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This whole evolution/creation topic gets me thinking about God. I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic grade school and HS, have a Catholic school teacher for a mom/aunts, and was a good little alter boy.

But the Catholic religion has not sat well with me as an adult. Combine that with logical approach to life, and well I am torn when it comes to a God.


People have said they feel him, or know that He has worked through them.

Since I have never had this experience, and would normally chalk that type of talk, as well as "prayers being answered" , to coincedence, I would enjoy reading other people testimonies or atleast how God has affected your daily life.


I cant help but think (logical side of me) that religion is a way for people to feel good about themselves, feel good about helping others, and have something to look forward to at the end of their life here.


I do that right now without religion as a daily part of my life. I feel good about me, I feel good when I perform a kind act, and I hope there is something else after this life, but havent given it really much thought because well, it is out of my control.



This is a serious topic, where people put themselves in the open and share from the core of their being.

Any negative posts to any responses will be dealt with accordingly.

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The Catholic religion is a little different than what I know. From what I understand and have read, the regular Roman Catholic laity receive "that good feeling" by practicing their religion. They go to mass. They confess their sins to a priest. They light candles. Etc. It is all about doing things in the church or for God as well as kind acts in the world. That definetly will make you feel good about yourself if you feel that is what God wants us to do.


My experience is a little different. Well since you asked for testimonies about this, let me just share from my personal point of view.


I was raised in a Baptist home. As I grew older I emphasized all the "shortcomings" of all the christians around me. I began to focus on the very thing I described above. I would try to make myself feel better by being better than everyone else. It can get to the point where you condemn others just to make yourself look good. There are a lot of preachers in the Baptist denomination that are still living right where I was. They make a practice of condemning the world, christians, etc and emphasize doing the right things for "that good feeling".


But as I grew older, I was able to come in contact with some christians that had something more than just that "holier than thou" attitude. They had something so real that it enabled them to actually love those that were different or even less fervent than they were. This really opened my eyes. I was no better than the Pharisees that Jesus fought His entire ministry.


So as I learned to actually develop a real relationship with God, I learned that His spirit will change your thinking and attitude. Most christians (myself included) tend to lose their realness. We know how to dress for church and what to say as we enter. We know all the phrases and how to use them. But that stuff will only make you feel worse about yourself because you are not being real with God.


But as I would become real with God He would become more real with me. I would experience "that good feeling" or peace as I came before God and humbled myself rather than half the other people in the church. And it dawned on me, I dont make myself right with God by what I do. I could never be good enough to feel right with God. I enjoy God... and as I enjoy Him He helps me to choose the right ways.


So its not "Im better than you" or "Im more righteous than you" but rather a humility as I realize God loves me just the way I am. God resisteth the proud.


That is kinda my testimony. Not really of how I got saved but how I learned to enjoy God. And enjoying god has really "affected my daily life". Then you step into a whole new realm where you can experience the fruit of God working in your heart. That in turn produces peace, love, joy, longsuffering... etc (someone post the reference, I forgot it.. Gal 5?)


Of course my testimony probably isnt as extreme as say someone who lived 30 years going the totally opposite direction.


Hope that all made senes :) Im sure someone could do a much better job.

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My testimony is bunk....

I was also raised in a Baptist home and my parents never really stressed God in our lives as much as they stressed living life the right way. The way I was raised has definatly formed my views of life and certian things more than my Christianity has. Say for instance drinking. I don't view drinking as wrong or a sin, which alot of Christians do. I view drinking more as pointless and harmful to my body so why do it?.... That's how I was raised, think and act how you want others to think and act towards you. Basically be nice to everyone even if they're jerks. However, in high school (not too long ago I'm only 21) I started questioning and wondering why I believed what I did. When it came to Christianity I was indoctrinated because I believed things just because it was how I was taught. So I started questioning things and getting more rebelious. My parents (being the best parents in the world) just lived with it and helped me through some problems and tough times.


Near the end of high school I switched churches (more as a rebellion agaiinst my parents than anything else) and at my new church I found teenagers that REALLY loved God. They knew what it was to be a TRUE Christian, not just someone who claims to be a "Baptist" as Bill Clinton or Brittney Spears do, but someone who knows God's love and shares it with others.


