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Everything posted by whudats

  1. Do you include vampire books in this category...? If so, yes. I am slowly making my way through the Anne Rice ones. Next up is Queen of the Damned.
  2. Happy Birthday!! (The cake must have missed my cubicle on the way around... )
  3. Happy (belated) birthday fellas!!
  4. whudats

    Non Fiction

    I'm currently reading Charlie Wilson's War (by George Crile). It's the true story about the CIA's involvement in the Afghan-Russian conflict. One of the best non-fiction books I've read in the last couple of years is The Devil's Highway (by Luis Alberto Urrea). It changed my perspective on the immigration issue - puts a face and name on a lot of the nameless. Another good one: Devil in the White City (by Erik Larson). It tells the true story of the events leading up to and surrounding the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, while at the same time chronicling the activities of a serial killer in the same area. It gives a great historical background on Chicago, too. Waiting for me next is Miracle in the Andes... (by Nando Parrado). It's a first person account of the Uruguayan rugby team that crashed in the Andes (remember the movie "Alive"), but more importantly it helps put life, and what's in it, in perspective. I can't wait to read it. 90% of what I read is non-fiction, and I can offer some more if these don't do it for ya. But I don't think you can miss with any of these. **Edit - My 1000th post. Woohoo!**
  5. I think this is a great idea...
  6. Happy Birthday fellas!!
  7. I was born in Wyoming! Let's see 'em...in another thread, maybe...? Nice pics Ebil. Any trip to Florida is nice...
  8. Glad you guys are all safe man. Wow...
  9. Here's what I've been listening to - today anyway... http://www.last.fm/user/whudats/ SJ turned me on to this little utility. It's pretty cool, methinks. Feel free to add me as a friend...
  10. Best Buy has it for $6.99. Looky here... http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...duct&id=1560582 Dope. Either go to the store or do store pick-up...best price I found.
  11. Happy Birthday guys!!
  12. Hey guys! I'm running the Chicago Half-Marathon on October 1st, and have chosen these very special men, women, and children to be my motivation. If you choose to help, you can use this link to make a donation. The website is secure, fast, and easy to use. At the website you can enter an amount to donate, and upon completion you will receive an email confirmation of your donation. There is no pressure - thank you for taking the time to consider helping me support an organization that adds tremendously to the quality of life of these challenged individuals. For more information about The Special Olympics organization, click here. Thanks guys!! Greg
  13. I always auto too - unless I'm playing with my bro and want to be on the same side...
  14. Nice truck Shep! I wouldn't trust that SJ guy - seems a little shady. Better let me look after it...
  15. I have the G5 and love it. Absolutely no complaints.
  16. Our prayers are with you and your family Steve. So sorry for your loss.
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