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Everything posted by shaftiel

  1. $7687... hmmm For that I could either go on a first class caribbean vacation for 11 wonderful nights with my wife, or buy a laptop that will be out dated by the time it ships. Decisions decisions. Shaftiel
  2. I have always thought of morality as nothing more than a set of rules created by those in a society trying to live together. Murder is/has always been morally wrong because murder = killing without cause, and no society can survive if that was exeptable. Likewise, other actions that would cause hurt and anger to others such as thievery, infidelity, assault have always been morally wrong because a society can not sustain itself if these actions are allowed. Our moral ideal has not changed in thousands of years, predating Cristianity. Morallity does ebb and flow though time and location, we look at the human sacrifices of the Aztecs, Celts, and inumerable other cultures and we tend to look down apon them as societies because that does not meet with our current societies idea of morallity. however, this ritualized killing was not concidered murder by these groups, if someone had just wandered the streets and slaughtered a citizen, they would have been just as shocked and outraged as we would be. Now I said we have had the same 'moral ideal' for thousands of years. We are in a very lucky time frame, we have most if not all of our needs met with little to no effert on our part. We do not have to worry about the rival tribe accross the watter raiding our property, or having our women raped or kidnaped by marauders. We have the lucky position of being able to maintain our moral ground without much effort. Imagine if you knew that in order to survive you had to go and raid your neighbors herds. Perhaps after another group had raided and taken all your women away while you were out hunting, in order for your group to survive you had to go and get some women from next tribe. So while within the tribal or societal group the moral ideal was upheld, the violence and danger inherant in that era resulted in decidedly immoral actions towords others or 'outsiders'. To combat this problem many societal groups created the idea of 'honour' and each person was honour bound to do their best to uphold the morals of the society. The honour system is nothing more than peer presure, but peer presure has a very powerful and dramatic effect on how people interact. Bottom line is that any society, no mater how advanced or primitive, needs to protect its citizens from each other to survive. To do this every society has created a moral code that says murder, theft, infidelity, and assault are all wrong, regardless of whether the group has a religion or not. Following the moral code = doing what is 'right/good', breaching the code and going against the society = doing what is 'wrong/bad'. Peer presure keeps the vast majority of society in line, but as with any group there are those who can not be swayed, and those who do not respond to the societal presure to comform. These are the people who have questionable moral values and have a tendancy to become the criminal element in a society. While I argue that their is no need for a higher power to create the idea of right and wrong, religion can definitly help to reinforce the societal presure to adopt a groups particular moral code. It adds the idea that your actions not only affect you in the here and now, but they reach beyond death. A very powerful idea to be sure, not required to form the idea of 'right' and 'wrong'. Shaftiel
  3. ? What are you talking about? That giant thing above our skyline is a maple syrup tower, nothing more. There is no nuclear missile guidance system up there I swear! Thats true, because if Canada had nukes they would be a world power, and we know thats not the case. Shaftiel
  4. I always auto. I just seem to end up a T all the time heh . Especially on Aztec and Dust. Shaftiel
  5. Sounds abit shady... plus Tyranus has those shifty eyes... you just can't trust guys like that. My bet is that it was the hamster... Tyranus is such a freak! Heh . But despite all his drawbacks, I say we should unban his friend. Shaftiel
  6. I'd be interested in Paintball, I have only played once before, so I'll be your designated target heh . Don't know when you would fit it in though. Shaftiel
  7. I like the design. Lets go with it. heh Shaftiel
  8. Happy birthday to you guys! Well done surviving yet another year! Shaftiel
  9. Hmm.. you still have panic listed... I thought he couldn't make it because of scheduling conflics? I'd like to be wrong, but I don't think I am. Shaftiel
  10. My wife is 10 years older than me. So I suppose that would be my limit heh Shaftiel
  11. I never trusted those bastards! They have those shifty eyes... Shaftiel
  12. This topic sorta pinwheeled outa control. This is about Norg getting banned right? If you guys want to think this is because you are just too good, go ahead, but you are wrong. There are lots of people who can rack up the points like you guys. This is more about the rules and atmosphere of the server. I haven't been playing alot lately, but the few times I have been on with Norg and co. I have been assaulted with childish and annoying voices and topics. People think its funny, great. I hate it. Bannable? Heck no. But your actions, whether made in jest or not, does affect the server. So perhaps unwittingly, Norg went to far. Fine, just apologize Norg, and the rest of you stop mucking the issue up with your silly notions of being persecuted for your 'amazing' skill. Nobody cares how good you are, remember, girls just wanna have fun. Lets get this train back on track. Shaftiel Oh great.. while I was writing Lunk tells me not to post... ah well, such is life.
  13. Well... my kids would break that in a nanosecond. Other than that it looks pretty darn cool. Shaftiel
  14. Sooo... I count something like 5 to 7 times people have said. "If you just say 'sorry, I wont do it again' all would be forgiven." Just bite the bullet, and say,"Sorry." I do that all the time with my wife... its just easier, and frankly much safer for me, then trying to convince her that I'm right heh . Shaftiel
  15. Did you really post her age? Foolish mortal. Happy birthday to both of you! Shaftiel
  16. You really can't prove god, thats why there is faith. Any debate between those who believe, and those who do not, just ends up with each side talking in circles and ending up right back where they began. Shrug, its very unsatisfying to work so hard to prove a point only to find yourself back at the beginning. So I tend to avoid these kind of discusions nowdays. Shaftiel
  17. Its very sad. However, I don't know how long he was filming for and how many people he spoke with knew the answers and were cut from the reel. Either way, I'm for the impending invasion of Kurgestan. Those guys need to pay for the crappy rug my wife forced me to spend a fortune on. Those bastards must pay. Shaftiel
  18. I don't think of it as an 'alternative' sport, but I fence and compete with Rapier type swords. Sword competitions have been around for a very, very long time. Shaftiel
  19. shaftiel


    I'd tell you what Mag wants... but I'm still to ashamed to speak about it. Shaftiel
  20. I always use the handicap stalls.... except when those gimpy people are using them.. whats with those guys?! Sheesh, you only got one leg, you don't need the big stall, there is less of you. They can fit in a smaller space. Shaftiel
  21. ? Outback. You've got roots from California, where tofu and tu-tu's go hand in hand. You wouldn't understand. Hey! Whats wrong with tu-tu's? Mine has a cute little ruffle that highlights my eyes with just the right shade of baby blue. So watch it buddy, I coordinate and I'm not afraid to accessorize. Shaftiel
  22. Oh no! Its one of the most earth shattering, life altering photos I've ever seen! Why... I'd even go so far as to say its worth a $50 membership just to view it! I mean, WOW! I'm shaking right now at just the thought of getting a peek at the photo again! You have got to see this! Shaftiel
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