Now I will admit that the majority of what the world calls Christians live their life for the wrong reasons. But these kids lived it right and showed me the love that God had for them and they had for others. There was one guy in particular who I watched do EVERYTHING for the youth group, he would help teach classes, he would do behind the scenes stuff, he would help out anyone that needed it. And he never got credit for it, I asked him why he didn't mind and he said "because it doesn't matter". He was doing it because he knew that if he showed Gods love to others and was a servant then he would help more ppl than if he was a loud and boistrous preacher out telling the world how evil they were.


That's the key, True Christianity is about love....it's about sharing love and recieving love.


That's what led me to God in the end. I thought, if the whole world acted like these kids then it would literally be paradise. But the thing was, only those kids were acting this way. Only the kids that confessed God every day and were always depending upon him and always acting as if he was right there with them. So I realized that they had to have something right, cause if it wasn't God that did this to them then why wasn't the rest of the world this way?


And I constantly hear how "religion is for the weak". I tell anyone that says that, spend a day living like a True Christian would and thinking like them and talking like them and LOVING like them. Then tell me how weak they are....




God 0wnz0rz my s0ul

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I usually hate talking about this, but I guess if it may help others, I might as well. Both of my parents are Christians, but didn't really become Christians until I was very young, probably during my toddler years. But the thing that has really impacted my life is that I have a little bit of a problem. I was born with a disease called cerebral palsy. It has pretty much only affected the muscles in my legs, fortunately. What happens is basically this: my brain doesn't send signals to the muscles in my legs properly. The way it affects my daily life is huge. Walking around is tiring, and I usually don't engage much in physical activity, which has led to me being on the computer all the time. Because of this, I've always been extremely self conscious. I don't know how many times I would've attempted suicide if it weren't for God giving me hope and life. Jesus is the only reason I'm alive. When I was 2-3, the doctors first noticed the problem and rashly diagnosed muscular dystrophy, which, if you don't know, would mean I'd degenerate over the years and die by 16. I turned 16 this year, and I've thought about it a couple of times. I have God to thank for getting me through all of the depression and anxiety. All I can hope is that maybe my testimony will touch the life of another, and *tries not to be selfish* it'll all be worth it.

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You guys know what? I do learn a lot when i read the posts in this part of the forums. I know I'll be going a little off topic here, I do apologize and if anyone wish to delete my post, I will be cool with that.


First of all, i would have to say, i am not a christian and no offense, but i never really did like how christians are and sad to say, i have grow up with this thing in me where i don't like christians. Dont' get me wrong, I respect christianity as much as i respect other religions and i will never say that my religion is above the rest. It's just that they way a lot of christians are in malaysia are horrible. They basically pull u to one side of the street and start preaching, telling me my believes are crap and that I will die of a horrible death if i don't join christianity or something like that. Many a times, I have been insulted badly religion wise.


However, I do believe in the existence of GOD, in whichever aspect of religion and do believe in the existence of Jesus. And i have to admit, I have been going through really rough times a couple of weeks ago. I talked to someone about what I was going through and and how it was affecting me and he told me to read the bible. I hesistated not because it's not of my religion, but because I thought reading the bible isn't going to help me feel any better. Needless to say, i was wrong. I did read the bible, and it did make me feel better, much better. And that friend showed me a picture of Jesus carrying a lamb. (Please pardon me if i described it wrongly. I don't mean to insult anyone. I'm just not very familiar with the religion) I broke into tears. I felt this sudden relief asthough something really heavy has been lifted off me. Most of all, I felt loved. That night, I slept like a baby. Something which I have not been able to do for a very long time.


Now, I do think back on what I've gone through with christians all my life and what may be running through their mind when they try to 'recruit' followers. Maybe they had good intentions to help people find peace and love but they had the worst approaches ever. Maybe I should start going to church and learn more about the religion and find peace within myself.

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I found God during a difficult time in my life. In my case it was my parent's divorce, and God became my Father. I cried out to him and he answered my prayers. As a Christian, I know I screw up, and alot too. But I have the assurance that I have a God who forgives a repentant heart, abd will always be there to recieve me.

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g00ters and Dod thx for sharing your testimonies.....I'm sure they will help someone...



and Contra, I gotta say I really dislike those types of Christians that throw stuff in your face.....

I can understand where they're coming from sorta because if you believe in something what's the point in acting like something that disagrees with what you believe is ok?....


