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Everything posted by DNA

  1. See he is a taker, NOT a giver. Soooo I have heard..
  2. DNA

    PS3 Network

    Check.... Will send you a invite.
  3. DNA

    BSG Boardgame

    true dat, true dat.....
  4. WOW, and to think I listened to Rage back in the early days of HS. Can they still walk around without walkers..?? I did see them perform a few times and always a good show...Enjoy!
  5. DNA

    BSG Boardgame

    I can not wait for this, sounds very cool... BSG FTW
  6. What is this CS game you all talk about, can I use my 32 sided die??
  7. I was thinking more on the lines of making something like Generation Kill, and we can make Fatty the General and Sj his driver...
  8. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I think we should do CS audio adventure series, that would be great.
  10. Ya I found it a few weeks ago, and really have enjoyed the story line and the SF'x are done well, you will really get to see that in Ep. 11
  11. Trust me it is well worth the time. Listen to EP. 11 if you want a really cool idea...
  12. I came across this guys audio adventure, it is free and done very very cool. Well worth a listen. Register on the site and you dont need to pay just log-in and goto the episodes and DL for free or it is on itunes also. If you like it shoot him some good comments on itunes and those with ipones can send him a twitter. The Leviathan Chronicles
  13. the $299 deal was for the remaining stock of 60gb players that was out, atleast we had them here in AZ. The new price is for the 80GB versions with the ps2 SW support in them. I would think with all your stuff $450 shipped would be good, but at $400 you could dumb it quick. I have mine now as a sync'd media server and with the psp I was able to watch movies in the hotel when I was out of town last week from my computer via the ps3 and even connected it to the TV in the hotel and look fairly good but the sound was not the greatest. Are you sure you want to say goodbye to it, or maybe you just need some better quality time with it...
  14. Well I did the stream last night on the ps3 for like an hour and it never stopped, so on that end it all worked for me. But very easy to setup, so I will let you know after a few a days of use if it becomes an issue.
  15. Did not know if people have seen this, I just put it on my tversity to stream to ps3 and works great. HD streaming movies and now sirius, could ps3 get any better usirius/uxm
  16. Ya that is what I said yesterday when I look around and had 3 83's, 1 89, and even a 92 (which is one crazy machine). I would suggest ebay also or a local place that buys old products from rich college students that dont care what money mommy and daddy spent on there semester. I always get crazy things from rich college students that are just going to toss it.
  17. I will have to check, I know I have two 83's and I think 1 or 2 89's, but the manual may be an issue.
  18. I would say PS 1st then MB...but that is just me saying that has been my experience dealing with the same kinda thing...
  19. So comments on this card?? I found one for Under $200, and was trying to compare it to say the 4850 and it seems to crush it...am I reading that right. Is it right, for the price I would assume this would be a decient deal..??/
  20. I would say VB or you can do some nice interface stuff for what you are talking about in access. I am in AZ if you need some help...
  21. DNA


    It has a free upgradable douche for apple users it says...
  22. Ya no Conan for me the last week or two, I will be spending some time on it this weekend. But Ya some nice updates to the game in general, so that is something.
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