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Status Updates posted by stutters

  1. It just cost me $30 to have Sirius/XM stop calling me for 6 months. Totally worth it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lousiest


      means "blatant and unfair overcharging" i think.

    3. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      You may be thinking of "Highway robbery"

    4. stutters


      considering it went from $14.99/mo to $4.99/mo, i'm not sure what highway we were robbed on during daylight.

  2. Shot a fully automatic MP5 today. Yeah, you're not as patriotic as you thought.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. shift


      better get to it then, lousiest

    3. Peckles


      I drank beer, measured the temperature in centigrade, and regularly employed the use of the word 'eh'. I'm plenty patriotic.

    4. Hailfire


      You do know MP5 is of German design right? Whats so patriotic about that?

  3. First 70 degree day of the year? Better get sick.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Madvillain


      Johnny, I can honestly say I probably drink more beer than you.... and I am old. Step up your booze game son.

    3. Lookback


      You are all youngsters! Still below freezing here :(

    4. Pumpernickel


      Been 70 degrees the past week or two down here. Too bad about the pollen.

  4. After watching 5 12 year old normal looking kids charge around downtown on razor scooters at 5:10am, I'm calling it: SLC is a weird place.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stutters


      Salt Lake City

    3. Madvillain


      Edit: *All of Utah is weird.

    4. JackieChan


      I heard they don't allow music.

  5. Anyone game for either weekend? http://www.coachella.com/lineup

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boiler


      The portion of the ticket that pays for Florence and the Machine will be set on fire, however.

    3. stutters


      i'm in it for at the drive-in. seems like an expensive reunion show, though.

    4. Allanon


      Man oh man If only I could.

  6. if you had 24 hours to kick an onsetting cold, what would you do? best answer wins a high 5 and an antibac wipe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hailfire


      vitamin C never hurts. take one with each meal, won't stop it but you wont get as sick and get better faster.

    3. Fairweather


      if you're friends with a doc get an IV of vit C .. seriously

    4. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      Drink until you don't realize you're getting a cold. Plus the alcohol kills germs!

  7. about to get alec baldwin'd off this flight. see you soon sa!

    1. lousiest


      what's an alec baldwin?

    2. yErMoTH3r


      words with friends?

    3. stutters


      using the inflight wifi between new york and san antonio to try and finish a project. 99.9% done when the announcement came on to power down...which means another 2 hours to get back into it.


      they were cool about it, but we were about 10 feet off the ground before i finally shut down :P

  8. i can't say much, but i just held a limited edition copy of "that thing above an angel's head" 4.

    1. TheDude


      Ooooh. I'm not big on the 'X-carrying Containment Unit' but i'm pretty sure that's a big deal!

    2. Flitterkill


      So it's coming out for PC right? Right?

    3. Madvillain


      Knowing Microsoft, they will release it in 5+ years for PC.

  9. 70ish of you are exempt from this year's Christmas card cut. The rest of you? Look out.Kidding, and thanks for all the birthday wishes. xoxo

    1. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      We need birthday announcements back on the bottom of the page. I miss all the birthday wishes we give out.

    2. MPG1770


      My bday this monday - I'll have a drink for you all then


  10. TIL business casual varies drastically by region.Chicago - collared shirt, tucked in, slacks, fancy shoes.Texas - cowboy hat, show buckle, fancy boots.Portland - jeans and a shirt that's been worn 2-3 times since it's last wash.

    1. Cinkadeus


      I'm a software eng... my office is in the basement. I never see a client or customer. Why do I have to dress up?

    2. lousiest


      pacific northwest ftw!

  11. Embracing the wise and youthful Kyle Metcalf's rule of "good news only."

    1. ValenAlvern


      So what variant you want "No news is good news" or "All news is good news"?

    2. lousiest
  12. Anyone want to go smack some golf balls?

    1. Flitterkill


      Alas, if only Beavis and Butthead Bunghole in one had an online-mode...

    2. lousiest


      virtual golf?

  13. Britt Cooper Kim is teaching a masters class in Excel tonight.

    1. Biggs


      Who is that and how far is Excel from Massachusetts? Do we have to bring our own Spartan armor?

    2. Lookback


      Is that like Sharon Loins & Bram?

  14. Anyone have an Angie's List account I can borrow?

    1. lousiest


      sorry stutters, did not renew mine.

  15. JAPANDROIDS. Tuesday June 12 @ Doug Fir. Anyone care to join in?

    1. lousiest



  16. I only stole a few things when i left The Nerdery - a mint Swingline stapler, a USPS mail bin, and every staff email Luke sent while I was there.

  17. that thing where facebook updates ipb statuses.

    1. Biggs


      How does it work?

  18. Alec "How cool is it that I'm swimming in a lake that looks like a pool staring at mountains with snow on them?" East shore looooove.

  19. and so it begins. godspeed, fk.

  20. You are a smelly bastad

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