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great games for free


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First, let me say that I'm a bit puzzled by the fact that people in this community continue to not try out these two games, when I've said many times how fun they are, and that they are FREE. Yet I'm continually alone out there, proudly representing this community all by my lonesome in strange servers with all kinds of gamers.

Now, the two games, America's Army: Operations, and Enemy Territory. Both of them are excellent first person shooters. Both of them are totally free, all it takes is a download.


Enemy Territory was originally intended as a retail expansion to the game Return to Castle Wolfenstien. However, the project was scrapped, and instead they released the multiplayer portion as a standalone game. It is an OpenGL game (as is CS and CoD) and is built on a modified version of the Quake III engine. If you know what that engine can do, you'll know already that the game looks great, and runs smoothly even on an older machine. The full client is found here.

Just some eye candy for you, I didn't find a lot of screenshots, and I don't have a place to upload my own, but this will give you an idea of the interface.


an engineer building a bridge


maps usually have one, maybe two vehicles. i think this picture was taken pre-release. the player weapons are much more normal size than the one that guy's carrying, and I don't think that tank is in game anymore.


I'll tell you a little about America's Army: Operations when I get back from work. If you're interested now, all the info can be found at the above link.

Okay, called in sick to work because...well, because I've been sick all week and I'm still sick.

America's Army: Operations. Released by the United States Army as a shameless recruiting ploy. The gaming community is slowly realizing, however, that the Army makes a pretty sweet game. It is built on the Unreal engine, so it's very pretty, and also very graphic intensive. The game slows at times, even on a Radeon 9800 Pro. Or so I've been told, I dare someone to prove me wrong.

The gameplay is similar to Counterstrike, among others. Map objectives range from releasing hostages, to escaping over a bridge, to infiltrating a base in the middle of a swamp at night, to breaking into a warehouse and taking pictures of multiple weapon's caches, to making your way to a downed helicopter in the middle of a bombed out city somewhere in the desert. Teamwork is required to win. Rambo players usually don't live long, as only a few bullets will take you down. Your arsenal varies depending on the map, consisting of m16 rifles, m4A1 rifles, the m203 grenade launcher, two sniper rifles (snipers carry a pistol also), the SAW and frag, smoke and flash grenades.

There are many realistic features of AA:O, a couple of which are your rifle being cradled across your arms while belly crawling, and grenade explosions close by causing a deafening ring in your ear, and even sometimes causing your vision to shake. Flashbangs not only blind you, but also deafen you. Snipers cannot move and shoot. Medics can TREAT you, but not completely heal you, as would be the case on a battlefield.

Here's some of the eye candy from AA:O








As you can see, the maps are both indoors and outdoors, some even including parachutes. The detail is high, with player skins even alternating depending on the terrain (snow camo for winter maps, woodland camo for forest or temperate, desert camo for desert maps, etc). One other intersting thing is the team structure. No matter which team you are on, you are on the Army side playing against the OpFor. Never can you join a team where you get to use AK47s. However, if you kill an OpFor, you can pick up his AK. That play that you killed, however, sees you as an OpFor who already has an AK, and is picking up his dropped M16. This makes it somewhat easier to distinguish teammates from enemies. The OpFor are dressed as your typical terrorists, baclavas, sunglasses, sport coats, etc. Your teammates are always wearing camo and army helmets. The different teams run different too, and have different posture.

The game is FREE, and it's a lot of fun, and I need some teammates, so try it out.

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I got the latest edition of Computer Gaming World and it came with a DVD with 5 full games on it, Deus Ex, Thief II, Dark Age of Camelot, Warlords Battlecry, and America's Army v1.9 (is this the right one or is "Operations" another game/addon?).

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hey Dweez, I saw that issue/CD, that's a killer deal! install the America's Army: Operations v1.9 from the CD, then go to www.americasarmy.com and download the patch, there's a patch from 1.9-2.0 and recently they released 2.0a (tiny 9mb patch)

I hope you try it out, would love to play with you.

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well, just had hella fun playin America's Army with first bullet, then Jiffy, then Kurtz and Watchtower. So there, 5 community members, including me, playin it. Could be the start of a revolution, or something...


IM me: Playboy JL, if you got any questions about downloading, installing, learning to play, etc.

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I had AA for a long time, you shouldve come out earlier Crow :(...


BTW lets hear the training u guyz done...




Basics, Airborne (including live jump), Medics school, SpecOps hardware recognition (scored 100% on that one with first try :) )

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will try it tonight...I know I went through the basic training and played for awhile...but couldn't find a fun server so I stopped playing it (plus my time was split between that and CS when I had very little broadband access at the time)

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************IMPORTANT NOTE*****************


For those of you downloading the full version 2.0.0a, the punkbuster files are not up-to-date. I don't know why this is happening, but you will need to update your pb files. The process doesn't take long.


Go here and download the PBWEB.EXE.


Save it to your pb file within America's Army. The path should be C:\Program Files\America's Army\System\pb.


Run the file from within the pb folder, it will download the necessary updates for punkbuster (not a large download).


This must be done to allow you to stay in servers. If not, you will continually be kicked out shortly after connecting for having a PB violation.

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You guys will love america's army.. It's really teambased and they even have a little thing for CS players in it (basicly tells you that CS sucks) :o It has a linux port which is why I got it in the first place

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