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Everything posted by Saris

  1. 3 AM, no one is on, so me and SilentStile had a knife challenge - it was (mainly) me and him vs two guys using guns. We lost 10-2, and Silent had 4 knifes and I had 2. Just goes to show, it's extremely hard to knife someone that knows you're going to knife them. We even used all kinds of nades and really sneaky ninja tactics, but to no avail. I was always good in getting my FBs off, but then they'd just spray blind and kill me. We worked good as a team though, I saw silent throwing nades down the short hall, so I ran down the long hall and through a nade between the intersection of the windows and long hall, and sure enough, he ran right from Silent's nades into mine and died. It was beautiful.
  2. Double posted again, darn it. ><
  3. Actually, long story short, when I was 12 or so, I wrote a 400 page novel where the heroine of the story was named Aeris and the hero was a Demon named Sabin who end up having two children acting as the heroes for the rest of the series --- Aerin (Aeris+Sabin) and Saris (Sabin+Aeris). Clever, no? Not really, I was 12, gimme a break. Aerin follows her Demonic lineage and eventually turns evil and Saris kills her. He then joins Heaven in a battle against a massive demonic legion, where his wife is driven psychotic by her loss of rank and fame as an Angel, and the death of her family at the hands of her uncle. She then near destroys all of Heaven, so Saris kills her too. He then begins to fall in love with the Goddess of Heaven, only to discover that he is not even physical - he is a protection program created by the Godess he's falling in love with to ensure the survival of Heaven and the preservation of peace. Essentially, he is a war machine with enough power to slay Gods. Good story, no? Not really, I was 12, gimme a break.
  4. I got flipped off by a customer on Thursday after saying 'Have a nice day.' He told me to not tell him what kind of ****'n day to have.
  5. AHAHAHAHA! Take that stupid rich people!!!
  6. Saris

    Happy Halloween

    Plans for Halloween: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Oh yeah, I'm workin
  7. Would you like some cheese with your whine?
  8. "Dimple" STEAM_0:1:6097687 13:24 55 1 active Deliberately disobeying rules despite many warnings. Silent can confirm.
  9. I've seen alot of wacky names here and after pondering about some of them while I toil away in misery at the night shift, I decided to come home and start . . . . THE OFFICIAL SARIS-PATENTED NAME EXPLANATION THREAD! (It really is patented. I'll sue.) What does your name mean!? Is it your real-life name, something dumb you made up cause you're unoriginal, or is there a deeper, darker meaning that you've been afraid to share with everyone? For starters, I certainly know Fatty isn't Fatty cause he's fat. And my name... well why don't we have some fun and you guys take a guess? 97!!! >< Private Rank, here I come!
  10. Knew what this was before I entered topic. Suckers.
  11. I ask to switch sometimes, but if it is even teams(ex. 12v12), I don't switch until I see a major imbalance. If it is 12v11 and the 11 is losing, I will switch immediately. Sometimes I'm sleeping, so if you ever think the teams are unbalanced, don't hesitate to ask me first to switch. (There are some exceptions, for ex. if I'm trying to frag Norg or Anon or someone and they're on the team I'd b switching to.)
  12. One of my funnier moments in paintball, was I just mad dashed into the enemy base (it was CTF) and the only people in my way was some guy and his stupid 10-12 year old girl. I take out the dad and 'mercy' the girl from behind, she freaks out and almost shoots me in right in the crotch, I'm like "DUMB KID, YOU'RE MERCIED! GET OUT!" (If you don't know what mercy is, it's yelling mercy while pointing your gun at someone within ten feet, eliminating them. (You're not supposed to shoot people at close range is why.) Anyway, I run straight for the flag from behind, having come from the far left corner, and everyone on their team is camping it, but are in the middle. So I ran right up behind them and snatch the flag, (winning, ending match) and I'm like, "YEAH!" and despite the round being over, all the newbs spun to me, freaked out and pelted me with like, 7-8 shots in various parts of my body. Amateurs.... It was painful.
  13. Saris

    HL Comics

    Good find, people reallly need to look at these.
  14. Saris


    If it was on Anonymo, Gorne, Norguard or SilentStile or Fatty, I'd go for it!
  15. Saris


    Shame on everyone who has read this far. (including me)
  16. Oh, so we have to wait till next week to play these, or is this a repost of the map pack Shep already put up? I want to play the McDonald's map! Hopefully they're be lots of destructibles and McDs hosties for me to blow up and kill. (Teach them for not hiring me!!)
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