I hear alot of times "what makes this religion or that religion any better" the answer is that only one of them is right and only one CAN be right, so whichever one you believe is what you should follow and attempt to convince others....because if you don't, then you don't really have faith in what you believe. A true faith can't really be swayed or put aside for other things (at least not permanently).


Now I will say that going in someones face and forcing them to listen to you is ALWAYS the wrong way to go, just like this whole evolution creation topic. Hambone didn't wanna hear our opinions and we didn't wanna hear his, so the debate was 100% pointless....and it got us nowhere...

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Well, I was raised in a Christian home all my life. I have always gone to church. I was babtized in a camp when I was in 2nd grade I think, but I'm not sure if that was really my decision or if I did it because I thought I was suppose to because of everyone else doing it.


I got into depression about 6 years ago and put God to the side. I tried to do everything myself. I couldn't I got deeper and deeper into depression. I constantly thought about suicide and semi-attempted several times. I was in trouble 24/5 at school. I was expelled from the school I went to right before I moved to where I now reside. I moved here and before the end of the first quarter the public school here asked me to leave. So then I tried homeschooling, but that didn't work. So now I go to a private Christian school. But yeah, this whole time I was still depressed and could not believe anyone or anything could love me. So I would act like a Christian at church and then like a punk at home. Well about 2 years ago at CIY (Christ In Youth) during the last day at worship time, I asked Jesus to take me.....I started to weep and I could not control it. I had this rush and feeling inside , my body was trembling. I felt LOVE!!! For the first time I could remember I felt loved and understood that's what it was.


Well I still struggled with depression til about 1 week ago. I had something happen to me that put me over the edge and I went outside and cried to God. Then the next day something clicked in my head.


I now realize the truth and want everyone to know it too. I'm no longer a slave to depression like I was. I am now a Jesus Freak.


Remember that all our problems will not go away right as we accept Christ, new ones will arise, some will remain, others will vanish,,,but we can be comforted in the fact that God is real and that we will be with him some day.

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Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe

Stay tuned! Zweih is working on it :rolleyes: Just as I am working on convincing him about the reality of love 8P)

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

... This is a TAD bid awkward for me, but I'll give it a shot.


3 out of 5 people on this Earth belong to a Judiac relgion.

I actually, do not fall into that category. I am one of the 2 out of 5, I am Hindu. My religion has spawned Buddhism, Sikhism, and a few other Eastern-Religions, so my views definetly alter that of my western friends.


I cannot say I can even being to comprehend what most of you are saying. I do not think of this as a bad/good consequence. I do agree that there is a supernatural force out there, but I do not want to label anything. I do not like putting boundaries in something that I cannot touch or see.


I will give my tesitomny, just to add a Hindu percpective on all of this.


This force, in my life I cannot say has been a part of my life, I cannot say anything has been in my life, luck, coincidence, because I do not know of the powers of this Earth. I cannot feel a "prescence" of the supernatural being that seems to control the lives of so many others. In my life, I have experienced the ignorance of others, and the hope of others. I see all things as faith, in something out there. I do not feel bad that I cannot feel this prescence so many of you do, because I deem this as a gift, my life, I do not want to take it for granted, but I cannot give ode to what has given it to me. Why would something create life, in order to recieve prizes and gifts for its actions? I believe in the fact that, we do certain tasks and objectives because we do them, if we do them to expect something in return, we will only limit ourselves to the actions of the before and the people before us.


-I am sorry if I have offended anyone, this is my view, and my view only. I would like some feedback if any of you have questions and such.-


I would not like to be percieved as ignorant in my statements, I have read much and seen much about religion in my lifetime, even though it may be short, I have seen what I have seen. I would like to ASK so many questions of every Christian out there, but I do think I cannot because of the repurcutions.


If you wouldn't mind answereing some questions about your Judiac religion, of course I'd ask the questions, please give me your consensus, I'd like to learn, and may enlighten some [Not sayin' I'm enligthened myself, just that a string of questions and answer spark beliefs on a personal level, revelations occur.] Have a OrbiTaL Day!


ORB signin' off.

