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i am also against commiting sucidie to even the teams

see now this is what makes me mad, people who think like that. who cares about it just do it and help. and if you dont wanna help keep the teams even then dont bother playing. people who worry about commiting sucide and messing hteir score up are just plain tools.

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i am also against commiting sucidie to even the teams

see now this is what makes me mad, people who think like that. who cares about it just do it and help. and if you dont wanna help keep the teams even then dont bother playing. people who worry about commiting sucide and messing hteir score up are just plain tools.

rgr that. it's a pub, who cares?!? plus that ss is sad. feel bad for phy :P .

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

I don't commit suicide to change teams because I dont' feel like losing 6k so I can eco 2 rounds in a row to have a rifle armor and nades again ;/.


Generally I'll switch sides if they're stacked, I just wait to be killed so I don't run around eco'ing for a few rounds.

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When we first tried it on the last server i played on there where a few grumbles but after a while it didn't bother people anymore. we even tried to see how many times we could get changed. Since then PBT has come a long way and does a much better job.

Playing together is fun, everyone like to play on the team with there friends.


However the other side of the coin is this is a pub server. Not a place for a well organized clan to come in all on one team and try to run a scrim against a bunch of noobs who have no interest in working together.


Programs like PBT don't make it impossible to play together there will just be time when you play on both teams during a map. Personally I like trying both sides. Not to mention maybe you'll get a chance to get to know some of the other people who play here.


As far as I can tell the BIG reason people don't like programs like PBT (can you tell that PBT is the only one I know about) is because they pwn on one side, and completely slaughtering the other team but switching sides would mean no more easy kills and they would actually have to try to kill the other good people on there team. Heaven forbid.


Now I'm sure there are plenty of reasons that people don't like PBT. But be sure to take the time to think about how many of them are really for selfish motives.

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Personally I just dont like PBT cause I never know when I'm gonna get changed and I forget and shoot teammates. =p But that's just me. I'd live with it if it got put on. I really think just a more pro-active approach on the part of all the regs though would go a LONG way to solving this problem.

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well, you can say i'm pointing fingers or being unfair or whatever, but mostly i've only seen mwr doing the whole clan-stacking thing. i'm sure VI has been guilty of it before, but it seems as though everytime more than one mwr are on the server, they're always on the same side of the map. to hell with a community's sense of responsibility, i think we need to take individual responsibility about this. I'll start: Sorry if i've ever stacked or clan-stacked or whatever. I'll try my best to keep a good watch on teams.


wasn't so hard :D

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lol bugs keep it relevant. =p Lance has the exact right idea. We all just need to take personal responsibility and make an effort to make the game fair and fun for everyone else. If we all do that, the few nub pubs that show up won't be a problem and we can all enjoy the game a lot more.

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Now in the event that your really considering something like pbt. You could alway do a poll (emailing the link to people) to put some feelers out there see how everyone else feels about it. Maybe you could also have one for just the whole getting the regs to promote even teams too. At least then everyone would hear what "we're" trying to do

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see now this is what makes me mad, people who think like that. who cares about it just do it and help. and if you dont wanna help keep the teams even then dont bother playing. people who worry about commiting sucide and messing hteir score up are just plain tools.

your kidding me right?



im sorrry but i do not play so that you can have fun...im not going to kill myself and sit out a whole round just so that the teams will be fair a whole round can last up will 3 or 4 minutes



if im killed i will switch but i will not ruin my score for it (yes i do care about my score and i see it nowhere written in the mmmm rules where your not allowed to care about it)

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