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Everything posted by ilovetomatoes

  1. Dude, I totally want to play paintball. Sorry if that was random and late, but meh.
  2. I like the second one better because it deosnt use the word react. I know that having to react to situations is part of the job, just it sounds better when you say anticipate and execute, etc.
  3. This sounds awesome, kind of like adding parts of COD4 to TF2 edit: I want some special goggles or something that lets me see cloaked spies
  4. BUT NOT RIGHT CLICK! OHHHHH ICEBURN Erm, I mean, ummm, yeah
  5. speaking of sata, if you have an esata connection on your PC, that is uber-fast
  6. Even though the specs say they are close, Firewire is waaay faster.
  7. Does it have @ chat like the CS version of Mani? And will it work for all GC members like it does on CS, or just admins? Also, thanks
  8. Ok, I'm in. Sitting in a row with allanon and shaft though (If someone hasnt gotten it first), I may have to bring some projectiles to "reward" their martyrdom kills...
  9. hmmm, I may actually go to this this year. It is only a 5 hour drive...
  10. I agree that the current respawn times are too long. 10 seconds would be good I think, but it is aggravating to sit and watch for 20 seconds each time you die. I have been on call and working a goofy shift this week, so I haven't been on in a while, but starting the weekend I'll be around more again. As for maps, the game is still fairly new so people aren't sick of the maps yet (dust anyone?), but if people find new ones they really like, we could at least get them on the server, but not in the rotation yet, so if an admin sees its a good crowd, and people want to try them they can.
  11. Man, I have like .02% of that...
  12. If you guys need more people to help admin, let me know, the cash isn't a big thing for me, and I have been playing even more now that my brother has the game (note: kill potatoes, not tomatoes ). I don't know if you are looking for any more admins at this point, but if you need someone, let me know
  13. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet, I wont be all fail on CS for an hour
  14. I have an asus laptop that I love. I have never had a problem with it, and it works great
  15. How much ram do you have, and how big is your pagefile? There is a possibility that Windows is swapping a bunch and pushing stuff to the drive...
  16. Canada sucks: They don't get shipments from NewEgg. True story.
  17. psh, If I could play at work I would And I got my brother on CS and TF2, just need to get him over here and I have family covered too
  18. I hate you all for introducing this game to me. I havent gotten over my new TF2 addiction yet, and now I have to fit this in. Theres no time for CS any more.
  19. Just posted it now for another game I play. I may need a chan, I'll let you know in a while...
  20. MOAR MAPS!! Honestly playing the same 3-4 over and over is boooring
  21. I hate ZD and his sniper. I was trying to learn sniping, because I never really play that class, on 2fort, and it went something like this: spawn maybe kill one guy ZD snipes me spawn ZD snipes me spawn hit a guy ZD snipes me repeat
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