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<answers to questions moved to orbital's topic>


ohhh boy.. testimony.. well heres my schpeel. tape, pay attention my friend :)


i was born in glendale, CA, which is in the 'burbs of LA. not a bad neighberhood, but not the greatest. hey, it was LA. my parents were not christians, they both smoked, both worked, i was left in daycare, had no real good friends, no real connections, and no real clue. my parents loved me of course, and taught me things. i was a very smart child, learning cursive writing in kindegarten because i had gotten all my required learning for the year in by the first quarter. in that school each kid worked at their own pace, it was great. i started reading very early, age three or so, and i am a really good reader today. so my parents loved me, there was no doubt about that, but my life had no substance, even as a kid i knew that, i grew up with other kids with shady parents, shady motives, and i was only five! well, after my kindergarten year we moved to West Des Moines, Iowa. needless to say, it was a big change. snow scared me when i saw it, i instantly developed a hate for the cold, and there were no beaches.


we soon moved to Des Moines proper, and then to Urbandale, a suburb of Des Moines, and then into another ouse in Urbandale about two years ago. ive been in the same school system since first grade and am a senior in the high school (which is about 100 yards from my house) i dont remember first through fifth grade, except for one kid who was really great to me. his name was aaron, kind of a tall, goofy kid. i got into a fight with a kid in first grade to get him off aaron's back, and we soon became friends. he helped me to adjust and he lived on my block, so wed walk to school together. he had a christian family but i didnt really know much then. in fourth grade a new kid came to school, and after another fight he and aaron and i became best of friends. his name is devin, and hes prolly had the biggist influence on my life than any other single person. anyway, after sixth grade i learned that my parents were christians now. and they had even managed to both stop smoking, which was amazing cause they had been tryin for years.


i went to a small methodist church, and i hated it. later my friend devni took me to an evangelical church and it was very different. it was fun, the kids were really nice (i didnt have many friends) i learned of god, jesus, and a few of the basics. when i was twelve i remember my youth pastor saying, if you dont know if your going to heaven, you need to talk to god. tell him you want him to rule your life, let him take command. give yourself over to him. i realized i didnt know if i was going to heaven or hell. i prayed, and after that i felt something. it was the most profound sense of accomplishment, of.. just pure peace. a plane could have crashed next to me and i wouldnt care. it was so.. so perfect, so very different from the other things in my life. as i got older i got closer to god, then got further apart. i went through a horrible stage of depression when i was 14, 15, and 16. i didnt talk to anyone, didnt do much, my grades got real bad, i stopped caring about people. i didnt care who i hurt, who hurt me.. it didnt matter to me.


i had a few girlfrieds.. got too serious too young and ruined love for awhile. last year i tried again ang i got dumped after three months.. and it was soo hard. i just tried to block out everything. i kept tellin myself that the feeling, the one in my stomach and my head, would go away. just dont care anymore, dont let it get to you, i told myself. i refused to love anyone, i let my friends down, didnt talk to my parents, i was even mean to my little sister (whom i love greatly). and i thought you know, it was me. i got back on track, and got dragged back into the church. i dont like church. i listened, made the motions, and to some extent i still am just making motions. but then i lay in bed, and i think with god. i talk to him, and i can feel responses.. i can feel it when he hates my sin, feel it when he forgives me... its so.. so powerful. it makes me cry. i dont cry. crying is weakness i always thoght. and i cant be weak.


but i am weak, we all are sometimes. god has helped to carry me and i hope in the future he will continue too. tape is right, i dont beleive in love anymore. its.. not for me i think. god's love is so different, and so real. its hard to understand how i can reject one love and embrace another.. but i can. i dont even understand it. my struggles are mostly internal, i have to face my problems, stop putting them of.. but its so hard. and i need help i realize. god can help me, people cant. as nice as words and gestures are, they mean nothing in the long run. your either going o heaven to be with the lord jesus, or going to hell to burn forever in torment.


so.. a look into the life of Zweih, Ryan i guess, now that you know who i am a little better.

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Guest [Rangers] Word
Guest [Rangers] Word
Guest [Rangers] Word

I'm glad this topic is here, because I've been given the chance time and time again to share my testimony and haven't. Now I feel that I am finally comfortable sharing my testimony with all of you.


I grew up in West Des Moines in a loving Christian family. We went to a Lutheran Church (I know what some of you think about Lutheran Churches, but this one was based solely on Scripture) and I asked the Lord into my life when I was very young with my older sister.]


