1.5 network that relies on users to bounce signal across the network. Basically there are fewer cell towers and it uses other people to maintain your connection. So if no one has 3G around you and you're out of range of a tower you'll lose your signal. I am somewhat surprised that it's happening to you though Playaa as I was under the impression there wasn't a "dead zone" for 3G anywhere in the states due to the population density.


Also, just about everyone I know with the new iPhone (can't get the old one here anyways) loses all connectivity when they get in a car with the engine running. I thought it was complete bs when my buddy's sister complained about it but yesterday someone at work with one was telling me he can't figure out why he loses connection to the network in his car (3G and Edge)...maybe an isolated incident but doesn't bode well (my BB is on the same network...)

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i gotta say dude, this launch is going the way of the challenger...


mobilme isn't ready. 2.0 software is a sieve. stress fractures? jeebus. i'm just glad i got my mbp before they screw that up, too.


Well, besides the inside info we zealots know about, people seem to be obliviously ecstatic about it up here...people I never thought would even have a cell phone rushed out to get an iphone.


I'm just afraid that in a decade 99% of the population will be PC illiterate and I'll be dragged to the trash bin.

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i gotta say dude, this launch is going the way of the challenger...


mobilme isn't ready. 2.0 software is a sieve. stress fractures? jeebus. i'm just glad i got my mbp before they screw that up, too.


Well, besides the inside info we zealots know about, people seem to be obliviously ecstatic about it up here...people I never thought would even have a cell phone rushed out to get an iphone.


I'm just afraid that in a decade 99% of the population will be PC illiterate and I'll be dragged to the trash bin.

I'll probably be waiting in that bin for you, clutching my smartphone and shaking from fear.

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I can just see myself with the grand kids now


"When I was your age we had to push a physical button to receive bacon"

zOMG if all I has 2 do 2 git bacon wuz pres butn dat wud be teh bestest invenshun EVR.

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Umm...I totally live in the country. It takes me 10 minutes to get "to town".

Population density in my area is horrid.


If stress fractures truly are a problem, I have no doubts that Apple will replace the phone for me (assuming it's their fault and not the users fault...and even then sometimes they're cool about it)

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