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Illegal Substances and Alcohol

Guest Orbital

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

I have a question for all of you.

Why do people use drugs ? What is the purpose of them?


I mean, I personally despise Alcohol, Drugs and other stuff like that.

I'm straight-edge and proud of it, but I would like to know your opinions on it.


And I would liek some thoughts of your history with Alcohol and Drug Usage, if you can spare to share some. I know it's a little pushing it, so keep it under the rules. If it gets to ranchy, sorry MMMM, I know you'll just erase it, but this came up in AP Gov. today, and I'd liek to know some of your thoughts. So please, everyone try to keep it clean, but express your views if you'd like. Thanks.


My thoughts:

I lost a grandmother to Alcoholism, she had liver cancer, so that is why I try and stay straightedge. Someone that meant SO much to me in my life, lost due to substances, I couldn't stand it.


[i still think people can just have as much fun being sober and clean, doing great things, then being drunk]


-OrB :blink:

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Things that make us happy tend to be bad things sometimes.


Red Meat = Bad for you

Ice Cream = Bad for you

Butter = Bad for you

French Fries = Bad for you

Crusty skin on fried chicken = Bad for you

Cholocate Mud Pie = Bad for you

Bacon - Bad for you


Why do we do it?


If you have an answer for that, then you have answered Orbital's question.

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My motto is "everything in moderation".


Did you know that Alcohol and Tobacco are the strongest drugs and most dangerous if measuring the risk of death at relative doses with other "drugs"?


#1 - Smoking

#2 - Alcohol

#3 - Cocaine

#4 - Ecstacy

#5 - Canibus


The risk equivalent of smoking cigarettes is equal to hobby skydiving.

The risk equivalent of drinking alcohol is equal to mountain climbing

The risk equivalent of smoking Canibus is equal to getting hit by lightning, TWICE.


I have a whole table for this. I have to find it though.


I'm not saying I do these things. I'm just laying out that for some reason, going out and drinking 2-3 times a week is considered ok while smoking a joint 2-3 times a week is considered extremely wrong when the risks are so slanted towards alcohol.


Very strange.


Btw, I'm not a drug addict so don't paint that picture in your head. I think this is an excellent topic.

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Guest catalystgs
Guest catalystgs
Guest catalystgs

Well, I believe that it is human nature to want to get high. It can either be a natural high (like ones you get from skydiving, sex, etc.) or an artificial high (drugs). Everyone enjoys the feeling of adrenaline and they become curious of what other highs are like. This is where experimentation comes into play. People begin to experiment with marijuana, alcohol, and even cigarettes. This leads to harsher things like meth, coke, extasy, etc. While you can argue against my thoughts it is true with most people - They want the feeling of euphoria.

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Orbital, I was sXe all through high school man, from like 9 grade till senior year. But Im not anymore. sXe was something Ian MacKaye started in the 80's with minor threat. Once i realized what he was doing i found out it is dumb. He may be against drinking and smoking (which is why kids wanna be sXe so they can be cool and not drink and smoke) but they were all about nazis.

Just read Minor Threat


My views on alcohol and drugs are.....


Alot of drugs are bad for you. The two main drugs that people use are marijuana and alcohol. These two are not as bad for you as alot of them out there, hence they are they most popular cuz they dont eat away your brain like E, dont affect your nervous system like acid.


Why do people use drugs? It makes your feel different that what your normally feel like. All the harder drugs are really bad, they make you feel really different, but marijuana and alcohol isnt as bad.

Do I drink and smoke pot? yes. Why?, Why not? Its just fun to get stoned and zone out for hours on tv or a game or even play guitar. but of course your only 16 so your views will probably change. Im sure mine will too when i leave college.


You may say that alcohol and marijuana is really bad for you and stuff...but if you really want to find out the truth, do your own research on the subject and come to your own conclusion.


People say that marijuana is a gateway drug, which is the statement the government came out with in the 50-60's to make it look really really bad. but when the truth is its a really low number like .06 or something who try marijuana go on to harder drugs.