From that time on God gave me a gift of the Spirit, the absolute knowledge of what was right and wrong. Even as a little kid, I would always be telling people that what they were doing was wrong, especially my twin brother. I also yelled at myself so to speak, because every time I did something wrong or even thought about doing something wrong I would feel this great pain that I wasn't doing the right thing.


I went to a private Christian school, and this aslo helped me avoid some of the problems with life. Fights were practically non-existent, sex wasn't talked about, kids didn't cuss or talk back to teachers, no one smoked, drank or did drugs and almost everyone got along. This may sound like a fairy tale, but that's how it was, and High School was the most fun I've ever had. Unfortunately this perfect life forced me into a lull where I didn't think about God. I mean hey, when you have chapel on thursdays, bible class 7th period, youth group on wednesdays, and church on Sundays, you get to used to talking about God and not enough time talking with Him.


I always had this feeling in the back of my mind that I needed to talk with God, but I would try to convince myself that I didn't need to. Sometimes God would win, and sometimes Satan would.


When I turned seventeen, I joined the army, and this really kick-started my faith. Nothing brings you closer to God than when you're going through hell, and trust me, basic training is hell.


I was lucky enough to go through Basic Training with my twin brother, SupraT, so I didn't have the problems some people had from being completely isolated from my family, but sometimes the lonliness was still there. The feeling that you can't do anything by yourslf unless you're told to can be very difficult for people who are used to equality and the American way.


Basic Training was the best thing that ever happened to me though, because it was during the hottest summer in Missouri in 200 years that I finally experienced God on a grand scale.


He was my everything, my only peace. If I couldn't do something, all I had to do was talk to God, and He would make it happen. Any situation could be brought under control by a few words to my Savior.


Nothing mattered to me except Jesus, and believe me, when you're the only Christian in a bay with forty 17-year old's who had never met someone who hadn't had sex (and would admit it), whose only adjective wasn't f***, and who read the Bible every night, it could have been difficult. But it wasn't. Somehow kneeling on the floor next to my bunk and praying in front of all of those people wasn't hard or embarrassing, because I didn't care. What they thought about me or my beliefs had no effect upon how Jesus cared about me, and that was all that mattered.


Eventually my actions began to have a positive effect upon the other members of my bay. Soldiers would try not to cuss when I was around, and would tell others not to out of respect for me. I didn't tell them not to, it was just something that they did. Soldiers would ask questions about Jesus and the Bible, because they saw that there was a difference in the way I acted.


The Lord opened doorways that I could never have opened, and I had the chance to help other people that were suffering as I had been.


The only thing I wanted to do if I had free time was read the Bible, and that's what I did. People who say that the Bible is just a book are wrong, because it is the Word of God, and is a form of communication that God can use to communicate with you. If I had a question, I could put it to God, and when I would read the Bible I could find the exact answers I was looking for.


I had a peace that only God can give, and even as I would be marching 18 miles with a an 80 pound pack plus kevlar, flack jacket, and M-16 I could enjoy it because I already know how everything is going to end, so I don't have to worry so much about the present.


During the last part of Basic Training I had an unfortunate accident durning a field exercise, and I burned my left hand fairly badly, but even as it happened I didn't feel the pain, and didn't feel the fear, because I knew that God could make it better, and he did. Within 3 days (Amazing for a burn injury) I was back in training, and was able to graduate with everyone else. The only reason I made it through was because God was my support, and nothing can stop Him, no matter what difficulties or trials may occur in your life.


Since then I've had a lot of time to think about God and how important He is, and somehow everything else seems trivial. Wealth, power, position, friendships,....all meaningless.


Just this week I was walking by the commons on my way to class, and there was a man yelling at everyone to repent and turn to God. The other college students were walking by, trying not to laugh, and I was embarrassed. But not embarrassed at the man, embarrassed at myself, that I wasn't doing the same thing. To think that a few words to someone could save them from the torment of hell forever and instead bring them to the throne of God and paradise eternal makes embarrassement seem a very small price to pay.


We can all make a difference. We are all missionaries of Christ. Everything we do has consequences. Every time an unbeliever sees a Christian doing something they shouldn't, they turn from God. Every time they see a Christian doing something right, they say, "What makes that person different."


In the end that's the only question we really have...

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