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Everything posted by monthos

  1. you must be getting loss, the guns popping back up like you just bought them are becouse your client is getting an entire gamestate update since it lost so many packets. I noticed the game doesnt always show the loss in netgraph if its popping up in huge chunks. It can come from so many places its hard for any of us to say the cause. It could be your ISP, it could be you. download pingplotter and run it to the gameservers. It will show where you are getting loss. I would also suggest rebooting your modem and firewall, every now and then mine go postal and start dropping packets. A reboot fixes them right up.
  2. It said something about being on par with paris hilton. but for english, before you start the game click the british flag on the bottom left.
  3. monthos

    This stinks.

    Yeah, but we have to be manned 24hours, in case of outages and I was the poor sap that had to work this holiday. I got a 4 day weekend coming up though, so its all good.
  4. monthos

    This stinks.

    Yeah, tis the life of a lowly switch tech in the NOC. was only me and the security guard in the building, and we have two plasma tv's on the wall to monitor the network alarms and such, and we no longer use the lucent switch, so the second one is normally on weather channel or some crap so we know when cell sites will be going out in areas. I just hooked up my xbox with all my anime on the hd and sat back, since nothing was breaking, and no-one was calling. It was actually sweet, since i could relax, and didnt have to actually watch my pc screen, since the tv's are right next to each other, when i saw red on the alarm tv, i paid attention to my pc.
  5. or so they say.. here bottomleft of the game to tell it to play in english. two balls, dont let either of them miss their paddle. highest i can get is 35 seconds...
  6. monthos

    This stinks.

    not 7, but I had to leave at quarter to 7 to get here by 8 (was at parents house) I also worked 8-4 on christmas, so i dont wanna hear no complainin! though all i did at work was watch trigun on the tv's
  7. Guitar hero 2 Dirtbike pants/shirt Leather Jacket for street riding best xmas ive had in a long time, which was wierd cuz i worked 8-4
  8. if you need to go straight up, just draw the line vert starting from under him, no need to actually ever jump. much faster too,.
  9. monthos


    Monthos: picked up a gun other than the p90, didnt know how to use it and shot himself in the face.
  10. monthos