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Orbit, I too can understand where you come from, as i can also understand where NOFX is coming from cause we been best friends for 3 years now.


I was sXe in high school also for the most part, minus the premarital sex. But, when i came to college and was roomates with NOFX a lot of my views changed. I met all new people then what i was used to from high school and these people had different views and opinions then i had ever been exposed to before. I tried smoking pot and found out it was a lot of fun and kept on doing it everyday for 2 years.


About the drinking, i also began drinking a lot when i came to college. This was because "everyone else is doing it" kinda thing. I got into the whole drinking scene and ended up joining a fraternity in which i met the guys at activities that were centered around drinking, weird huh....not at college.


Now that i have been here for 3 years i dont smoke pot anymore and dont really miss it that much. I have more energy then ever, i can wake up in the mornings without hitting the snooze button 5 times. I drink once a week compared to the past, 4 or 5 days a week of drinking. I dont miss the alcohol either. So if this tells you anything, dont start if you havent cause now that i dont really do either anymore, I DONT MISS THEM AT ALL !


About marijuana being a gateway drug, NOT TRUE. I have done other drugs a few times here at college but not because i smoke reefer, i did them because i wanted to find out what it was like to 'roll face' from some 3xtacy and know what it felt like to feel like superman when i did a little coke. that was all on me though, not because of marijuana.


Everyone is different so your seriously just gonna have to find out for yourslef of this one Orb. sorry bro. :ph34r:

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

I am sorry if my conception of sXe is wrong. I did not know the secret behind it, my friends just explained the concept to me. It seemed a little interesting, and I thought he explained it fully to me, but I suppose I shouldn't have just heard his thoughts. But I do enjoy the concept of not doing Alcohol, Smoking and Marijuana. I just thought it drugs and alcohol, smoking, marijuana, blah blah.. that sort of stuff. Premertial sex.. eh.. my hormones are a little to strong to deal with that. I suppose it's weak, but having as many girlfriends as I've had, I cannot say I have been absient. But I just see it as a way of "enjoying" yourself, I rather get high off of sky diving, as already stated, then do something that will just alter my body. I suppose it's not "wrong" it's just, I have alocoholic friends, and drug addict friends, and to look at them, crying or throwing up on themselves, make me really jaded from every substance like that. I do not understand why people really do it, I've heard a lot of reasons, here a few, tell me if you concur or disagree:


1) To get away from it all.


2) To feel good.


3) Eh, it's the "thing" to do. This is the most pathetic excuse you can make about something that can harm you. I am not saying you are pathetic, anyone, just it's a way to fit in, I never got this.


I get really sick of reading people ESPECIALLy online saying: 420! Smoke's a lot! Weed! Ganaja! blah blah. It's really sad. To show off that you do it, to get recognition, it's just , a little meaningless to me.


I asked you all, because, well maybe I'm wrong in my views, maybe this is just something I'll grow out of, but it's not the way to progress as a person, if you depend on other things to make you happy. It's just something I wanted to ask everyone, and please, keep going with the answers. I really enjoy reading these answers. Thanks all of you. :huh:

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I respect your views on this topic totally.


1. Its not to get away from it all for most people, its to enhance the night of fun that is ahead of joo !


2. To fell good? Yes. A lot of these drugs do make you feel very wonderful if done correctly and not overdone.


3. "thing" to do....not really... its just that kids no a day are EXPOSED to these substances more then ever, yes, even more then in the great 70's. Not to mention the substances now have only gotten stronger and more complex.


I agree with you being tired of people bragging about the fact that they do use these illegal substances because that isnt good for them. People that brag about this are developing a problem if it doesnt already exsist. Im in a substance abuse class and i am learning all about this kind of stuff if you want me to enlighten you further about how addictions develop and the stages progress for different "drugs".


Orbit, your the man, dont do drugs, drugs are BAD !!!

