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Fable 2


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If you pre-order Fable 2 from Amazon you get a 10 dollar gift card and can get release day shipping.


You mean release day delivery...meh, not worth the risk imo, plus my local game store generally gets the games in on the Monday night and will sell it to me then.

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I read the review for Fable 2 (8.8-9.5 on IGN) after not knowing anything about it or playing the first one. From the review it almost seems like a sim/crawler than a true rpg with all the emphasis on the economy and social stuff. Doesn't seem like it would be up my alley, especially with Fallout 3 around the corner. I ROFL'd when I read how you can get married in the game, then have your spouse give you crap about not spending more time with the family while you're off adventuring. Some of us get enough of that in real life, why would I want a digital wife to give me digital crap - and therefor withholding digital sex? :biglaugha:



*Disclaimer - my wife has actually gotten cool with my gaming (in slight moderation) and is buying Gears of War 2 for my birthday :)

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I just bought it from Best Buy (haha boiler, at least I'll be able to save my in game wife's state and turn off the game :biglaugha: ) and they gave me a free copy of the original Fable for Xbox, which I plan on trading in towards Fallout next week.

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Lol yesterday was funny... Penty.gc and i were talking briefly in xbox360 then our chat to go play the game. Later I saw anonymo's icon and penty's icon running circles around each other... i lol'ed pretty hard and continued to play the game.Later Penty and I heard each other via through the game and it was hilarous/confusing... then after that mo texts me that he hears me... >_<


The whole chatting each other thing is really cool except...


One of my friend/co-worker told me what happens at the end... and our encounter turned into this:


Friend joining your world...


Friend: You know <insert ending of game here>


Me: Nooooooooooo don't tell me that...


Not Anymore Friend: <continues mind burning details>


Me: Ahhhh I hate you... shut up (repeat x100)


*holds xbox button and shuts off console*


I mean if it was him as a little orb I could of ran away.


So I'm prolly not going to play the game for a while now.


edit: going to hit him when i see him.

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Can you have like 20 people on your friends list who aren't on each others friends list all try to talk to you at the same time? That would be a mess!

had like 3-5 of us all in the brook marketplace.. it was very confusing because they had their friends on their buddy lists and well it was confusing who was talking to who.

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So how is this game guys? I'm thinking about picking up the el cheapo 360..

Beat the game a couple days ago. Here are my three cents worth.


First of all, the game... it's reeeeally easy. I didn't die once. Fighting baddies is simple, but that's a good thing. The main quest felt short and ended when it seemed to just get going. I was hoping for an epic adventure that would last me like 20 hours or something, but if you breeze through the game, you'll finish it in probably no more than 10.


It also feels like a mini-mmo game the way you can see other players running around who are resembled as "orbs" with their gamerpic floating around. You can ask them to join or you can join their game at any time just by going up to their orb and interacting with it... if you can catch it if they're running around like a crazy person. You can also talk to them using the microphone. I'm not sure if they can hear it if they're nearby or if they're in the same zone as you are. I kind of ignored that. Just interesting to see how many people are playing the game and how many people are at the same part of the game as you are.


Earning money is really easy as well. I ended up mysteriously getting like 500,000 gold about 3/5 of the way through the game. I was just walking through town and suddenly I got 500,000 which led to me buying a bunch of properties. Buying properties is a very good way to amass a good amount of change because the more properties you own, the more you get every 5 minutes. You even earn money when you're not playing the game.


Co-op was a pretty big let down. Even over Live, co-op plays like local co-op. Both players share the screen, the visitor can't be their hero, they have to choose a generic looking henchman. Everyone who was hyped for the co-op aspect were severally disappointed by it.


Felt more like putting my 4 cents worth in it, but eh.

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