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Diablow Three 1.0.8 Patch


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Sure, some patches generate bugs, but this is by far the worst. Diablo 3 was mainly Online DRM to PREVENT this thing, it sure happened with the Real Money Auction House that they had to take down the AH Servers.


SInce I have never used the RMAH on Diablo 3, not rolling it back sounds sketchy.


I sure hope no one still plays this.

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I've started to get the itch to loot hunt again... might fire this back up again soon. If anyone catches me online, feel free to join the hunt. I don't have the gear for any ridiculous act IV inferno farming or anything.

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The game was all about grinding, so to play a Diablo game and not want to grind is almost being anti-diablo. Which is why this one failed. But we've argued this topic many times here. The third installment became only a grind for gear to sell, not a grind for gear itself. You had to play the auction house to get the top tier stuff. Finding it on your own is near impossible. The other diablos made u grind but you eventually got the good gear, now you just want to get enough to sell for gold to buy the good gear. Anyway, old argument, still peeves me.

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Even though I was a huge D2 fan, I never bought Diablo 3. Most of my friends did and said it was ok but nothing special and stopped playing it after a month or two. I still play titanquest IT since it is basically a D2 clone but better. So how does Blizzard screw up franchises like SC or Diablo when they should have blockbusters? What are your guys verdict on D3? I see Nightling must not have been a big fan of it.

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I uninstalled after the 2nd week. It became heavily reliant on the AH, in D2 or Diablo Clones have loot thats actually useable in towns and drops. 80% of the drops in d3 where like


"Oh hey a new sword for my Bar-bar.....150int....Thanks.." And it happen A LOT. At least in clones (didnt play much D2) they dont have weird stat mods on weapons.

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Torchlight II does the same thing as D3 with Randomized Stat Mods. It makes up for this by not limiting the player with Class Locking items, Stat Locking the character (you can put points into your character in TL2 and cant in D3).


Also Dont see many whites drops in TL2 unlike every Diablo Clones, so Tl2 does it right with Loot-drops, but a lot of people seeing it was overwhelming, because you can end up hoarding for "potential future characters". So there is indeed a down side for having too many options, but I think Titan Quest is probably the best loot drop rates Ive seen, making crappy drops still be plentiful, but still sprinkling in good drops.

Edited by ValenAlvern
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I felt the total opposite for Diablo 3, I wish there was MORE character specific loot. Any character can use any weapons because the damage of skills is all based on the damage of the weapon. A wizard using a big two handed axe is dumb in mind, but because it has more DPS than his little wand he has to use it. It almost makes the character specific items useless when everything is based on the damage your weapon can do.


I like games that gear specific loot to specific characters. Titan Quest and Torchlight both do it, they require you to have a certain amount of a stat to equip certain armor. So to equip the wizard armor you need a certain amount of INT, which makes sense to me (kind of, in real life needing to be smart to wear certain clothes would be dumb). Or a warrior needs strength to equip heavy armor. Every normal RPG works like that, I don't know why Blizzard thought Diablo 3 shouldn't. It's by far my biggest complaint of the game. I can ignore the auction house but I can't ignore a basic gameplay mechanic.

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I felt the total opposite for Diablo 3, I wish there was MORE character specific loot. Any character can use any weapons because the damage of skills is all based on the damage of the weapon. A wizard using a big two handed axe is dumb in mind, but because it has more DPS than his little wand he has to use it. It almost makes the character specific items useless when everything is based on the damage your weapon can do.


I like games that gear specific loot to specific characters. Titan Quest and Torchlight both do it, they require you to have a certain amount of a stat to equip certain armor. So to equip the wizard armor you need a certain amount of INT, which makes sense to me (kind of, in real life needing to be smart to wear certain clothes would be dumb). Or a warrior needs strength to equip heavy armor. Every normal RPG works like that, I don't know why Blizzard thought Diablo 3 shouldn't. It's by far my biggest complaint of the game. I can ignore the auction house but I can't ignore a basic gameplay mechanic.


