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Everything posted by JordanRinke

  1. I would really suggest not doing that. Eventually classic view is no longer being supported and by doing so you are essentially disabling all of the new features.
  2. Maybe just a better set of drum samples. The snare just sounds fake.
  3. Grabbed a few of the songs, and I was really expecting them to suck... you know, most of the time people post up their hobby music tracks there is good reason they are a hobby. These could be some really great songs with a better drum machine (or a drummer) and some production work... still, very nice.
  4. Windows 7 is the official name. It is called Windows 7 because it is the 7th version of windows. They will be using version numbers for the rest of their releases... no more numbers, just version numbers. I have found one piece of software that does not work with Windows 7. The Cisco VPN software... if you install it; you will blue screen.
  5. Windows 7 = New version of windows. Basically it is what Vista should have been.
  6. 367.3 ... the heaviest I have ever been. Bah, going the wrong way!
  7. Most likely the same build. Released to close to the same date to have different versions. They typically don't start doing any feature divergence until closer to release.
  8. I would pay the difference for an NVidia card due to the driver issues as well. At one point Microsoft received so many complaints related to ATI video cards that they actually flew their developers in and gave them a free driver development bootcamp since eating the cost on that was worth it in payback on reduced support calls / tickets. Many years ago but still.. I have no love for ATI.
  9. Also, that picture was taken with my phone... how awesome is that quality?
  10. We got it yesterday at work, it is running like a dream on my Mac Book Air. Really enjoying the OS, much snappier than Vista.
  11. Well being that the site is a single temp page and I doubt it has an SEO... I could see search engines not giving much traffic. gcftw.com is easier when telling friends about it though.
  12. Even a temp page should tell you where to go play...
  13. Anyone got the hook up on Newzbin invites?
  14. Yeah, would be interesting to crack it open and see what you have inside. Might be able to do some sweet mods or something. One thing worth trying is freezing it. Some people believe in it some people don't but I had it work for my multiple times. If you freeze a bad hard drive sometimes you can access them for a short period of time. Might be able to confirm if it is just a drive issue. Of course, I have no idea how that unit would respond to freezing temperatures.
  15. Honestly, it is an interesting concept. Just having people on the streets is the biggest deterrent available.
  16. Yeah, I get my bonus in March as well... and my 25th bday is on March 19th...
  17. 31.8 at 1280x1024 on a 3ghz pentium d with a 9800 GT Ultimate. While I was multi-tasking some other apps so I could have probably pulled a couple more FPS out of it had I shut down the other stuff I was working on first.
  18. I get the rain-x ones too.
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