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Guest catalystgs
Guest catalystgs
Guest catalystgs

I would just like to add that the real gateway drug is nicotine. A lot of kids try cigarettes in junior high school and like the small little buzz they get. They think it's neat and fun so they try pot and alcohol in order to experience it even more.

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lol all_killer.....He stopped smoking pot and drinking as much. I haven't, I am continuing to fry my brain cells and destroy my liver and ill smoke a pack of cigarettes in one night on blackout fridays. As long as people know what they are getting into, they should do what they want. You may say that i am forming addictions to all this stuff...and I say the typical answer....BS. Im in alcohol safty class right now for gettin a possesion of alcohol ticket and we also discuss the way you become addicted. Which i believe is total BS as well, The people who make up "these so called signs" of being addicted are the people that dont do this stuff. And that stuff happens to everyone, like everyone pukes when they get really drunk.


I once stopped getting high for a month and I didnt miss it either, I would be able to wake up at 10 am with no problem. I actually cant wait till the day that I get out of college and start a real job. Then I will have something to look forward to and work for some $$$$.


But what these people that make up the rules of addiction, they dont understand my enviroment. I go home for christmas break. I dont even drink. I may drink on friday's a few times, but nowhere near as much as i am in school. I dont smoke as much reefer either when i go home, hardly any. Cigarettes, now they are addicting. I will smoke a pack in 2-3 days at school, but when i go home, a pack will last me at least a week. When i get out of the enviroment that i am in now, Im sure things will change, when i have something better to do, I will stop this stuff. You say, something better to do? I mean around here at night, EVERYONE is drinking, so naturally i dont want to be the only sober one sitting there.......and its also kinda fun to drink a 1/5th of jack daniels and run through the dorms flippin all the circuit breakers off (the sXe people will say, how dumb is that) but if you have never experience this, lol trust me, its fun. Which comes back to my point on addiction. I do this cuz its fun, I cant be 30 years old running through dorms turning off everyones power. So im doin this while I still have my youth. When im to old to do this dumb stuff I will stop. Everyone has to grow up sometime.....As for me, not yet

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I asked you all, because, well maybe I'm wrong in my views, maybe this is just something I'll grow out of, but it's not the way to progress as a person, if you depend on other things to make you happy


That quote itself leads to addiction. If you rely on external substances to make you happy, then something else in your life is wrong. Some people tend to "get away from it all" but in reality, where did the problem go?


People will do drugs for many reasons. "To get away" is a big one. But its also the worst one. People who occasionally go out and have a drink and have a smoke is ok in my book. But if a person is weak minded, it can control their lives. Everyone will make their own decisions on it. Some are moderate users and they are fine. But people in the masses generally have addictive personalities, therefore drugs tend to gain control over them and once that happens, it's a deathtrap. Kinda like doing the classic left rush on de_dust. In real life, would you do it?

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i think a lot of people (at least people i know) do it just cause they arent supposed to. like all these goths and whatever they do, i dont really know, it seems like any authority there is they gotta challenge it. im not saying they are ALL pot smokers and whatnot, just the ones i know. some of them are the coolest people i know, others i would not miss if they got hit by a truck (terrible thing for a christian to think, i know)


personally, i have never been drunk, and im proud of that. beer is the worst tasting thing there is. it is disgusting, it ruins your liver, and has no benefits whatsoever. a glass of wine a day is actually healthy for you. but getting drunk is not. damaging brain cells, looking stupid, acting stupid.. it IS stupid, IMO. i will probably never in my life get drunk if i can help it. i have smoked cigarettes before, also one of the nastiest things on earth. that stuff kills people! absolutely no benefits you couldnt get from a glass of water. water actually helps you to calm down somehow. ive tried pot, got high once, and i didnt like it. i didnt like how after it was over i couldnt remember much of what i did, it was all a blur. i dont like how i lost control of myself for a bit. its not worth it. its also expensive. i have friends who do it, and i think its dumb, but i dont mess with em. cause weed doest really have many bad long-lasting effects, but when i have friends that smoke cigs, i try to stop em, even though it is almost futile, cause that stuff kills.

