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DNF: Someone had to start it


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OK, so 3D Realms is in trouble, may be going bankrupt, and has closed the doors on Duke Nukem Forever...that's what their story is.


However, there are a few really odd things going on that make a lot of people think that it's all just a big publicity stunt aimed at getting people started talking about DNF again: http://www.destructoid.com/savedukenukem-c...ed-131811.phtml



So, what do you guys think? Greatest PR stunt in video game history, or just a string of unlikely coincidences. Incidentally, there were TWO websites registered that same day (the day before the announcement). The other is www.saveduke.com




Let the conspiracy theories begin!

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Yes, I've seen it but do not think it is anything overly special. No more so than any other FPS and hopefully the bad wonna-be metal music isn't standard.


The gameplay footage of BioShock 2 looks more impressive to me and it's only been in development for a year or two.

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Duke Nukem was my first multi player experience.. I was in 9th grade and gave my buddy my duke nukem cd.. this ladies and gentlemen is how you pirated back in the day.


I would call him up and we would arrange who would host. Usually me because I had the faster machine. I'd set my computer up waiting to answer and a few rings and some modem music later we were both in the same world 1v1. I was amazed that we were both able to play in the same map at the same time..

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Duke Nukem was my first multi player experience.. I was in 9th grade and gave my buddy my duke nukem cd.. this ladies and gentlemen is how you pirated back in the day.


I would call him up and we would arrange who would host. Usually me because I had the faster machine. I'd set my computer up waiting to answer and a few rings and some modem music later we were both in the same world 1v1. I was amazed that we were both able to play in the same map at the same time..



Ah, I loved playing DN:3D with Slaughter back in the day over the dial-up. How great was that...and what other game has holo-decoys!?


Anyway, more to the point, do you guys think all this new hype about the game (because of 3D Realms's supposedly shutting the project down) is really about a launch or about the actual end of the game's 12 year development cycle?

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May be a publicity stunt of some sorts but I doubt it.

I dunno but a week ago no one could care less and now it's gaming hottest topic. (yeah I know it's a double negative but I'm in the South)


Balls of Steel sound board vent prank, it's old but it still cracks me up. I wouldn't let the children in the house listen in.


[utube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLf75upY27k&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLf75upY27k&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/utube]

Edited by bushwack
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From what I had read over at IGN, there were rumors going around that 3DR had folded, with DNF publisher Take Two refusing to comment on it. Recent word though is that one of the heads of 3DRealms is now saying they are in fact NOT closing their doors, but WERE forced to let their DNF team go. Apparently Take Two is now suing 3DR for "dragging their feet" with DNF. It looks like it could get messy, and I wouldn't hold out hope of the game being finished any time soon (if ever at this point).




(unrelated, but too ossum not to share)


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May be a publicity stunt of some sorts but I doubt it.

I dunno but a week ago no one could care less and now it's gaming hottest topic. (yeah I know it's a double negative but I'm in the South)


Balls of Steel sound board vent prank, it's old but it still cracks me up. I wouldn't let the children in the house listen in.


[utube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLf75upY27k&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLf75upY27k&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/utube]



hahahahahah..... she just keeps feeding the troll...

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I'm all outta gum, ZD...you know what that means!


I don't know about any PR stunt (seeing as how people never totally stop talking about DNF I don't really see how this would "spur" any further interest) but I do know that 3DRealms hasn't shut down shop yet and even if they did, Take2 has $10+ million invested in the game so not releasing it would be financial suicide, especially considering people (like myself) would buy it even if it did "suck" (which it just can't, those gameplay vids look more fun than most games I've seen in the past decade).

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I'm all outta gum, ZD...you know what that means!


I don't know about any PR stunt (seeing as how people never totally stop talking about DNF I don't really see how this would "spur" any further interest) but I do know that 3DRealms hasn't shut down shop yet and even if they did, Take2 has $10+ million invested in the game so not releasing it would be financial suicide, especially considering people (like myself) would buy it even if it did "suck" (which it just can't, those gameplay vids look more fun than most games I've seen in the past decade).




Well, if you think about it, if 3DR comes out and says "Hey, we're finally releasing the game," people would unanimously cry: "Bull@#$!"


Seriously, think about it, no one would believe it until they saw it on the shelves...but the game would only slowly gain momentum once people found out that it was actually purchasable. However, more people are talking about it now than have in 10 years or so...all they have to do is come out with some SOB story about how "Due to the overwhelming outcry of our devoted fans, we've decided to polish the game up and launch it anyway, you can buy it in stores in 2 weeks."


They'd make a fortune.

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I'm all outta gum, ZD...you know what that means!


I don't know about any PR stunt (seeing as how people never totally stop talking about DNF I don't really see how this would "spur" any further interest) but I do know that 3DRealms hasn't shut down shop yet and even if they did, Take2 has $10+ million invested in the game so not releasing it would be financial suicide, especially considering people (like myself) would buy it even if it did "suck" (which it just can't, those gameplay vids look more fun than most games I've seen in the past decade).




Well, if you think about it, if 3DR comes out and says "Hey, we're finally releasing the game," people would unanimously cry: "Bull@#$!"


Seriously, think about it, no one would believe it until they saw it on the shelves...but the game would only slowly gain momentum once people found out that it was actually purchasable. However, more people are talking about it now than have in 10 years or so...all they have to do is come out with some SOB story about how "Due to the overwhelming outcry of our devoted fans, we've decided to polish the game up and launch it anyway, you can buy it in stores in 2 weeks."


They'd make a fortune.

I would camp out for a midnight release.

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When DNF finally comes out I'll be in my bomb shelter because I'm pretty sure its release begins the apocalypse. That's why 3DR keeps delaying it, they're trying to keep the world safer that much longer.



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