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Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - Do we need a server?


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Welcome to the future of gaming as laid out a few years back by Activision. You lease the software and play when they approve/profit.

All games are just a lease. Do you actually own any game or just a license to play the game? Any company that has any kind of server can shut it down whenever they want. It's not the future it's been going on for at least 10 years and hardly started by Activision. Any MMORPG that has ever shut down, anytime EA shuts down servers for old games, Microsoft shutting down the original XBOX servers. This is the way it is.

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Stick with games created by Valve. They always have PC owners in mind, as they're the only developer that still allows their games to be modded so openly. Black Ops 1 was a terrible PC port. Black Ops 2 is a terrible PC port. Not that I'm a fan of stealing or anything, but when a company throws the middle finger at the PC playerbase, especially since PC users were the first playerbase, PC users should throw the middle finger back, and just torrent the game.

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Stick with games created by Valve. They always have PC owners in mind, as they're the only developer that still allows their games to be modded so openly. Black Ops 1 was a terrible PC port. Black Ops 2 is a terrible PC port. Not that I'm a fan of stealing or anything, but when a company throws the middle finger at the PC playerbase, especially since PC users were the first playerbase, PC users should throw the middle finger back, and just torrent the game.


Not very good advice. For one, it is wrong to steal the software regardless whether you agree with the company's policies or not. Another, you are inviting the opportunity to be infected with malware of some kind which are often bundled with pirated games and software. Don't do it!

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Stick with games created by Valve. They always have PC owners in mind, as they're the only developer that still allows their games to be modded so openly. Black Ops 1 was a terrible PC port. Black Ops 2 is a terrible PC port. Not that I'm a fan of stealing or anything, but when a company throws the middle finger at the PC playerbase, especially since PC users were the first playerbase, PC users should throw the middle finger back, and just torrent the game.


Not very good advice. For one, it is wrong to steal the software regardless whether you agree with the company's policies or not. Another, you are inviting the opportunity to be infected with malware of some kind which are often bundled with pirated games and software. Don't do it!

I agree, pirating a game doesn't solve anything. If anything it's going to screw PC gamers over more because the more people pirate the game the less the developer will care about putting any work into it. I bought and played Black Ops, it was hardly a terrible PC port. If you want to see a terrible PC port look at Grand Theft Auto IV or 2K Games basketball game ports.

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gta4 wasn't that bad, and it provided a lot of modability, which is what keeps pc games thriving. Look at left 4 dead; if it wasn't modable, the second game would have died a few months after it was released. No, torrenting isn't sound advice, but if anyone actually gets malware, spyware, or viruses on their system, they weren't doing a solid enough job of protecting themselves against it. Jackie, I think I have one of the NBA2K games from steam... And by god, it was so awful, that I quit playing before I was passed the main menu, since it wanted me to use my keyboard like a ps3 controller. I was like "screw this" and promptly closed it. Thankfully, it was only 1.99, but imagine those poor saps who paid full price for it!

Now, what we need is a game that will push the boundaries of my sweet, sweet, triple crossfire setup, so that I will be encouraged to buy a third card. Hopefully, the new crysis game doesn't throw in the chips and send their graphics, physics, and game play department back in time, since crysis 2 was a slap in the face to everything that made crysis crysis. I suppose the one perk to pc gamers is we get those oh-so-beautiful mmo's like guild wars 2.

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I think Black Ops 2 is a pretty damn good game so far, plays great and is a ton of fun. The folks that attempt to build good Counterstrike games could learn a thing or two about shot registration and general consistency of gameplay from games like this and Battlefield 3.

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I know a lot of people are upset about activision hosting the servers and keeping everything in-house, but I think that direction with some games is due to the high amount of cheaters. Then again, it totally kills clanning, and game longevity. It has its ups and downs. I personally didn't have trouble running gta4, but I also have a beast machine. In regards to GTA games, they've been poorly developed since GTA3, in general, though, running sluggish even on consoles. My feelings about BO2 are mixed. Maybe when it's less than 20$. I was gifted the first one, and played some of the story, and some of the multiplayer, and was not impressed. And the flame thrower was just a bad idea. lol

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Bringing words like "clanning" and "game longevity" into a game like Call of Duty is the most hilarious thing ever. Anyone who takes clans seriously further than just a group of friends playing together are just fooling themselves. When I played Black Ops 1 on the 360, I got offered to join a clan that my buddy was a part of. I declined because the other than just pub stomping noobs, there is nothing more than that to being in a clan.


As far as longevity, it's a year. They kill off each game in a year because the press and gamers migrate to the newer rendition of the same game they've played for years already. Sure, there are still people who play the older games, but a lot of people are going to be like, "lol, who cares? get the new game already noob."

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