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Everything posted by *BiGBonES**

  1. I don't know whether this has been posted before, but its certainly going to help me out next week. http://inpact-team.euroserv.com/modules.ph...&file=index_eng Everytime I spawn on dust at CT i struggle to see the amount of money that I have because the hud colour blends in with the sandy floor, meaning that i have to look up at the sky to buy guns which takes more time, delaying my quick start. This piece of software supposedly lets you change parts of the hud around. You can get some funky looking radars: Change fonts: Change colours: So if you have problems like mine with seeing the money at the start sometimes, then this is your cure. If your bored of the standard HUD then funk it up with this program and enjoy you CS. By the way ----- if anyone has experience using this and has recommendations/ other types of hud editing software let me know because this was the first one I came across on the steam forums
  2. Sorry witt, we invented our game of football long before you invented yours, therefore I win, and dont have to explain them funny american terms that you are going on about tkc im watching arsenal v juventus second leg right now. Dont be shocked, an english team won the champions league last year and are bound to win it again this year And finally- theres no chance of england winning the world cup. We havent got that sort of luck that is required to win competitions this big
  3. Give the guy a bit of time. I think he does them at the very last moment. If its not here by tonight then we'll all chip in a bit and hire a hitman to whack him
  4. I never knew you felt so strongly about this yomomma, but in the future i'll always use the handle instead of the glass
  5. Happy birthday guys! *laughs at pavid because he has to paste 7 of his birthday wishes*
  6. And apparently one of the best rappers too. This sounds fun, but I prefer to kill people myself, much more satisfying. I'll second that. When I killed my first enemy, not only did I save $100,000 but I also had the time of my life doing it!
  7. Any other chances of making cal-m without reaching this playoff? What was the final score?
  8. well I make it the 4th
  9. *BiGBonES**


    Yes its that time of the month again, the eggs are nearly ready to hatch Nows the time for some of you slackers to adopt an egg so you can have a lovely creature (or vegetable) without all the hardwork thats involved. Adopting an egg at this stage of its life is like adopting a 23 year old student just about to graduate from medical school So post below if you have some type of egg so we can see what they hatch into tomorrow
  10. Whhhhoooooo talk about a balanced workout plan
  11. Ahh typical, college network administration have even blocked online gaming radio! I understand the college's 'academic' attitude towards the internet but dudes, im trying to learn some l337 cs tactics... why wont they let me win, even just once
  12. How far can you guys get in the distance kicking game? I manged 63 then got some bad wind
  13. Ahhhh welcome duke, you have a fine young counter-strike player there
  14. A brilliant job, it looks like a lot of work went into the standings page, and it certainly paid off well
  15. I Love to camp I used to do it in, Korea, Turkey, Alaska, England, Isreal, Japan, Hungry, South America and a few other places I can't mention. Now I just camp with the family in a RV Where abouts in England did you go camping? I'm from England so theres probably a small chance we may have been to some of the same places
  16. I was getting ready to type "Do they ship to the uk?"
  17. I got that with firefox... the shapes moved in jitters and there were often pauses, allowing me to reach 45 seconds. I dunno how you managed -206 though
  18. Yea this game came up before in the webgames forum. Someone got over 30 something seconds?
  19. Ok thanks for the advice guys, ofcourse any more is always welcome. I may go to some summer courses just to learn a few basics that I can build on. On wednesday night- I was in the student union night club, drunk but minding my own business, and then some boys ran into my girlfriend, they may have been having an arguement amoungst themselves. I pushed them away just to get them out of our area, then turned around and carried on dancing. I look up a minute later facing the direction to where i pushed them and there were 4 guys in my face shouting why are you pushing me. I could tell that this was it, so I took the first move and punched the first guy right in the face. After that I blacked out and dont remember any of the fight, and then I find myself being held by loads of secuirty guards before I left. Apart from being kicked in the head by one guy, slipping over in a puddle of alcohol and smashing my own head on the floor, I think I did a good job (from what I'm told). Anyhow, I'm covered in bruises so I'm not happy. You can tell these people were the type of people that look for fights, think they run the world etc, think they are untouchable. We call them 'rude boys'. Last night- Last night, and you'll probably all agree that this was rather foolish, I went out looking for them with a few friends. After a night of watching one of the guys, he was making a phone call in the stair case, so I went up to him and laid two punches right on his cheek, below his eye. He's lucky I didnt break his nose, but I learnt a lot about myself that night because I know im not going to stoop to his level and completely get cheap moves on my opponents. Yea I punched him when he was not looking and was totally unaware that he was going to have any trouble, but it served him right. I think his phone smashed on the ground as well, hopefully it was expensive.
  20. I really wanted to start karate at the start of college but I found that I didnt have the time to do everything I do now aswell as a martial art. I believe I can punch, kick elbow and knee people quite well. I had a boxing bag at home that I used to use at least once a week so I can deliver a blow to an idle bag. I've played 'soccer' for 10 years non stop so I sure can deliver a powerful kick. I just don't have any plans. I know you cant plan a fight, but you should be able to have an idea of what you are going to do in the first instance to give that initial shock and get the advantage. This is what I lack. I dont know if I should deliver a full on blow to a persons head, rugby tackle them, kick them or what.
  21. Yes I want that too! I'm fed up of having to hold doors open for ladies, paying for meals, having to let 'ladies go first' and all the other gentlemanly stuff around today.
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