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Walmart graphics card


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Card I'm targeting as well.



$172.50 after rebate and no tax.


Not sure what tax will be on the Walmart $185 so I'm betting the link above is a better deal.


EVGA version here but out of stock, more or less same price:



If you aren't welded to Nvidia, take a good hard look at the Radeon HD 6870 series. Essentially the same performance but around $20 to $30 cheaper. Just search NewEgg for Radeon HD 6870 and then sort by price.



That card has 2 gig of ram for about $180; something to think about as well (esp with games like Skyrim around)

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Odd question I guess. I usually go to newegg but this card perked my interest. Is this card a good buy? http://www.walmart.com/ip/EVGA-GeForce-GTX-560-1GB-PCI-Express-2.0-DVI-Graphics-Card/16829853


Question is serious. I need a new card. I am using a gtx 260 at the moment and bf3 hates it.

My son has a GTX 260 and BF3 was suffering too. I swapped out his E2160 1mb @ 3ghz to a E5200 2mb @ 3.5ghz and his frame rate doubled, I picked up the CPU off ebay for $30. I was going to try that first before I dropped $200 on him for Christmas. Yeah I'm cheap, but it worked, and he's happy. I'm not saying overclock your CPU... :propeller:


But yeah, If you can run down the street and slap that 560 in today, seems like a good deal to me. Plus if there is any sort of problem, returns would be easier.

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Aaahhhh well. After doing some searching. With tax and such from buying it from Walmart. I could go this route for all of 20 bucks difference. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100006519%2050001312%2040000048%20600030348%20600094002%20600107147&IsNodeId=1&bop=And&Order=PRICED&PageSize=20


Guess I am going to newegg.com. The easiest is Walmart but the best bang for your buck is newegg.


I think...right? lol

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Amazon is selling a Galaxy 560 Ti for $185 AR


Edit: from looking at the comments on Newegg regarding this card, it appears to be a budget 560 Ti. But I'd rather get this than the 560 from Walmart for the same price.

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Second thought...I have the alienware 525 watt power supply. That should be enough for the above linked cards, correct?


Depending on the Amp ratings, with ONE 560Ti your powersupply MIGHT be alright with it. Check your specs on your PSU and compare with the MFR site for details. I know at least in EVGA's case, they have specific wattage and amperage specs on the product page for every card.


evga ftw.

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I looked at that card too FK. The ratings on it performance wise wasn't on par with the other 500 series cards. It was like pulling teeth for me to pay the extra 60 bucks or so for this card. But I think I will be pleased.


I would get (from what I read) a high 400 series card instead of the 550. /shrug

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I looked at that card too FK. The ratings on it performance wise wasn't on par with the other 500 series cards. It was like pulling teeth for me to pay the extra 60 bucks or so for this card. But I think I will be pleased.


I would get (from what I read) a high 400 series card instead of the 550. /shrug


This is accurate. The 550's just aren't up to par in their price range. For a little more money, the 560's are much better performers.

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