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Everything posted by boiler

  1. $20 on the Reaper. A few flimsy webs are no match for the vanguard of our destruction.
  2. My DH is up to level 53 now, and I consistently do solid damage (frost arrow ftw), but even in Hell, it doesn't take a whole lot to take me down. My vitality is close to my dexterity total, and I still go down quickly. I've tried not to glass canon this guy, but I'm wondering if the damage I'm leaving on the table would be more valuable than the extra couple of hits I can take. Damage is about 4.3k. I am near the end of Act I Hell, and ran into a Spider champ pack with Fast, Molten, Fire Chain. I died 3 times on those bastards, mainly because the caltrops were barely slowing them down at all. Might be time to try out Smoke Screen.
  3. I've still got a ways to go with my DH (lv 41) but when I get to 60 I'd definitely do some farming with you guys.
  4. But it's not more expensive than an iPad. $500-$700 is exactly how much an iPad costs, and the 64GB iPad can even get up to $839! According to this analyst, that's about what the Pro version of Surface might cost, and it's actually a full (not mobile) OS. I have not used the Metro interface (or any of W8 for that matter), so I'm a little skeptical as to how the Win RT version will do going up against the traditional tablet crowd. I am pretty sure though that there will be a HUGE market for the Pro versions. I have been toying with the idea of getting a tablet for a while, but I haven't been able to justify the expense for what would essentially be a toy that would mostly be used to browse the web on my couch. I definitely could see this pro version becoming my go-to travel device in place of my desktop-replacement 16.4" laptop. This device could be the perfect solution to the travelling aspects of my job, while still being a "couch surfing" device as well. **Just a guess here, but if it's running a for-reals Ivy Bridge processor, I'm guessing it would be able to handle source games, albeit on a small screen.
  5. The Pro version isn't MEANT to compete with the iPad. It's more of a competition against the MacBook Air and ultrabooks than anything else. But, if you want to start adding costs up, a 64GB iPad ($700, $830 w/ cell) with cover, keyboard etc. plus tax is flirting with $1000, and it's still not a full blown operating system running an Intel Ivy Bridge processor, USB 3.0, etc. This is the whole reason I am excited for this - a REAL computer in tablet portability form. I can use it in tablet form with the metro interface for casual web browsing of content comsuming, but then BAM! I can fold out the kickstand, open up the cover, and start typing/mousing through Windows 8 Pro and doing actual grown-up things like my laptop. Only much lighter and more portable. I hope the Pro version isn't too much north of $1000, but if it's in the ballpark, I would absolutely buy one of these over an ultrabook. The Windows RT version will be running on an ARM processor and is aimed at the traditional tablet market. Metro interface only plus apps. That one will be competitively priced with the iPad, and I wouldn't be surprised if it undercuts it a bit while being on par spec-wise. I'm looking forward to getting some numbers on battery life still, and I'm also a little skeptical about how "lap-friendly" this thing would be if I wanted to do some productivity stuff.
  6. Preacher, your "american beer sucks" comment couldn't be farther from the truth - you just need to pick a LOCAL brew. Microbreweries are popping up everywhere of late, and they're putting out some pretty great stuff. As long as TheDude's buddy buys local in a category he likes, I'm pretty sure he'll find something very good. But yeah, otherwise stay away from Bud, Miller, Coors, etc. Not a chance that he'll find "beer he remembers from home" over here. Apart from a the british isles, there are very few european brews that make there way over here.
  7. During my normal run with my demon hunter I was practically tripping over piles of MF gear. I was over 60% for most of Act II,III and IV. Didn't get much of worth, unfortunately. Just started nightmare and the first thing that jumped out was the boss drops are garbage. I've heard this changes once you get to 60, but right now I'm getting better stuff off mobs than bosses.
  8. rofl, I hadn't noticed that, but apparently FK's post is good for lol's on multiple levels. Also, good gawd that man looks like a toothpick.
  9. http://www.microsoft...us/default.aspx A tablet that runs for-reals Windows 8 Pro, with a cover that is also a keyboard? Ivy Bridge processor??? *gasp* EXTERNAL PORTS???? ABILITY TO RUN STEAM????? ...... I'm in.
