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My first thoughts about CSGO


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According to Steam, I've played roughly 3.4 hours of CSGO and I figured I'd share what I thought of the game so far.



First thing you notice is how the guns feel. I feel that if you were a long time 1.6/Source player, you could transition to Source/1.6 easily in terms of how guns shoot and whatnot. Just takes a tiny bit of adjustment. With CSGO however... the guns just have a sluggish feel and there doesn't seem to be that 99% first bullet accuracy that the other games have. Also, the guns in CSGO lack any weapon kick whatsoever. Shoot any gun in 1.6/Source and you will feel the screen jerk. It gives off a feel of power and actually makes using guns easier. In CSGO, there is none of that. All it has is a slight screen rise over time which to me encourages spraying.


When you fire the M4 or AK in Source/1.6, there is that certainty that you are going to hit what you are shooting at in your first bullet. You don't get that feeling in CSGO after using the guns for a while. The first bullet and every bullet thereafter just seems to have a certain bit of random to it It could go straight, it could zoom past your target's head. There is no sense of certainty there.


(Does contain the S word in it at the very least)




Levels that we all got used to in Source feel trimmed down to the casual approach. In de_train, can't go under trains anymore, can't pick mid, B site has NO trains in there at all. There is no places to hide in B while there is only one real cover point in A whereas in the other games, they had multiple cover points for every site.


Nuke doesn't have the downstairs part anymore, just ramp to B. There's no outside to B anymore and if you go from vents to A, there's no back part of the vents either. Again, there amount of cover points for the bomb is significantly reduced. Not to mention in vents, you HAVE to crouch to enter them instead of just being able to run down them. Down the ladder is the same thing. You have to crouch in order to crawl through the vents which leaves you open to get shot in the back.


In de_dust, the changes do make the map more viable for Ts, but the B site is pushed way up and again there seems to be only one real approach point unlike in Source, you can just storm right up through mid, or take the ninja route through the side. Sure you can kind of do the same in GO, but the line of sight cones out in to one real vantage point based on where Ts are located so you can't really throw them off.


In Inferno, for the most part it remains unchanged, except in T spawn you can't go right to take that other route to apartments, you have to all go toward mid, then to the right which feels closed off. Going up banana, there is a blockade there if you try to sneak under the archways so it forces you out in the open. Gives a narrower area to look down as CT.


cs_office changed a bit too. The CT-side offices (from that sniper nest area) is more wide open which is a bit nicer and you can see into the hallways easier and vice versa. T spawn is different too as it looks more open as well. The storage room no longer has file cabinets and has been turned into a break room with static chair and table props there so you can't block that area off...which I'm going to miss.


In cs_italy on CT side, if you go to the right up to the wine cellar, you'll notice that there is no wine cellar. That long staircase goes right up into the area leading from apartments. Across the way there is another door that leads down into apartments going into mid. Apartments also is different, and no more jumping into that armoire and hiding behind there to kill unsuspecting passersby.



Anyone who has played CS in the past for a long time will notice the significantly longer time it takes to take out your grenade and throw it in GO. Animations add about a 0.5-1 second delay in pulling out the grenade and throwing it which in turn makes it feel sluggish. Also, every grenade has a "pull the pin and pull your arm back to throw" except the Molotov. L4D players will get thrown off of this because there is one in L4D, but the Molotov remains in front of your face while you have your fire button held down until you let it go which to me is stupid.


Grenade damage, at least HE nades will damage only kevlar first if you hit someone with it, otherwise if the enemy has no kevlar and it blows up in their face, it's an instant kill. It makes having nades a "half the time usefulness" to them because you're going to be hoping that the person you're throwing it at doesn't have kevlar otherwise you just pretty much wasted a grenade since the chip damage it produces is noticeably lower.



Ugh... they ruined jumping in this game. Those of you who played through the pre1.6 days up until now will notice that they butchered jumping in this game. No more bunnyhopping, and you can't jump immediately after jumping the first time (although there are convars that let you disable stamina). People who liked the the whole "surf map" thing aren't going to like the fact that you can't surf in GO:





Gunfire can be heard really far away now and footsteps, although can be heard, they're just not as distinctive as they were in 1.6/Source.


There needs a lot of work to get this game to to the point where we're all used to how we played Source/1.6. It just doesn't feel right.

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I started playing cs(1.3) in 1999 so I know the game and from what I have heard this game pretty much sucks right now.I'd expect vavle to continue to push the release date back (how unexpected) until they get the game right by the fans. Straight vanilla needs to competitive, Like the guy in the video was saying.

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Well, thanks to m0m I got my first taste of CS:GO, man....I really want to like this game, but it's actually pretty awful. The graphics and physics actually seem quite inferior to what we already have in CS:Source, the game feels like a huge step backwards to me. I thought that there were serious registration issues, way worse than CS:S...there were 4 distinct times that I pretty much unloaded point blank, and nothing.


I seriously hope this beta is FAR away from the finished product because i'm really excited about the prospect of having fun in CS again, but wow....disappointing so far.

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I finally got in, and it isn't great but I think they're gonna fix it up A LOT before they release it. People have already said its a ton better than it was just a few weeks ago. Certain guns are terrible, and the spray/spread of bullets is weird to me, so getting headshots is random sometimes. Other than that I did have fun playing it, however I'm slightly disappointed all they did was take L4D(2) maps and remade them to look prettier. How unoriginal.

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I hope they make the game look better....this beta has horribly dated graphics. Something about the gun in the hands is way off too...looks weird, and cheap. I also found that while everything is very smooth, it feels really slow, running feels like walking.


CS:S looks way better than this game does.

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Maybe players should level up over time, ya know xp style, and then you can throw points into precision?! Man it'd take me killing alot of boars to get anywhere with that system though.. hmm

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GC Alumni

Using these rates seem to have helped with my hit detection. Make an "autoexec.cfg" file in your "x:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg" folder and see if these help out. Your lerp should be at 10.0 m/s.


cl_interp ".01"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_cmdrate "102.400002"
cl_updaterate "102.400002"
rate "30000"

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The spread is a bit more realistic, which I like. No one in real life is going to be able to place their shot in the same spot time after time like you can in Source, no matter how much time you spend aiming.


But at the same time... this is Counter-Strike, not something like ARMA. It's also the fourth iteration, I think it's too late to change such a basic mechanic.

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