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Ok, pure silliness in here.. If someone dose not want to partake in a certain behavior is personal choice. To band together and shun others is a weakness. Drugs and alcohol have been around since the dawn of man. it didnt take man too long to figure out partially rotten fruit(wine?) made you feel a little funny. It put a different light on the day. not necessarily a good one either. American Indians found that this little part of a cactus(peyote) when ingested pretty much made you feel superhuman for a day or two! Do some of that before going into battle. Remember Pacman and his power pellets?? I think they also used marijuana and other herbs(tobacco?) to smoke and relax with friends, neighboring tribe leaders and whatnot(peace pipes?). Ancient Mayans and I'm sure other central american cultures chewed the leaves of the Coca plant(cocain) regularly for enjoyment. I personally have 3 uncles on my moms side who Were real bad alcoholics. The one is basically mentally dumb now due to the many years of alcoholism and whatnot. The others liver can be good, and well yeah, you get the picture. Abusing your body in Any way will eventually lead to bad things. on the same hand, stress and or depression isnt good for a body either.. For some people, drugs and alcohol combat these afflictions. Prescribed And illicit drugs. Not all drugs should be legal. we need a better system for determining whats what. It definitley not black and white. Drugs are Not bad mmmKay?

A long but informative read....

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

Grr... people are interpreting this all wrong. Yes I am against it, but I not banning against any one group of people. This is my decision, not anyways. All I asked, was, why people woudl do it, and if I could get any personal stories.


My only beef, was that a few people kept telling me they did it to enjoy themseleves, making a night fun, it just seeme dso meaningless to me. Looking at yourself, you are just putting pills into you, whatever it is, just to enjoy life more. Yes, you can die from just about EVERYTHING in this world, just I do not understand Alcohol, Drugs and Cigarettes. Maybe I'm wrong, but hell, having a grandmother die, having alcoholic friends at age 16, seeing a friend die because he drank too much and ran into a tree at 120 mph, it's more like.. yeah, what's the f 'kin point? I don't understand the things people put themseleves through, just to enjoy a night. I rather enjoy myself with friends, and sobriety, I rather UNDERSTAND what the hell is going on around me.


I've had personal troubles with this stuff, that is why I wanted to ask what you guys think. Do not preach, please, this was an open forum. Just give your views, but do not tell people they are right or wrong, do not ban together and tell people they are stupid. I am probably wrong in my views, but that is WHY I posted this thread. Thank you.

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I have a little experience in this and I have to say that I side with DJ on this. I don't think pot and alcohol are bad "in moderation." I am however against other "harder" drugs. I have never taken them, but from what I understand, you really can't do cocain in moderation(again speaking from word-a-mouth cause I've never done anything "harder" than pot.


I have to go against Zweih though, I absolutely LOVE the taste of beer. I started drinking alcohol when I was 14. My gfs parents would take us to the liquor store and say, "point to what you want." Now that is completely messed up. But you know what, I think it actually helped the way I look at alcohol. I see so many kids come out of high school and want to rebel and just go off the deep end with alcohol. They go out, get drunk and then have no concept of what getting into a car can do when you are drunk. I think because alcohol wasn't such a "forbidden" topic and I was allowed to experience it without having to rebel, I was able to hadle it in moderation. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I have never been puking drunk, cause that would be a lie. I can tell you two things though, drinking to the point of puking is stupid, it gains you nothing but a two-day hangover, and two, never have I ever driven drunk. You hear it everywhere, designate a driver. K,that's my soapbox. (I have however ridden with people who were drunk and have no idea how we lived to get home)