I do remember my friends having that same critique of the game now that you mention it Voodoo. My friends and I are all classic rpg fans and that does seem to make no sense to me, at least less sense than the conventional method that you pointed out. Someday I may pick up D3 on the cheap once I have played through the backlog of my other games but since it isn't available on Steam I will be less likely to remember it down the road.

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They just wanted the game to appeal to casuals as well, because of the RMAH.

Oddly enough, I started playing again. I quit like a month after the game released, and even though it isn't perfect, it's still pretty fun, now. Have TL2 and love it as well.

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I've been playing, but I've been sticking to MP6. Every time I start an MP10 game, or join one, I encounter DPS who do less than 250k buffed (without WOTB). But, most annoyingly, I encounter dps who do less than 100k.

And I even had a monk who joined our group, having only 17,018 dps on MP10.



Me: "Uh, 17k dps in mp10?"

Him: "I'm a tank."

Me: "Me too! And I also do 290k dps!"

Barb chimes in: "Me too! And I do almost 1m dps (wotb)!"

Monk leaves party.



I've recently come across a group of players that I've started playing with. But, boy would it be great to have a FROST MAGE NAMED NIGHTLING in the group, if only to FREEZE the mobs, since mp10 is notorious for:





1 random

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LOL 17k dps and he thinks he's a tank? I'm almost 500k unbuffed and I still have to watch out when I tank. PM me your ID and i'll add you to my friends list when I get home from work tonight. If I see you in-game i'll jump in.


As for MP10. I totally hear ya. I solo on MP7, it's easy for me and I can tank without too much difficulty. I just have to be careful when i'm fighing a champ pack or elite. Plagued and desecrator are the worst for me. However, I always hope I get a reflects damage guy because it just makes me gain health like crazy!

Edited by Xterminator
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I'm actually tethered to my phone. My modem crapped out, so they're going to send someone out, hopefully tomorrow, to replace it.

my id is ve3tit#1950


Playing a monk has its ups and downs. As long as 2 or more enemies are alive, I can't die, but when the numbers drop, my life steal drops, and then I have to actually move out of the 10 desecrates under me. Not quite at the point where I can completely ignore the mechanics on mp10. In most circumstances, I can't eat a dozen of them, but a few is always fine.

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I wish i could edit posts on mobile version.



For me, i don't have a ton of resistance. I found in the past that stacking it was too detrimental to the dps output. Instead i focus trifecta plus dexterity, and when possible, vitality or life % as the fifth stat. The result is 246 resist, and 35,000 hp. It means some mobs can kill me in one shot. The exploders, for instance, but that is what serenity is for. Other times, you will notice my health bar effectively having a heart attack. Fortunately, my attack speed is so high that even with skorn equipped, i self heal for an obscene amount, which keeps me operational.


I dont use the traditional rotation, as i have inserted blinding light as it increases my dps for (i think) 30% for 3 seconds every 12 seconds. I also don't bother with health regen on spirit spent. I do, however have an insanely high crit chance; cyclones always max out (there is an actual limit for anyone who is unaware) which helps greatly.


You will see it all once you have added me. I enjoy farming even if it is not the game i had wanted. It is still tons of fun to play when you know everyone and no one is being carried. Even carrying friends becomes quite tedious and problematic on inferno. With how inflated the economy is, you can spend 10-20$ and gear out for inferno farming. The absolute best gear is still expensive, but that presents the general conclusion that you can still profit off of the rmah.


With my experience with that monk and then yesterday morning a barb tank who also couldnt hold threat and did 50k dps, who then retorted "this isnt wow" when i said what is the good with him rolling as a tank if he cant hold threat, because he doesnt think mobs have threat tables (again, i am confident they do given that they focus me until i die or they die and barbs even have a provoke ability) which leads me to believe that players dont understand why no one wants to carry them.


My argument against carrying is kn the precipice that mobs without extra health; elites and golds, can have over 100,000,000 hp. I have seen 217m, imagine how slow that is with two people under 100k. 200k at a minimum should be for mp10 and i really wish in public games blizzard would enforce a gear check. BUT THAT IS JUST MY OPINION. lol.

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the people that spent that much early on probably made ten times it back selling stuff.

However, the expansions release is still quite a ways off, there isn't a release date even mentioned at this point.

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