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Everything posted by Wolfsblood

  1. First one. Just created the guild last night, and took a peek at a few of the halls. They seem like fun, but I don't think we'd use them for GvG or anything. Hey, is there any way for people within a guild to "spar" in a pvp way? Don't think there is. Actually, there is. We used to do it for fun in GO. Forget just how we did it, but if you have 2 parties both in the guild hall, there was a way to "scrim" your guild mates. Lots of fun when you're both in the same ts/vent channel, lol. Ok, I looked around our Gathering Order Guild Wars forum, and didn't see a psw remove option, so here it is: sanctuary Feel free to browse the forum, and post up there. A lot of the topics are old, but some of the info should still be relevant (skills, builds, tactics, etc.) Hopefully this week I'll have my system back to full operation, and can actually stay in game for more than 10 mins at a time.
  2. Works for me. I'll see about removing the psw for the forum. There's a lot of useful info already in that forum. I need to re-install windows before I can play online games. Something's borked in a reg key I think. Single player games run fine, online games, and esp. steam games crash the comp. :/
  3. Gratz BushMaster! Wish you 2 all the best.
  4. OOoohh, I love my assassin. I were good. Just ask Samurai. Heh, the only toon I beat Factions with was my assassin, and when the PUG I was in beat it, it was because I was dealing out the most damage. I also got to be quite good at keeping myself alive w/o relying on monks nearly as much. This sometimes caused problems, as the times I did die, the party was usually wiped out within seconds because the rest of them couldn't do the damage I was, or the interrupts as frequently. Nightfall: I understand why they made the towns "You can't enter here, you haven't completed task x, or are not level y", but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Even though Prophesies had a (somewhat bizarre) storyline, and you were progressed from place to place via the storyline missions, I loved the fact that it felt more free form in that you could literally walk to (almost) every town in the game. The rest of them don't have that freedon, and I blame PvP. Punx would get runs to places like Droks to buy armour that lower lvl characters couldn't hope to penetrate, then hang out in the lower lvl arenas owning the regular folk. Anyway, still wish I had the time to play with you guys. I miss the days where we had 8-10 or more people in our GO teamspeak server, and people helping people run missions, or quests. But mostly I miss the laughter. *goes back to being a tired old man *
  5. Sry ZD. I actually would have like to have attended this, as I've had problems getting Linux to install on here, but just saw this post. I've not been very good about checking the forums lately.
  6. Enjoy the game. I wish I had more time to play right now, but too many things going on. Lord Wolfsblood is my main toon, Samhain The Voivod is another, lvl 20's. Have 7-8 characters. I loved the Prophesies campaign. IMO the best designed of the 4. Factions was very good as well, but a lot tougher to understand the map once you got into the main town on the mainland. Hated Nightfall, and didn't get a chance to get very far in Eye of the North.
  7. Seems kinda wrong that the current St. Paulie Girl is a Russian Born woman who lives in LA. :/ Seems like she should be Bavarian, or at least German in general. Good beer though.
  8. Yowza, that's a lot of musics. Thanks for the links.
  9. Me likey. Haven't heard anything from these guys for years, nice to see they're still around and kickin'.
  10. CompUSA used to sell it (AS5) in their stores, so if you have a computer parts stoore in your area, that might also be an option. Save shipping, and get it right now instead of waiting...
  11. Yea, the bottle on the green was a vodka of some sort, if I remember correctly.
  12. Half the members spammed them self to death. We're hoping FOX is going to make a depressing memorial movie on us. They could make it an after-school special. "Moral: Spam is bad."
  13. Wow, that really sucks. That was one of the coolest parts of Toronto. When my wife and I were there several years ago, we loved checking out all the little shops in that area. I hate to see cool historic areas lost like that.
  14. I didn't want to miss it, but living in Akron pretty much guaranteed that it was going to be cloudy, and it was.
  15. Have a great birthday Bushmaster.
  16. I'm central time which is an hour behind EST. So, technically, doing it at 11 pm is 12 am there. Hackie Chan strikes again... This time using time zone hacks.
  17. 2.5 gigs. haven't played many customs lately, but was a regular for a long time.
  18. So Mav and Allanon, you guys get to mosh it up in the front? Let us know. I haven't seen them for a couple years and wanted to go this year, but had other commitments that had to be taken care of.
  19. Don't you kids ever sleep? sheesh, young whippersnappers......... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  20. I used to be able to play bowling on my old phone, then I lost the phone. Now I don't' care at all about mobile gaming.
  21. Aye, the Mollies be a great band, live or on record. Methinks I'll have ta put me Drunken Lullibies record on the turntable and hoist a few pints o' Guinness. Arrrrrrgh, we be pirates! We be the Seven Deadly Sins!
  22. Honestly, I believe that there can be no hard, fast rules about whether 1 hour/day is more or less harmful to kids then 3+ hours/day, or whether it makes a difference at all. Really, you and your wife know your son better than any other human could at this stage of his life. You know how you raised him, what things you taught him were right, and what was wrong. He's 11. I'm not sure that my son would be mature enough to play css at 11, but I've got 10 more years to figure that out. Do violent video games desensitize us to violence? Probably. When the rating system came out for music many years ago, I was completely opposed to it, and frequently would buy those records and tapes (yes, I'm old enough to have bought records, tapes, and even 8 tracks ) that had the "Explicit Lyrics" labels simply because "the establishment" thought it was "naughty". Of course, those were the same groups whose music I'd been buying for a long time anyway, so it wasn't like it was much of a change. Now, I don't even notice the stickers, but agree that if it helps a parent "screen" what they buy for their minor child, then I have no problem with it. So, now that I went a bit off track, I'll let you know where I'm heading with this. The rating system for games is a good guideline IMO. It's not perfect, but gives you an idea about what is in the game, what age level the "raters" think is appropriate, and why they gave it the rating they did, violence, language, adult themes, etc. My nephew has been playing css for close to 2 years. He turned 16 in December. I know he played Halo, and numerous other FPS's prior to that on the console, probably many times multiplayer, via xbox live, or whatever. I don't believe it has had a negative effect on him. During that time he also achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, made the school football team, the wrestling team, and plays at least 2 musical instruments. Was there a time when he played it too much? Yes. His grades suffered for a time, but his mom put limits on his playing time, and his grades rebounded. Bottom line is, keep in touch with your children. Know what they like to do. Things like Columbine don't happen because people play video games, they happen because people don't pay attention to what's going on in the lives of the children around them. I know, big words from someone who's son is only 1 year old, but it's the way I was raised. I played D&D from the 6th grade on. Played computer games since Pong and the Atari 2600. The only negative thing I can see is the amount of time I spend playing them, and not doing other things. I still believe that the biggest threat to our children is our neglect of them (intentional or not), not the games they play. If you notice a behaviour change in your children after they play a specific game, or style of game, then you need to make adjustments.
  23. Happy Birthday Shafti! Wolfsblood.
  24. Happy Birthdays everyone.
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