Let me step back up for a sec cause there is something in the news lately that really bothers me. It just disgusts me that with all of the warnings on cigarette packages and all of the facts that point out how dangerous and addictive cigarettes can be, that some freakin lady dieing from lung cancer can sue the companies, AND WIN, for 20 Billion dollars. I don't know how some people can live with themselves knowing that it is their own fault for starting these habbits and still think that they are owed something when they don't heed the warnings they have been given. Fine, you wanna smoke, I have no problem with that, puff away, but if or when you get lung cancer, don't blame others for your decision. I don't smoke, so maybe coming from a non-smoker this may sound harsh, but I used to be big into weightlifting. So I may be in for a surprise later in my life. I'm happy to say that I NEVER did steroids, but I did try just about every legal supplement that was out to boost my gains. I remember one day very clearly that I had just downed a protein drink with some creatine and my step-dad says, "Why do you take that stuff, you know it COULD kill you?" I looked at him and said," well, you gonna stop eating those potatoe chips you got in your hand there, cause eventually they will kill you too." He had no answer. :lol: Lets see if I actually have a point here or if I'm just rambling. My point is, if one day it is found that creatine or one of the products that I took causes cancer, and I get cancer. Would it be right for me to sue the company because I have cancer, knowing that the products I took were new on the market, weren't supported by the FDA............NO it wouldn't be. So just do one thing for the bandit, if you decide to do any of this stuff, make sure YOU are willing to take the fall for what YOU have done and don't blame it on someone else.

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i drink a little here and there but not much....i got trashed one time and after that i was like never again will i do this and i havent...i only drink beer now really and when i do that is no more then 4......as for weed yeah ive done it...4 times and thats it again after doing it didnt see the point to it......cigeretts no way i have asthma thatll kill me right there.


i odnt think drinking is bad really as long as its done in moderation as for anything else i refuse to do it...and i also refuse to date someone thats into that too.....

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Guest the mack
Guest the mack
Guest the mack

suprised more gbury peeps havent weighed in on this subject condsidering we were like on of the top underage drinking towns in america a couple years ago


nothing wrong with acholel (execpt how i spell it) just as long as u dont drive sXe peeps just missin out on some of the fun

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Beer tastes like Glue.. Over the years, it's gotten a little easier to palate, but still cant say it tastes "Good". And I'll telly ya, the first time I ever smoke pot was with 2 friends on a basketball court. We then proceeded to -for what seems like 2 hours- stand there and laghed till we couldn't laugh anymore lol.. In that sense, the drug made for a "fun" time. It hasn't done that since I don't believe and typcally dosen't evoke a "fun" state for people.. Maybe a thoughful, or reflective, maybe sometimes even creative, at ease, peaceful, paranoid state. lol Sound like fun? That's what it is. Loss of inhibitions is what alcohol is for.. liquid courage? Allows for more of a "brain to mouth" type deal. That for some people is a baaad thing :) People get sloppy drunk which is a very bad thing as well obviously.. Most of the other drugs are either too addictive or nowhere near the worth for the risk you take(cocain,heroin,extasy, lsd etc). not everything was put on this planet for Mans "good". In ending I'll ask a question I've often wondered. Why do people classify Alcohol and Drugs and Nicotine all seperate things.. Arent they all Drugs?




In no way due the opinions stated above reflect those of the Mmmm organization and extended family :) Nor condoning any illegal activities related to regulated substances :)

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everyone has their own views in life. I dont do drugs, i dont smoke...I DONT DRINK COFFEE!! (believe it or not). Drinking....i do drink occasionally BUT!!!! in moderation. I have never gotten drunk in my life. I just have this thing that when i drink a bit i stop cuz i just can't down anymore. Plus i dont hit the hard stuff, i can admit to a shot here or there but never anything bigger. I just can't down it. So i stop. I dont see the point in people gettin trashed from drugs or alcohol it's pointless. Alcohol killed my grandfather (whom i never knew) even before i was born...by the way he was killed by a drunk driver....he did not drink either. My mom doesn't drink so i guess i take after her but my dad drinks in moderation like me, he knows when to stop and he can't get pressured into another drink.


So i'm enjoying my life because i know what's best for me. Like DJ said moderation is good.

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