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Major Server Upgrades


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If your favorite server is offline for a bit this afternoon don't fret!


You guys are so awesome we feel like we need to reciprocate.


We've got two VDS game servers with NFO; one for the L4D2'rs, the other for CSGO folks. Both of them are dual core machines with dedicated memory and cpu and honestly we don't put either of them to their full use as is.


But that's no reason not to DOUBLE OUR PLEASURE!!!


Each machine is now has a dedicated (to us) Quad-Core, 4 gigs of RAM, 400 GIG of RAID-backed HD, and a ton of bandwidth!


Gives us room for a TF2 server easily enough and space for more servers of whatever we desire (immagunnamakealegacyUT2K4ONSserveragain). 


Provisioning and movement take time. Hour or two. Servers offline during this period. Might not be perky when they come back online until admins poke things.


That is all.



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GC Board Member

Upgrades on both VDS machines in progress. One should be done within the hour, the other might be a bit more.


EDIT: L4D2 VDS is done. JC is gonna upgrade SourceMod or something but otherwise that one is ready to rock.


EDIT DEUCE: Both VDS machines are good to go. I think the L4D2 servers may be offline unitl JC finishes what he finishes but otherwise everything should be up.

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I'd like to create a 10 player "Proving Grounds" server so that on a busy night, I can still take my family into CS in a GC server without people freaking out about our skillz....where I can train them in basic stuff.....so basically a clone of our server but with a title that tells exactly what it is, so nobody mistakes it for anything but practice....unless you feel this is a waste of CPU.

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we have a password protected server you can use. I don't think it has sourcemod on it though... could also set one up for you without a password, but random people will join

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I agree with a CS:GO practice server. I've never been able to get into it cause every game I've gone in is nothing but people who've been playing the game for pretty much forever and a day. It's no fun trying to learn to play with no one else who's new.

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And here is where a Scopeless server might come in handy again. The AWP'ers won't hang out in it becauise they can't snipe people from across the map, but the new players, those from the L4D2 side and rusty players like me would be able to relearn the maps, and the basics of the game in an atmosphere that is friendlier. In my experience the MAyhem server (Scopless) had far more teamwork than I ever saw in the stock pub server.  Also as i said in another post, the tone of the server was far more friendly. I know we would need people to lead that server and with the former leads Unclean, Clueless, Kruten and most of the rest no longer playing and in all but Clue's case absent from the community it may be hard to get leads, but I think the option should be explored.

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