  10. Hopefully the 1.03 inferno drops update will help with this. Now, if only anyone knew when the update is supposed to happen..... I'm guessing this "waiting for the next update thing" is a common thing for you blizz vets.
  11. This. Even in the "nicer" commercial/shopping areas on Mich. Ave north of the river, I wouldn't walk around alone at night. As for tipping, doing so in a restaurant or to a bell hop at a hotel or cabbie would be the only situations that I would think call for it. If he is going to be spending a lot of time downtown, he should also familiarize himself with the train system. It's not the nicest public transport I've seen, but it can get you almost anywhere you need to go, including the suburbs. I wasn't aware that this word was used in such a manner in other countries, but I think your warning bares repeating. NEVER EVER EVER EVER USE THAT WORD. Even if he hears a black person say it to another black person, he should never use it himself. Lighter note: Make sure to tell him he needs to try authentic Chicago-style deep dish pizza. I personally recommend Gino's East just off of Michigan Avenue. mmmmmmmm.........
  12. lol I certainly won't be one of those idiots thinking my nightmare-level gear will work in inferno. I'm fully prepared to put in some work to get good stuff, isn't that kind of the point of loot hunting games? I refuse to use the auction house to meet the gear-check for inferno.
  13. boiler


    pretty sure mine is just "boiler". I haven't been on in a while either, but feel like I should!
  14. It's a sundae within a sundae within a sundae.... WE HAVE TO GO DEEPER
  15. I need to post up picks of mine, got new parts a couple of months ago and she's so purrrrrdy.
  16. Lame. I make a point to kill EVERYTHING in my path before moving on to the next area, not run past them! I shelved my barbarian after completing normal, and am now into act 3 normal with my demon hunter. By killing everything I find, I'm determined to not be under geared by the time I get this guy to inferno.
  17. Wow, great breakdown Sky. Also, my head hurts now. All this talk makes me and my LV 29 barbarian feel inadequate. I'm considering rolling a DH after I finish this current run through, as I've heard barbarians are damn near worthless at higher difficulty levels. Plus I keep getting Rare crossbow drops for DH, and it's annoying the crap out of me that I can't use them.
  18. Was watching that, reminds me of the old cartoon series, minus the 5million autobots and decepticons. I find it more reminiscent of Beast Wars more so. I started watching the G1 TV series on Netflix (after watching TF:Prime season 1). Holy crap. Let me break down my reactions: 1. LOL at the 80's theme music, both season 1 and season 2 2. I honestly did not remember that there were so many damn characters in those first two seasons. Mirage? Hound? Huffer? Gears? Srsly? 3. I rediscovered the fact that Wheeljack is awesome, and I'm now super disappointed he didn't join TF:Prime for reals. 4. Plot holes galore. Amazing what you don't pick up as a kid. 5. In season 1, they ROUTINELY screwed up the art/colors of minor details such as: Starscream's color scheme (he looked like Thundercracker/Skywarp with some of his dialog), the color of the Decepticon logo, Megatron's secondary colors, etc. I did see that Beast Wars was coming to Netflix streaming soon, looks like I can jump on those as well! I only saw a handful of those episodes.
  19. *cough* TRANSFORMERS PRIME *cough*
  20. Sounds like I ought to give the mobile app a shot. I don't plan on using the RMAH or anything, but getting my account hijacked and my stuff stolen would be a major PITA. If it keeps my account secure, then I don't care if it takes an extra 15 seconds to log in.
  21. I have no friggin' clue how the drops work. All I know is I NEED MOAR LOOTZ!
  22. Seeing as how this is my first Blizzard game since Warcraft III came out, I'm new to this whole Battle.net stuff. Some casual reading has brought up the topic of account theft, which led to authenticators. Anyone here use them? Would you recommend them? I picked a strong password that I don't use for ANYTHING else online and I'm sure I would catch any attempts at phishing. Just curious if a mobile authenticator app on my droid would be worth it / necessary.
  23. It still doesn't blow me away like the Source engine does. trololololololol
  24. LOL! Just beat the skeleton king last night, who erupted into a shower of goodies, including 2 yellows. Officially hooked.
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