    My new ride

    I dont have a pic yet, But i picked up my new ride a week and a half ago as well. a 1999 Suzuki DR650 :D yeah i didnt get a new DRZ400SM like i said i was going to, but I am going to mod this supermoto, and its going to rock rode it two days, already clocked 250 miles (sat was 40, sun way around 55 degrees). Yeah Its awesome
  11. I think its safe and about time to close this topic. Franny, thanks for your reply, I wish there was more in response to my post than just the money comment, but alas. Everyone has had their chance to express their opinion, anything else can either be hashed out in the got banned forum, or via PM. I dont know how long you were banned for, but anything else about that topic should be taken there. Mods, can this thread be closed now?
  12. CS:S (obviously) Embedded Linux (been slacking lately. was helping with the Jornada Linux project awhile ago) Motorcycles (Have a 1990 Suzuki DR350 dirt only, a 1996 Yamaha YZ250, and a just purchased new to me 1999 Suzuki DR650 street legal that I plan on converting supermotard.) Beer (just drinking it, soon I will be trying to brew it. need recipes!)
  13. My comments started when you waited until the round was almost ever, and never left the spot. Also watching others die becouse it was not in your best interest to help out. I also need to point out at this time I was on your team, so the chances of me getting mad when you were killing me were kind of slim. I'm also not mad about dieing to great players especially dieing against someone the caliber as you. Yes you are really good, I have absolutly no problem with that. You are having fun, perhaps you dont realise the time your back there, or that the whole team attempts a rush, and has a much better chance with you in that rush. Of coarse you get a better score camping back, becouse you get to pick them off as they come in, sometimes that is a legitimate strategy. But every round, while others are trying to orginize a plan, and you silently just ignore it, with your own agenda, thats where the problem starts. It becomes an admin issue when it happens every round of the map, and people complain to admins and start leaving the server becouse of it. This is a team game, yes its a pub so its not a competitive atmosphere, but its a community atmosphere and we should all try and help out, be courtious and play as a team. If you get a great score along the way, thats an added bonus. if you dont like the way your team is playing, try and coordinate. Please realise I am not condemning the act of camping, or any gun usage. Nobody is mad about these, please leave the drama and exaggerations out of the conversation. If the whole team camped , it would be different. I was a part of your team, you had no contact and surely ignored our attempts to attack. It was as if you were playing the ct's and the rest of your team was just sort of there. As for the respect part, I have shown nothing but respect, the community has, you never returned it, you wont even help a team make a plan of attack. But when the obvious statement needed to be said to you becouse you were acting on your own, not for the team, your exact response was 'stop talking'. We gave you respect, you didnt return it, and instead shown me disrepect. This is not about money, being part of the community isnt about money, many here never gave a dime and nobody faults them for it. I am offended that you think thats what it is.
  14. Im up for the game, same as last time. just PLEASE let me bring beer!
  15. So he edited his original post, and thought that the hatefull comment would go away, or am I missing something?
  16. I liked this custom, got my but handed to me on it, but fun regardless.
  17. Dont play much with FRAN, cant say either way. Vovik, I do play with him, cant say I ever left becouse of him, but it has crossed my mind. I do get frusterated with his lack of objective play, but I cant say he has ever stacked a team, I always see him switching teams. I dont know if others are stacking teams to be on his side, or if he just overpowers a team, but he is always on the stacked team regardless of his effort to change.
  18. When making a plug in, your sort of limited by the design of the SDK your given, its not easy getting things added to it. I can guarentee when the admin mod's were first coming out it would have been like pulling teeth to get them at add features for you. Im not sure valve would have accomodated them to be honest, it would have been seen as the lowest priority. Right now valve seems to be trying to remedy the situation, becouse the usefullness of the mod's have already been seen, and having them work correctly is very necessary as alot of server's will quit the game otherwise. I agree, i wish this never happened and that the SDK offered better features, but working with game mod SDK's has always been about taking what you get, and working with it the best you can. It is not a software partnership where you can get valve to add features to it as necessary.
  19. indeed, everyone loves whitey... i do too but I digress basically FORZ, perhaps this post is useless but i think i can clear a few things with it. A: did you know the fact the server could do those commands to you since before CS was even considered 1.0 on original HL? This seems like a rhetorical question, but judging from earlier posts im not sure its understood, that the server could ALWAYS execute these commands on the client, the only new thing was that the client had gained an option to block them, but unfortunatly, the servers were used to using this feature for ages already, and an attempt to block it, was seen as an attack on the ability to use server side admin mods. B: judging from what I seen as your response to the question's posed by con when you were confronted, though i dont have access to logs. I can see how your reaction, even though I first read it as confrontational, can also be seen as someone who is just saying 'no your wrong, let me show you' though I would have definatly phrased another way... C: while I dont want to blame valve on the problem, becouse I dont see any reason a software company has to make exceptions for what users do on their own time to mod a game, I do see it as neglegent to disregard a way that admin mods have been doing buisness since before a game was retrofitted to a newer engine, and pretend that it all never happened, and that server admins are suddenly evil and untrusted? I dont agree with all your points on the matter FORZ, I simply think you dont realise valve decided to make something that was hardly ever abused, but widly USED for admin purposes, and they made an easy way to circumvent that. So while all admin mod servers were stuck in the mud, a decision was made to just block the people who turned off the new client feature blockign severside client commands, and thats where you fell in. Realise the gc servers would NOT have been gc without what you are condemning to take place. There were ways we could define how things were controlled in the server, and we had to use them. It was not severe, and I can not think of a single issue that admin abuse of a power to control manu to execute happened. Valve suddently added a feature, that changed the clients ability to stop commands, it broke the way of doing things for years on the server side, and once again it always the server's that suffer, even though they are the only reason people still play the game. Alright, im done rambling here, just needed to clear my head, especially over things that I dont think everyone agree's/understands about the point at hand. gnight folks Monthos
  20. Here is my post. now can i go back to play? seriously, Mayhem server rocks the way it is, we dont post here becouse the server is perfect
  21. yeah, i HATE that. I had a couple of my 8 die attacks go down against 3 and 4 die opponents. I am soo addicted to this game now...
  22. I actually only turn it on when i want to mess around. but yeah. I was thinking of doing my areacode + 867-5309, wonder how many people would get a giggle at that...
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