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Finally, a tablet I could see myself buying


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Now to convince my company to adopt the Win8 business model. Sadly, we're a mix of Droid and iPad with most of the execs on iPads.


But you know how execs can be... Show them something shiny and they'll bite. Like bass. That's how they're all on iPads now. It was the shiniest thing at the time.


Oh, and I'll really be impressed when the put FORWARD FACING SPEAKERS on the stupid things. This has bothered me since the first ones ever came out and apparently this one is NO different.

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My HP Touchpad has the speakers on the edge.


The big story is the main tablet. A corporate wet dream. All policies, vpn, remote wipe, etc. - everything corp IT needs is there. From a user standpoint, Sharepoint, hell, everything is available. Plus a stylus.


People will be disappointed on price but as a milestone device for other manufacturers to use as a baseline? Very nice.


The Zune HD was/is an amazing bit of hardware that few people cared about. Not sure this will be able to be ignored.

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I imagine this one will be over $1000 as well. There's the cheaper version that will be running Windows RT that is going to be priced to compete with the iPad. Then the more expensive one that will be running Windows 8 Pro that's probably going to be competing more against the MacBook Air. It's like a tablet, netbook, and laptop all rolled into one.


Also, I have a ZuneHD and use it everyday, I think it's great. :)

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but if it's over $1,000, there's no way this can compete with the iPad

The Pro version isn't MEANT to compete with the iPad. It's more of a competition against the MacBook Air and ultrabooks than anything else. But, if you want to start adding costs up, a 64GB iPad ($700, $830 w/ cell) with cover, keyboard etc. plus tax is flirting with $1000, and it's still not a full blown operating system running an Intel Ivy Bridge processor, USB 3.0, etc. This is the whole reason I am excited for this - a REAL computer in tablet portability form. I can use it in tablet form with the metro interface for casual web browsing of content comsuming, but then BAM! I can fold out the kickstand, open up the cover, and start typing/mousing through Windows 8 Pro and doing actual grown-up things like my laptop. Only much lighter and more portable.


I hope the Pro version isn't too much north of $1000, but if it's in the ballpark, I would absolutely buy one of these over an ultrabook.


The Windows RT version will be running on an ARM processor and is aimed at the traditional tablet market. Metro interface only plus apps. That one will be competitively priced with the iPad, and I wouldn't be surprised if it undercuts it a bit while being on par spec-wise.


I'm looking forward to getting some numbers on battery life still, and I'm also a little skeptical about how "lap-friendly" this thing would be if I wanted to do some productivity stuff.

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analysts expect the cheaper surface to be around $500 - $700 and the expensive one to be $800.


like FK pointed out, this might work in the enterprise space, as I can easily see it integrating nicely for companies using MS products


but for consumers... i dunno. having a price point higher than that of an iPad 2 ($499) and even the iPad 3 seems like a bad idea

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If you're getting the functionality of what would be a tablet-like laptop, I wouldn't doubt it would cost $800-$1000. This would seriously be a tablet I would consider getting if I were into those kinds of things...which I still really fail to see the usefulness of, but what I said at the beginning of my post, such a thing would be relevant to my interest.


Does it play CS good?

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but for consumers... i dunno. having a price point higher than that of an iPad 2 ($499) and even the iPad 3 seems like a bad idea

But it's not more expensive than an iPad. $500-$700 is exactly how much an iPad costs, and the 64GB iPad can even get up to $839! According to this analyst, that's about what the Pro version of Surface might cost, and it's actually a full (not mobile) OS. I have not used the Metro interface (or any of W8 for that matter), so I'm a little skeptical as to how the Win RT version will do going up against the traditional tablet crowd. I am pretty sure though that there will be a HUGE market for the Pro versions.


I have been toying with the idea of getting a tablet for a while, but I haven't been able to justify the expense for what would essentially be a toy that would mostly be used to browse the web on my couch. I definitely could see this pro version becoming my go-to travel device in place of my desktop-replacement 16.4" laptop. This device could be the perfect solution to the travelling aspects of my job, while still being a "couch surfing" device as well.


**Just a guess here, but if it's running a for-reals Ivy Bridge processor, I'm guessing it would be able to handle source games, albeit on a small screen.

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