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Final roster and info for CHINATOWN

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rev(team captain)





DJ premier


Confirm you acceptance here again please.


CT positions. (look at pic here)


Quick - Subway

Moss - market

Goot - market

Raven - theatre door (If subway is called you go back through spawn)

Whiplash - theatre door

Rev - theatre door (I will assist Moss and Goot in market in case they rush... I will fall back if they delay.)


I put Moss and Goot on market... This is a dicey position but I wanted to great players on it. AWP if you want just fall back if they are rushing. I will have my rifle there to help if they do rush. If they dont rush, an AWP will be the perfect weapon for keeping them out of there.


I put Quick alone in subway. I know you know how to handle it and we will be quick to backup you up!


Raven whip and I will make sure nothing comes through the theatre doors. Raven, if Quick needs help go back through spawn to help him out... If Quick should die... um... er.. quickly, then hold back and stay alive until rest can get there (it takes awhile).


I think that does it for CT. If you feel your position is not right for you just post up and we can change.


Now T plays... I am going to tell you now the play order so we will all be on the same page.


1. Subway rush. Its only pistols and we will outnumber the defenders.

2. If we won first round we will rush Subway again. They will only have MP5's at best and if we take this one they might pull some guys to help from market to which we will go on the next round.

3. Market rush.

4. Market rush.

5. Market rush.

6. Subway rush.


If we lose 2 rounds in a row we will slow it down and give some of our big guns to pick some guys off.


Feel free to give your opinions.

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Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad

what time is that? btw..dont forget to set your clocks back

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Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad

hmmm i just thought of some interesting things we can do on T and CT....but requires some boosting. The boosts shouldnt be illegal since you cant clip the map, but you can demolish them if they rush or when your T if you boost someone from the catwalk to the roof, you can sneak up on em and pick em off.


Well, I was just timing some stuff. And as a CT it takes me 10 seconds to get to the market, and only takes the T's 10 seconds to get their. So as a rule of thumb, every time we round that corner going into the market, we need to flash it heavily. BTW throw your flashes over the white building to the left and throw em high...just dont get me caught in the sky brush, cause that wil blind us to.


Same goes for the people playing in the subway, the spawn times are about the same. So before you round that corner to the bomb zone u need to flash it, because there wont be much cover for any rushing t's. If they are delaying markets, we should boost someone on the roof and they can suprise the hell out of em.


Also on T we can boost into the clock tower with an awp and that person can try and pick anyone in the market, subway...use smoke....and try to push their awpers back.


I dont know how much you guys know about money management, but if we lose pistol round on either side. We save the next round...don't buy a thing. We can either camp spawn as T and try to money screw em...cause they wont get enough for awps the next round if the dont kill us. If we are ct and some how lose the pistol round....everyone goes to one site.."stack the site" If they plant at the other site..let em have the round..they dont get as much money if they would have killed us.


Make sure when playing as CT you keep an eye on the clock..if it gets to 35 sec and they havent planted...go run and hide.



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Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad

btw can we please use in game for tonight...rw doesnt like me, nor do I like it.

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hmmm i just thought of some interesting things we can do on T and CT....but requires some boosting. The boosts shouldnt be illegal since you cant clip the map, but you can demolish them if they rush or when your T if you boost someone from the catwalk to the roof, you can sneak up on em and pick em off.
I agree! if they do not rush as Ts to market Ill boost Goot or Moss up. As T we will do this everytime we dont rush.


Well, I was just timing some stuff. And as a CT it takes me 10 seconds to get to the market, and only takes the T's 10 seconds to get their. So as a rule of thumb, every time we round that corner going into the market, we need to flash it heavily. BTW throw your flashes over the white building to the left and throw em high...just dont get me caught in the sky brush, cause that wil blind us to.


Flashes go both ways... expect to be blinded when they rush as Ts. Moss, if you would rather be on theatre seeing as AWP would be hard to use in such a situation just let me know.


I dont know how much you guys know about money management, but if we lose pistol round on either side. We save the next round...don't buy a thing. We can either camp spawn as T and try to money screw em...cause they wont get enough for awps the next round if the dont kill us. If we are ct and some how lose the pistol round....everyone goes to one site.."stack the site" If they plant at the other site..let em have the round..they dont get as much money if they would have killed us.


That makes total sense and we will do it.

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Hey everyone ill start a chat about 7:45 be on aim.also we are CT first they are invading us.All boosting is legal as long as you cant exploit anything like holes or seeing the whole map.Youll be on hltv so we will lol at you for bad plays and dumb mistakes.


Make sure that the WD tourny config. is up and runnin.


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Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad

guys...i can't get on AIM...dunno whats going on...bleh.


I'll see you in the server in 45 minutes, DLM server right? I will be there.

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